At this moment, in another place in Italy, inside a bunker

In front of countless blue screens, stood a gray-haired old man, pounding the operating platform in front of him

"Why! Why is this guy so powerful! Is this the mixed-blood monarch?"

This guy is one of the elders of the Gattuso family, Frost Gattuso, the acting team leader in the original book.

He looked at the satellite that had lost contact on the screen, his eyes full of anger

"Where did the head of the family go!! At this time..."

On the other side, on the battlefield, people are still dying, but new people will come after death. This is a battlefield for madmen, and only madmen can survive here

Lancelot has already knelt on the ground, coughing dryly, and blood keeps coming out. Obviously, he has reached his limit

"Ahem... You win"

He closed his eyes. He had said the spell that Li Ye taught him many times in the battle, but it was useless, so he became like this now

But Jiude Mai did not do anything. Her hands fell down weakly. She had reached her limit

And on the other side, Mans and Ye Sheng also fell to one side. Mans came up to give his head, and Ye Sheng was directly burned into charcoal and could not get up again.

Ye Sheng's record has proved his title as the best executive commissioner of this generation. After all, the fifth level of violent blood is not something that a simple guy can open

Constantine on one side rushed into the crowd, killing continuously and throwing corpses into the sea

"Brother... Kill you, and brother can come back!!"

And even if the battle situation has become like this, the guys of the secret party Still fighting with Cassel's men

At this moment, a deep roar echoed in everyone's heart

"I! The King of Bronze and Fire! I'm back!!!!"'

Above the sea, Samson's figure appeared again, and several storm torpedoes were fired from all around, but this time, the fish stopped directly in the air

"This is!! Sword Control!!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the giant dragon flying high in the sky. Behind the giant dragon, a figure walked out. It was Old Tang, or rather, the elder brother of the King of Bronze and Fire, Norton

He spoke slowly, and a strong aura oppressed the surroundings. This guy is not the guy in the original book who was anxious to wake up and take revenge because his brother died. This guy is now completely awake, and even sorted out all his alchemical memories

Now he is no longer the original Norton, who was in the spotlight,

He was Norton who had mastered alchemy. The party that held the "power" was not strong enough, so they would always study some special abilities, just like Zhong Hui, one of the four evils, who became the king of squatting in the world.

Norton had been relying on this alchemy technology all his life.

He looked at the battlefield composed of ship wreckage, and Constantine standing in the middle, and stretched out his hand: "My brother! Follow me!"

Constantine smiled innocently: "Brother! You are back!"


The ghost senior in the distance finally found an opportunity. Constantine had been fighting with Ye Sheng and Professor Mans in close combat, which made him have no chance to attack.

Because even if the initial velocity of the sniper rifle was as high as 1km/s, it was impossible to aim at a person at such a high speed.


With a gunshot, the bullet made of the Philosopher's Stone flew out of the chamber.

Norton seemed to feel something and shouted: "Be careful!!!"

Constantine immediately retreated.

"Bang! "

The bullet hit Constantine's neck, leaving a long bloody mark, but it was not fatal.

"Ah! !"

The wreckage around was lifted up in large quantities and thrown towards the ghost senior's ship, and Norton jumped off the Samson and flew towards Constantine.

"You guys! ! Damn it! ! ! "

On the boat on the side, Senior Ghost stood up, looked at the large piece of metal that was smashing towards the boat in front of him, and blew into the muzzle of his gun: "As expected of me, I am so strong"

The shells of their ship had been used up long ago, and all the people on the boat rushed down to kill, leaving only him.

It was also fortunate that his word spirit was a ghost, and he was not discovered by the secret party guys due to the fog around him, otherwise he would not have had the chance to fire this shot

"Goodbye, I don't know if Cassel still has the money to hire a guy whose word spirit is a ghost"

For some people, a long time has passed, and for some people, a very short time has passed. The whole ship fell down, and Senior Ghost's ship was directly submerged under the water

Norton's figure slammed heavily on the battlefield, and the surrounding metals were trembling. This was the arrival of their king

This was not brought by the status of bronze and fire, but the ability of the alchemy emperor

After all, this guy's alchemy is considered strong even among the dragon kings

"Hah! ! "

The metal around him immediately split into many arrows and shot in all directions. The ships here are all made of metal. As an alchemist, he is really on the battlefield.

People on the battlefield kept dying. At this time, they finally woke up and stopped fighting on their own. They finally realized that if they didn't take action, they would not be able to pick up the leak, and all of them would die here.

"Kill him! !"

Human nature is like this, humble, boring and pitiful, fighting for interests and uniting for interests. If Norton didn't kill as soon as he entered the scene, they would probably still be fighting.

In short, the secret party is a pure troublemaker.

If there were no secret party, these guys would have taken off long ago.

The next second, everyone rushed forward, but before they were halfway, the huge Samson fell into the water and started his hunt again, and Norton leaned down and looked at Constantine's injuries.

But it was obvious that Constantine was fine. If it weren't for the Philosopher's Stone, he would have recovered now.

"Damn it! You deserve to die!!!"

Constantine looked at His brother smiled: "I'm fine, brother, let's go"

Norton also smiled rarely, he looked at Constantine, there was a little tenderness in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly

"Brother! We should go, but before we go, I will kill all those who hurt you!!!"

Norton stood up slowly, his hand stroked Constantine's body, Constantine's body

"Word Spirit·Heaven and Earth as Furnace!!!"

The air around was shaking and surging, a high-temperature field appeared, the surrounding shipwreck battlefield gradually melted, and quickly spread to those who rushed towards them,

Countless people fell into the steel created by the furnace of heaven and earth In the field of lava

The high heat around them turned these people into charcoal in an instant, and those who were not turned into charcoal were directly entangled by the molten steel, unable to move, and continued to burn

At the junction of the river and the shipwreck battlefield, water vapor continued to emerge, which was even hotter and scalding. Everyone was struggling and suffering in this hell of heat and fire

Norton solved these guys with very little consumption. This is the difference between having a brain and not having a brain

He stared at the front with his eyes fixed: "This is the price you should pay!!"

But at this moment, a plane flew across the sky, and the low speed directly caused a violent sonic boom

It hit hard In the direction of Norton


A huge curtain of water rose from the Yangtze River, and a figure of a white-haired old man slowly walked towards them

"Sorry, I'm late, my... students"

This guy is Angers. He lowered his head and looked at the people around him who were constantly struggling in the lava. He took off the flower on his chest. These people were already dead. Even if they were pulled out, they would be infected due to excessive burns. Even if they were mixed-bloods, they couldn't be saved.

Behind him, a very strong blond man came over, with his neck bare, and his two pectoral muscles seemed to be able to kill mosquitoes.

But this man's face was full of anger

"Gattuso family... this is... why"

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