Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 227 The hope of life and the reality of death

Ye Sheng stroked Jiude Aki's face, which was very embarrassed, but

"Let's get married this time. Don't hide any relationship. Only we are right for each other"


The two hugged each other tightly through the heavy diving suits, without any feeling of setting a flag

Their diving suits were deep-sea style, so heavy, but still couldn't stop the two hearts from fitting together

They had heard the rumbling sound of the dragon rubbing against the bronze city, and they knew they were dying

The dragon's head appeared behind them, and two big eyes like searchlights stared at the two people

"Goodbye Aki, I love you"

"Goodbye Ye Sheng, I hope we can be together in the next life"

The two hugged each other tightly, recording this The last second of his life

But at this moment, the dragon raised its head, looked upward, and then roared like a madman

"King!! My King!! You are here!! You are back!!!"

Then, like a drunkard, he stumbled and ran away

"Ye Sheng! We are saved!!!"

Ye Sheng also hugged the girl in his arms tightly: "What is going on..."

"Maybe... this guy is going to die, he keeps shouting 'death'..."

"No! Aki! Let's catch up!!! Maybe this is the key to our escape!!"

The two people swam away again like fish, and they once again had hope of survival, but they did not notice that the bronze jar began to flash strangely. Light

At the gate of Bronze City at this moment, the man wearing a diving suit who was diving in and out of the fishing boat has arrived in front of the bronze gate

"Wow, this place looks so rich, they are asking me to come and rob the tomb"

He is the human body of the King of Bronze and Fire, Lao Tang,

"After this wave, I have to go to the United States to check the small road. I promised to go all the time. I don't know if I can come out alive this time"

Lao Tang and Lu Mingfei have been game friends for many years, and their friendship is not shallow. Jiude Aki and Ye Sheng are also people that Lu Mingfei has a good impression of. In short, everyone under the water is Lu Mingfei's acquaintance

Looking at the huge bronze door, Lao Tang took out a small bottle of red liquid. The liquid is very fluid, not sticky, and bright red.

"It should be poured on here..."

Lao Tang looked at the bronze beast in front of him and thought of After hearing what the wow girl said, he pounded the liquid on it. Strangely, the liquid did not deviate at all and did not penetrate into the water at all. It was like flowing down in the air.

"It's so magical. I don't know if it's worth money. I'll talk to the big bear girl after I'm done. I want two bottles..."

Instantly, the bronze door opened and Old Tang was stunned.

Behind the door was a huge dragon head, which was quite huge, and its two eyes were radiating golden light.

"Wow!! What a magnificent thing! Is it gold?"

Old Tang immediately rushed up, stroking the dragon head and the huge golden pupil, knocking east and west, but because it was underwater, it was not very clear.

"My God! This thing is made of bronze. How many years will it take to take it out? Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren will not be enough to be sentenced..."

The next second, the dragon suddenly moved its head and looked in the direction of Old Tang.

Old Tang was stunned again: "Is this... a mechanism?"

The next second, the dragon opened its mouth: "My king!!! My king!!!" ”

The old Tangren was dumbfounded: “My God!!! Monster!!!”

He was so scared that he rushed directly to the surface of the water: “Help!!! Help!!!”

The speed was just like a turbocharger. The dragon immediately rushed out of the bronze gate and chased out, not caring about the damage caused by the bronze gate to its body

It was just like Feiyangyang saw Meiyangyang and Wang Xiaohu saw Lantu

After the dragon left, Jiude Aki and Ye Sheng emerged from the gate

“Aki, we...really came out?”

“Yes! Ye Sheng!!! We came out!!!”

They couldn’t even believe this fact. The two guys felt that they were going to stay in the sea, but they managed to survive

“Now!!! Go up!! The dragon was attracted by the man! "

The two men hurriedly swam to the surface of the water. The rapidly decreasing underwater pressure made them feel dizzy. After all, they were not dragon kings like Lao Tang, nor were they giant dragons with heavy armor.

Now they were like hairtails. Hairtails from the deep sea would die if they were caught on the surface of the water because they instantly moved from high pressure to low pressure and their bodies were not adapted.

And now they couldn't care less. The most important thing was to escape.

Lao Tang on the other side aimed at the small fishing boat before he went into the water, jumped out of the water, and was completely dumbfounded: "Quickly start the boat!!! I copied it!! You didn't fucking tell me there were monsters in it!!!"

But what he saw was that there was nothing on the small fishing boat. Yes, the woman was gone too.

And he looked up and saw the woman with a particularly amazing figure standing quite far away. It was a small raft. She held a big gun, pointed it at his chest, and made a goodbye gesture.


The bullet first pierced his chest, and then he heard the gunshot.

"Why. . . "

Blood spurted out, and he fell backwards into the Yangtze River.

The amazing woman put on her sunglasses and took out a box of things from the raft.

"Potato chips, potato chips, this is Jiude Mai, please reply if you get it."

"Big bear, big bear, this is Swan, get it, get it."

"The big dinosaur has entered the stage of preparing for awakening, and the little dinosaur doesn't know what's going on."

The other side was silent for a long time, and then spoke.

"Be careful."

The woman with a pretty amazing figure also paused for a long time: "I will be careful."

Neither of them spoke, hiding all their words in the silence.

The amazing woman raised her head, looked at the dark clouds in the sky, turned off the microphone hanging on her ear, sighed, and said the words that she hadn't said just now: "I may not be able to go back."

She Opening the box on one side, it was full of colorful injections, and next to the box were two brand new swords

"Boss, this time, I've paid back everything I owe you"

On the other side of the river, the man in black robe spread his arms

"This good show!! It's finally about to start!!!"

But before he could finish his words, he was kicked by the girl wearing the same clothes behind him: "You still say I'm a middle school student, I think you're even more middle school student than me!!"

The man smiled: "But it's true, the simultaneous death of three dragon kings, isn't it interesting?"

The girl smiled: "You're standing in front of a dragon king who just died and saying this is a bit offensive"

The man held the girl's head: "Do you mind?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the earth and the mountains are not me now, but you"

"Then That's all."

Under the water, Jiude Aki kept swimming upwards, and Ye Sheng was behind her, constantly using his Word Spirit·Snake to observe the surrounding scene.

Finally, they were about to reach the surface of the river.

The dragon in the distance seemed to be crazy, twisting constantly, like a big maggot.

However, the rapid change in water pressure made the two people dizzy, so they had no time to complain.

Fortunately, they were in a different position from the dragon. They were on the boat to Kassel, and the dragon chased Lao Tang to the small fishing boat on the side.

But at this moment, the bronze jar in Jiude Aki's arms suddenly emitted a violent flash, accompanied by a nightmare-like voice.

"Brother! ! Brother! ! The brother I want! ! ! ! "

The next second, violent sparks burst out, and in this deep The explosion in the water caused the fireworks to directly blow the two people away for dozens of meters, and Jiude Aki fell into a coma.

"Aki!! Aki!!!"

Ye Sheng kept calling out, but there was no response from the other side.

Instantly, the jar released infinite light, blinding Ye Sheng's eyes. The intense light reaction made his eyes unable to see things in the dark, but he still opened his bloodshot eyes and looked up.


All he could see was a humanoid creature jumping out of the bronze jar, spreading its wings on its back and roaring to the sky.

"Brother!! My brother!!!!"

Blood flowed from Ye Sheng's eyes, which was the result of the strong light.

The two people on the other side still saw this scene.

The girl said, "Are you sure you don't want to save him?"

The man just smiled, "What's the need? He won't give me money"

"But he's so pitiful"

"It has nothing to do with me"

The girl stepped on the man's foot and said: "Cold-blooded man"

The man laughed and ignored the girl's words, just casually said: "Norton made exclusive weapons for you to kill you, called the Seven Deadly Sins, do you know what you represent?"




The two people's quarrel continued, but the next second, a humanoid creature jumped out of the Yangtze River and emitted infinite light in the sky, like the second sun

"Brother! !"

At this moment! The King of Bronze and Fire! Completely awakened!

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