The surface of the Yangtze River looks flat, but there are undercurrents underneath

Ye Sheng and Jiude Mai finally found each other's position. The two hugged each other tightly, but soon they separated embarrassedly

"How are you? Are you hurt?"

"No, how about you?"

The couple was intimate for a while and shy for a while. After all, there was no

Looking at the surrounding scene, the two people have realized that they have entered the Bronze City, which has countless strange landscapes

They feel very surprised

"Teacher! We saw some bronze characters"

"Can you understand it?"

"No, it's different from all the characters in the world. It's a headache to look at it"

"That should be dragon characters, take a picture of it,"

They are using the communication equipment they carry to get in touch with the outside world

Mance on the boat is still quite worried, as if something is going to happen Just like what happened: "By the way, the communication between you two was interrupted for a while, about ten minutes ago"

"That was when we just entered the Bronze City. It should be the signal error caused by the vortex"

Professor Mans narrowed his eyes tightly: "Okay, it's explained clearly"

But he had a bad idea in his heart, that is, this bronze city is actually the Nibelungen of a certain dragon king

All Nibelungen are a little bit magical. Once you go in, it is quite difficult to get out

"Don't worry, teacher, nothing will happen"

At this moment, on the surface of the river, the wreckage of the ship is everywhere. Xia Mi stands on the wreckage of the ship, breathing hard

There is still some sweat on the forehead, not the fragrant sweat. The fragrant sweat written in the novel is fake. The sweat of the goddess is almost the same as that of ordinary people

Xia Mi looked ahead, and there were still many ships emerging.

"Really, what are these guys thinking? How much money do they have to pay to play like this?"

But at this moment, a man came out from the bow of the boat in front, a guy holding cutlery, wearing a butler's uniform.

It was Percy, who possessed the Word Spirit·Dustless Land, the butler from the Gattuso family. This guy was trained according to the specifications of Deadpool since he was a child. He was not a biological Deadpool, but a Deadpool in the sense of the word.

He was trained to protect the young master of the Gattuso family, and his duty was to use his life to assist the young master of the Gattuso family to take the throne.

And this guy came here this time, not because of the Hunter website, but because Lu Mingze found the Gattuso family.

That's right, Lu Mingze made a deal with the Gattuso family, a Gattuso family A deal that the family can't refuse

Or a deal that Odin can't refuse

Because Odin's true identity is Pompey Gattuso, Caesar's biological father, this guy has been hiding in the world.

Ten minutes ago, in the Gattuso family's back mountain, Pompey often came to this place to relax, or to be more precise, to find women. According to Caesar's introduction, his father is a stud, who knows how to give birth all day long

But for some reason, he is the only son, and the rest don't even have daughters

It is obvious that the child born by the Dragon King cannot be a normal hybrid, at least a second-generation species, but Caesar is different. He is a child made by Pompey using alchemical technology

Lu Mingze looked at the treacherous and old man in front of him. There were several women's bodies lying on this guy's legs, whether they were dead or alive

"You dare to come to me?"

"I need your help"

"Then what price can you pay? "

"It's very simple. I can tell you where my body is. You should need that thing very much."


"Because the Black King has a backup plan. If we don't get rid of him, we will all be in trouble!"

"Why do you say that? You don't have complete strength?"

"You don't understand,"

"Then why don't I just eat you now?"

"You can't do it!"

Odin, also known as Pompeii, stood up slowly: "What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple. Just help me do one thing."

Odin frowned tightly: "So, what is it?"

"Stop a woman on the Yangtze River, and! Stop the guy I mentioned."

Time will come to now, Xia Mi and Percy are fighting fiercely

Percy's bloodline is also A-level, but his combat ability is not bad. He has been carrying out tasks in the ancient country these days, and now he has been sent here to fight

His face has always been indifferent, as if he has no emotions,

"Die! ! ”

Xia Mi did not feel too much pressure to deal with this guy, because with the spear Kungunir given by Li Ye and the martial arts she had trained for many days, her strength was far beyond the original, and a single Percy could not stop her

In the original work, there should actually be a Japanese who mastered time zero, but unfortunately he jumped out during the last White King Battle and was stabbed to death by Li Ye

Percy's battle was increasingly at a disadvantage. It was unwise to use a spear against a dinner knife. In addition, the opponent's martial arts were not low to begin with, so it was quite difficult to fight. He retreated directly and threw several dinner knives from his hand in an instant.

"Word Spirit·Dustless Land"

He used the exclusivity of the Dustless Land to directly accelerate the dinner knife to an incredible level. Xia Mi reacted instantly and immediately cancelled the opponent's word spirit, but the dinner knife was not slowed down

Xia Mi sighed, and kept spinning the spear in his hand, blocking the blow, but this also gave the guy on the opposite side some time. He took out a tube of red reagent from his pocket and inserted it directly. Got into his own arm


His body expanded rapidly, and in just a few seconds, he turned into a monster with red-gold eyes and scales all over his body.

"I'm going to do it! Don't risk your life!"

Xia Mi was dumbfounded. The injection he just injected must be a high-strength dragon blood injection. She had heard of this stuff and it was more popular in Japan, but why did this guy have such pure dragon blood in his hand? injection

This guy's dragon blood content has now reached an incredible level, and he has become a deadpool.

I saw Patsy groping behind him, and took out a short spear from under the long tuxedo. Everyone in Shami was dumbfounded. How did he hide this thing under the tuxedo? They were so panicked. And why didn't you take it out just now?

In an instant, this guy pounced forward, and his powerful strength and speed instantly put Xia Mi at a disadvantage.

"I copied it! What kind of crazy dog ​​is this!!!"

Passy didn't want to go back alive. The task given to him this time was to delay time at all costs. Therefore, Passy understood at that time that he was going to die, but he had to die.

He has always been determined to die for the Gattuso family.

Odin was ready to throw away his chess pieces, because Lu Mingze gave too much. As long as he obtained Lu Mingze's body, he could research potions in large quantities, and he could also devour the flesh and blood himself, gaining some power and strength

What the Black King abandoned, they regarded as treasures, how ridiculous

But this is indeed a fact. Odin used that potion to develop dragon serum and dragon blood injection. At the same time, he cooperated with Tachibana Masamune of Japan, also known as Herzog, and conducted experiments among the demons.

Herzog is for his own evolution, while Odin is for the evolution of his own incarnation. This guy can control others to become his own incarnation. Naturally, the more powerful the better, and there is no need to consider side effects. Dragon blood injection is the best. choice

Behind all of this are the interests of countless small families. This is why it was not the secret party that Yuan Zhisheng was able to obtain Li Ye with just one phone call. After all, Herzog and Odin were wearing the same pair of pants.

As for why the Gattuso family used space-based weapons to kill Herzog in the original work after he became a child, that was purely Odin’s conspiracy. Herzog wanted to become the White King, but Odin wanted to I ate the White King

Dragons gain strength by devouring each other

Of course Herzog also knew this. He had prepared a way to escape at the beginning, but the original was blocked by Lu Mingze, and now he was blocked by Li Ye.

And Li Ye was even more exaggerated this time. People from the Eight Snakes and Kassels were all here. How many people would Odin kill with a space-based attack? Wouldn't he have to tear apart the relatives of those people?

Not to mention that Caesar is still there, and on the battlefield, not far away in the original work. If his son is beaten to death, Odin will not cry to death. After all, after practicing alchemy for so long, he can only produce a son.

"It's really... outrageous!!!"

Xia Mi's spear danced very fast. With only power but no power, she could not deal with the guy in front of her. Just like Norton in the original novel could not release a word spirit until his death.

"Hoo! Hoo!!!"

"Yan Ling·Heaven and Earth are the furnace!!"

This move is really a bronze and fire speaking spirit, but she can also use it through her own research.

The surrounding steel gathered towards Xia Mi and condensed into a huge axe. Xia Mi used this ax to fight back while parrying. The effect was quite obvious. The battle situation that was originally at a disadvantage immediately became evenly matched.

But Patsy's body continues to expand

"Damn Li Papi!! You gave me this spear and you didn't tell me how to use it!!"

Xia Mi is almost numb. If he can no longer use this thing, then he will only be exposed in the form of the little dragon girl. If someone sees him, he will definitely have a big problem.

At this moment, Ye Sheng and Shuode Aki under the water have also arrived at a wonderful place. They are surrounded by bronzes, like a forest. There is a strange feeling, like a sea of ​​elements all around.

Even people like them who have no alchemy skills can feel it.

"Aki! Look in front! What is that?"

Shutoku Aki looked over immediately, and she saw a

The bronze jar was placed there quietly, and they immediately contacted Mance.

"Teacher, we found one..."

Just when they were about to say something, they realized that there was no sound from the other side, only the tingling sound of electricity was left.


They didn't notice when the communication equipment was disconnected;

"Then what should we do!"

Fortunately, the communication equipment that the two people only saw was still usable and was not interrupted.

"Take it away, we don't have enough oxygen anymore, so we can only take this thing up."


The two of them picked up the jar with their underwater salvage bag, then turned around and headed upriver.

But what they didn't discover was that deep in the Bronze City, a huge eye opened. The eye was as huge as a car light. It was not an ordinary car light, it was a large half-mounted Steer headlight.

Like a searchlight, shining all around


It shook its body that had been motionless for a long time, and pulled out its own body from the bronze city that was almost integrated with him.

The huge dragon body is as big as an airplane.

The swaying bodies kept jumping out of the bronze city, causing the bronze city to shake, and the surrounding air continued to vibrate.

This giant dragon is Samson, the dragon attendant of the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

"Bring my King!! Back!! Where is my King!!"

Jiude Aji and Ye Sheng in the Bronze City also felt the shock, but they had no intention of watching it now because they were in a bigger dilemma.

They're lost, yes, they're lost, they can't find the next way.

In the large Bronze City of Nuo, they are like plastic bags floating in the air, having difficulty finding their way around.

Shutoku Aki smiled sweetly, but the activities of Shen Shui made her forehead more or less stained with sweat. In addition, the temperature of Shen Shui was extremely low, making it cold and icy, and it stuck to her On his face, this smile looks somewhat embarrassed.

"It's just a small thing. We just need to look around and find a way out,"

Ye Sheng smiled: "I believe you, my vice-captain."

The two of them just held hands and continued swimming forward.

At this moment, Xia Mi on the water could no longer hold on.

"Can anyone tell me why this guy can still have violent bloodshed even though he's like this!!!!"

Yes, everyone in Xia Mi was numb, because even though Patsy on the opposite side had been injected with a high-concentration dragon blood injection, he was almost unconscious and could still bleed violently, raising his blood level to another level.

This is completely a life-threatening way of playing

"It's because of violent blood, that is, the principle of the road to becoming a god is to release one's dragon heart, to release the beast in one's heart. Look at this guy, he looks like a human being. Of course he can be released."

Hearing this voice, Xia Mi was stunned. In an instant, Patsy, who had turned into a giant beast, was slapped away and hit the scrapped hull on one side. Fortunately, the hull was thicker and made of pure steel plates. Shang Xiaya resolved a lot of power

Otherwise, this guy would have been thrown away by now

"Cough cough... cough..."

Xia Mi's eyes were fixed on the direction from which the sound came.

"Odin!! Why are you here!!!"

That's right, the person who came was none other than Pompeii Gattuso, also known as Odin. He just smiled slightly: "Paxi was sent by me, why can't it be me?"


"Of course, someone wants me to take action."

According to the voting results, this book will be cut. Sorry everyone, it will take a while for the new book to be released.

Thank you for watching. I'm sorry.

As for the theme of the next book, I have already thought about it, and it will be called "Forget Steve, what kind of outrageous skill is this"

Hahaha, just kidding, no one really believes it, right? The update time has been changed to 8 a.m., which means I will not publish the book at this time tomorrow. I will publish it at 8 a.m., as I said, this book If anyone else sees me, I will update

But to be honest, I really have a bold idea.

As for the time voting, it will always exist, and the latest result will be the final result.

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