Ancient Eastern Country, Yangtze River, Three Gorges, Kuimen

Although the Yangtze River is a river, it is extremely wide. When boating on it, you can’t see the two sides at all.

At this time, Kuimen was filled with smoke, and a huge cargo ship from Nuovo University was driving slowly. There were countless people on it wearing Kassel uniforms, their brows furrowed tightly.

The action level this time is marked as S level, which means that there will definitely be a dragon appearing this time. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for dragons to appear. Even the appearance of a deadpool will be marked as B. Level, a few cases will even be marked to level A

Although Li Ye launched the White King Battle and asked students from Kassel to participate in the battle, there were still only a few people who participated, and those who had participated and seen dragons could not hide their fear of dragons.

This is the fear that comes from the bloodline,

After all, there is a layer of strange electromagnetic waves around the dragon body of the Dragon Clan that can render current technology ineffective, so this ship does not carry many modern facilities.

For example, the split version of Kassel's EVA supercomputer that could have been brought along for calculation and navigation was not brought along, but only a simple radar.

This time the plan was called the Kuimen Plan.

Someone discovered a huge bronze nest under Kuimen. After expert determination, this place was the legendary Baidi City.

It's not the Baidi City in Li Bai's sentence "Chaoci Baidi Caiyunjian", but a real city.

There are currently four important personnel on the ship.

Mans Rundstedt, a professor at Kassel College, possesses the dust-free land with serial number 66. His ability is to form a huge force field centered on himself. The surface of the force field flows with high speed. The air flow forms something similar to an "enchantment".

Normally, this is a word spirit used for defense, but there is a guy named Passi in the Gattuso family who borrowed this ability. He can use forks and other iron tools to form bullets with the speed and power of bullets.

That's right, it's Caesar's Gattuso family.

The second important person is called Shutoku Aki, who is very familiar to her name. This guy is Shutoku Mai’s younger sister, her biological sister, but Shutoku Aki doesn’t know anything about Shutoku Mai. She only thinks that Shutoku Mai Demai is missing

And this guy’s original novel didn’t mention it either.

This guy and Shutoku Mai are twin sisters, which means they are equally good-looking, but Aki has white hair and looks much holier than Shutoku Mai. Shutoku Mai is like a Japanese A geisha, and Shutoku Aki is more like a study committee member of the academy.

The third important figure is Ye Sheng, a man from an ancient country. His spirit is a snake with serial number 18. His ability is to use himself to form multiple snake-shaped electromagnetic waves to explore paths.

It is worth mentioning that this guy and Shude Aki are in a relationship that they like each other. If they like each other, they can take it for granted. However, due to the regulations of Kassel Academy, couples cannot act at the same time, so these two guys have no official relationship.

The fourth guy is a little baby named Gates. His bloodline level is not high, but this little guy has a unique ability. The word spirit serial number is 22, the word spirit key. As the name suggests, this ability can open all doors. or something like a door

This word spirit can even open the back door. Yes, it is quite exaggerated. During the battle, it can directly open the back door, causing the person to collapse in defense and die in embarrassment.

This guy also has another identity, he is Chen Motong's younger brother. They both come from an ancient family, and Chen Motong is Nuonuo, Caesar's wife.

And with such a lineup, they are about to meet the Dragon Clan. These guys are a little uncomfortable.

"Aki, are you panicking?"

"Yeah, I kind of do."

That young couple was having fun together, and the people next to them pretended not to see it, because the atmosphere was so depressing.

"The Baidi City is ahead, Yaji, Ye Sheng, are you ready?"

Mance also looked at these two guys with a heavy face.

Aki sighed: "Ready, Professor!"

"I can't hear you!"


"Who lives in the bronze city in the deep sea! We must find out!"

"Yes! Professor"

Everyone looked at the young couple and tied a rope for them. The purpose of this rope was not to pull them back in an emergency. It was more likely to pull their bodies back, or to pull some other salvage items. things that come up

"Remember! You must come back!"

Mance stared closely at Jiude Aki and Ye Sheng, and the two nodded heavily: "Definitely!"

At this time, a small rubber boat was floating on the sea in the distance. Under normal circumstances, the rubber boat would never be able to swim to that place, but now it appears here.

Without him, this was the result of a poor dragon flying here for a long time and then blowing for a long time.

"That's awesome! That bitch Li Ye didn't even arrange a pump for me. My mouth was blown crookedly."

The person on the boat was none other than Xia Mi, the younger sister of the twins of the King of Earth and Mountain. This guy was covered in sweat. His chest was rising and falling while lying on the small rubber boat. It was obvious that what had just happened had made this dragon a little tired.

"Outrageous! It's really outrageous. I didn't know that the half-blood monarch was so powerful? There were predictions."

She kept fanning the wind with her hands and doubted her life. Since her relationship with Li Ye became more subtle, her words became rough.

After all, this guy has been beaten for a month. Normal people have a mild mental breakdown. It's good that she just becomes a little rough.

At this time, a phone call came in. Xiami looked and saw that it was Li Ye.

"You Li Ba Pi! You dare to call me? Do you know what you did? I'm big, you're big, you just asked me to come and wait for your next plan, and I'll lie in your little wife's arms and eat watermelon, right?"

But the next moment, Xia Mi's face suddenly changed. She was no longer fierce but changed to a very sweet expression.

Nothing else, I didn't answer the phone just now. Now I answer it. It's easy to get beaten if I scold again.

"Hello~Is it Senior Li Ye? What are you doing now~"

"I'm eating melon seeds, not watermelon. You just said it wrong."

Xia Mi was stunned. She thought that she didn't answer the phone just now: "No, Senior Li, what are you talking about? ~Why can't I understand? Can you tell me the next instruction? "

Xia Mi still wanted to get away with it, but Li Ye's voice soon came from the other end of the phone

"Next instruction? The next instruction is to turn back"

Xia Mi turned her head woodenly, and saw Li Ye's figure wearing a long robe, floating in the air, looking at Xia Mi so quietly. If someone from Dou Po came, he would definitely shout "Step on the void, Dou Zong strongman, so terrifying"

And now it is obvious that Douluo has not started writing yet, Xia Mi doesn't know this stalk at all, but just the appearance of Li Ye is enough to make Xia Mi stunned: "Well, I'm still on a mission now, can I go back and fight again?"

"What's the point of fighting or not, what? I just want to train my fighting skills on the spot"

Xia Mi instantly cried: "Then. . Don't hit me in the face"

Ten minutes later, Li Ye sat on the rubber boat , quietly looking at Xia Mi opposite: "What do you mean, little sister"

Xia Mi's face was bruised: "Li Huohua! You vicious guy! You clearly want me to help in a while, and now you hit me!"

Her teeth were knocked out by Li Ye, and she spoke with a lot of air leaks. Li Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to flick a magic bean into her mouth

"Fuck! What is this!"

Li Ye flicked the magic bean when Xia Mi was about to speak, which made Xia Mi swallow it all at once, without any reaction

"It's just an aphrodisiac. I want to do it to you. You are so beautiful that I can't help it"

Xia Mi suddenly laughed: "You finally admit that I am good-looking? It's really not easy, but you want to sleep with me? Senior Li, are you going to disappoint your little wife?"

Li Ye smiled, then grabbed Xiami's chin with his hand: "Don't mention her, kiss me now"

Xia Mi immediately pretended to kiss Li Ye Kiss, but the next second, Li Ye spit into her mouth, Xia Mi ran to the sea and retched.

"Li Huohua! Ugh!! You are not a human! You are so heartless! Cough, cough! Today, if you don't give me two beans you just gave me, this matter will not end!"

Now she also felt the power of the fairy beans, and knew that what Li Ye had just given her was definitely the treasure among treasures.

Li Ye smiled: "Okay, I wanted to give you some good weapons, but I didn't expect you to like this thing, so take it."

"No, no, no~ Senior Li, you are the best~"

Xiami's voice instantly became much more honest: "Senior Li~ Show me, what good things you prepared for me"

Li Ye's hand pulled out a weapon from the void, which was a spear shining with golden light.

Xia Mi was stunned when she saw this thing: "Kung Nil? Were you killed by Odin? "

Li Ye shook his head: "No, no, this is not the real Kungunir, it's a fake"

Xia Mi tutted for a moment: "That's it? I knew you couldn't get the real thing"

"But, although this thing is fake, it is much stronger than the one in Odin's hand. Odin's is just a little brother compared to it"

Xia Mi smiled: "Your one is better than Odin's?"

"Of course. "

Instantly, Li Ye's spear shot out, shooting out a violent waterway, and around the waterway, a huge water wall was raised, stretching for dozens of miles,

Then it hit the mountain heavily, and the mountain was about to collapse. Li Ye even used the mirror flower and water moon to cover up this power. Of course, Xia Mi could see it.

Then Li Ye stretched out his hand, and the spear flew back to Li Ye's hand.

Xia Mi's eyes were full of little stars: "Senior Li~ I want it~ Give it to me~ If you give it to me~ I will really give it to you~"

Li Ye looked disgusted and quickly threw the spear to her, and then Li Ye said to her seriously: "What you have to do is to continue waiting here and stop all the guys who move forward!"

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