Ange was stunned for a moment: "It seems like, what do you want to do?"

Li Ye smiled: "Okay, okay, free for a day, right?"

Ange instantly felt a chill on his neck, and instantly opened the realm of Time Zero, but saw that Li Ye's speed in front of him had not slowed down at all.

He took out a pistol directly from his crotch.


Angers can clearly see the model of the pistol, Colt .45 pistol. This thing was replaced by other firearms in 1986, but it is still quite popular among the people.

This pistol was the one Li Ye got when he first came to the Dragon Clan. Yes, it was the one he got as soon as he came here. It was the one that Nico insisted on giving to him, and he kept it all the time.

At this moment, Angers could even see the fireworks ejected from the muzzle of the gun, but he could not see the trajectory of the bullet.

That's right, he couldn't see it. The time reduction was more than fifty times, and coupled with his own dynamic vision, he couldn't even see a bullet. He hurriedly dodged, but it was too late.


He finally saw it, saw the bullet. It was a red bullet that hit him between the eyebrows.

"Is this... a moment? But why, it can... act on objects..."

He fell backward inconceivably and hit the ground hard. Angers was temporarily offline.

Obviously, this is not the moment and time zero, but the inherent time control and rabbit charm.

Eryi looked at Li Ye with some confusion. Although she didn't understand Li Ye's behavior, she was not afraid at all. She just watched quietly.

Li Ye smiled and touched her head again

"Okay, Eriki, be good and wait here. I'm going to fuck all the guys in this school."

Hui Liyi nodded: "Li Ye, come back early, I will think about it"

Li Ye looked at Hui Liyi and smiled, his hand never stopped touching his head.

"I will be back early"

Eryi just sat there quietly, her little head shaking, waiting for Li Ye to come back.

And Li Ye took out an AK and a Rifle directly from his crotch, which were part of the "Bigger and Stronger" series of weapons.

But the bullets in the firearm are not normal bullets, but Frigga bullets, just like the pistol just now

Frigga bullets are an alchemical product with a strong anesthetic effect. The bullets fired will cause almost no harm to the human body.

Of course, just like blank bullets, if the speed is fast enough and the distance is close enough, it can still kill someone.

So when Li Ye used the Rabbit Charm just now, he didn't use it too fast because he was really afraid of injuring Anger.

And his move was not that he wanted to kill someone to seize power, but that this time happened to be the annual event in Kassel

"Free Day"

On this day, there will be no rules at all in the academy

All students can take submachine guns to the streets and fight anyone they see who is unhappy. Of course, they use Frigga bullets.

Any behavior will not be blamed by the college

Of course, if you rob the college and explore some secrets, the college may not say anything to you, but the principal may talk to you and use Time Zero to give you a knife.

After this war is over, the winner will get the right to use the Odin Hall for one year, and it will be handed over to the next person in the second year. This can be rented out to make money. There has always been a big wronged person named Caesar in the academy. This thing

The second point of victory is that you can choose a person to fall in love with for three months. The other person cannot refuse. After three months, you can do whatever you want, but within three months, you cannot refuse.

Li Ye said that although this thing didn't mean anything to him, even if someone won, he would not confess to him. As for if the man won and dared to confess to Sugi Eri, he would kindly send him to make steel bars.

But if a guy who is rumored to be able to kill even the White King can't win in a small event, it would be a shame to spread the word.

Li · 1.8 · Good Face · Ye

Moreover, this war is easy to win, and it is also very interesting to have a real CS.

The current war is mainly divided into three camps, which correspond to the three protagonists of the original book. One is Chu Zihang’s Lion Heart Society,

Speaking of the Lion Heart Club, it is not ordinary. It is something that existed before the school was founded. The first president of the Lion Heart Club was Angers’ good friend Meineke Cassel. Angers only He can be his little brother, and Chu Zihang, who is paralyzed and serious, is the current president. The purpose of the Lion Heart Club is to release the lion in the heart, and it is a quite rigorous club.

The second camp is the student union of Caesar Gattuso. Caesar is the son of the secret party leader Pompeo Gattuso. In short, he is rich, Nono's fiancé, and has strong personality and financial charm. ,

The student union is more powerful than the Lionheart Club, but its members are uneven. The only ones who can take action are Caesar, Nono, and Fingel. However, Fingel disguises himself, and Nono is the president's wife. Caesar That's called a pet, and I won't let her go to the battlefield.

The third party force is Lu Mingfei, the protagonist of the original work. This guy is very weak, but with the help of the little devil Lu Mingze, he cannot be underestimated. In the original work, this guy wins and confesses to Nono in the end. Of course, he fails in the end. That’s it,

But Caesar's designation shows that Lu Mingfei is interested in his wife, but he is quite generous and does not pursue it. If it is Li Ye, then he must have released his Zanpakutō and brought his word spirit with him. ·Tiamat and the anti-Genesis Tiamat came together to annihilate the world with one hand,

The final ashes must be burned twice with eternal fire and then suppressed at the bottom of the pit forever.

Thinking of this, Li Ye prepared his equipment and took out the mysterious red equipment that he had not used again for a long time, preparing to give this school a special shock from himself.

The sounds of battle soon started, gunfire was flying, bullets were jumping, countless figures rushed out, and countless figures fell down

Because there is Flamel's permanent word spirit and commandment in the academy using the alchemy matrix, these hybrids cannot use the word spirit all year round, and today is of course no exception.

"I'm shooting! Why is the firepower so fierce!"

"Group A! Group A! Where are the people! Where are the people!!"

People on the battlefield were shouting, not knowing which group they were from. At this moment, Lancelot, the vice president of the Lionheart Club, was stunned. He looked at the surveillance screen and spoke to the microphone of the commander-in-chief on the battlefield. Said somewhat speechlessly

"There's a Batman coming from the west. You heard me right, Batman! Attention Group A! Attention Group A!!"

Why are those guys from the Lion Heart Club stunned? Batman?

The members of Group A of the Lion Heart Society looked to the west. They saw a man in black and red armor, holding an AK and a rifle in his hand, and carrying a sword as big as a door panel on his back, slowly walking towards them. Come

The armor looks very solid, and judging from the exposed chin and the two big horns on the top of the forehead, this thing is still a product of the Batman series.

Just as they looked at Batman, Batman looked at them: "Hello! My friends! Do you know what goes in with six legs and comes out with two legs?"

This chapter is an additional update chapter. It is still an additional update for 12125783 and Mo Yuqi Giwensa. How can I say that the additional update is finally completed.

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