Placed in the ground here, a good plan,

It's dark under the lamp. The most dangerous place is also the safest place. Fenrir is chained here and cannot get out. In other words, if others want to kill him, they must be here.

The land here is not ordinary land, it is more like a junction between the Nibelungs and reality. You can get here through the Nibelungs.

In the original work, this guy's release of Shiva Karma Dance can directly affect the above, causing the entire city to fall into a major earthquake.

And the earth here is definitely not a normal earth. In the original work, even though it withstood Shiva Karma Dance, it was not destroyed, which also illustrates this point.

It must have been tamped with a Fenrir brand earth tamping machine.

"No!!! Fenrir!!!"

At this time, Xia Mi arrived. She was now in dragon form, and her speed was already quite exaggerated.

But even in this form, he still couldn't catch up with Li Ye

It's not because she's not good, but because Li Ye is too fast, with thirty-six times the inherent time control, which is simply unsolvable, not to mention that this guy still has the rabbit charm that he hasn't used yet.

"Ah! Sister! Don't! I didn't tell him the location of my bone bottle, don't hit me!!"

Fenrir's huge figure arched and moved away with his head in his arms, like a big caterpillar.

But it was obvious that his size was unlikely to allow him to come and go freely. Not only did it not move, it also caused the earth to tremble continuously.


Xiami's expression instantly became serious and extremely chill.

"Kill him!!!"

"Ah? Sister, he..."

"Kill him!!!"

Fenrir flew up instantly. Although he was stupid, he was very obedient. The child was stupid, but he was very strong.


Huge pressure came to Li Ye. The King of Earth and Mountain was about to start his operation.

But Li Ye just stood there, his windbreaker rustling, and he raised the long knife in his hand.

“Try this”


One fell, fireworks flew, and a huge heat wave swallowed up Fenrir, causing it to fall directly from the sky.

Seeing this, Xiami, who had transformed into a dragon, rushed towards him dragging a huge battle axe. This was condensed by her using the metal of the subway. It was quite powerful, and there were also the acceleration of the Wind King's Eyes all around.

"Die to me!!!"

The Eye of the Wind King allows the holder to enjoy the power of wind, control the airflow, and provide himself with more powerful power.


A crisp sound sounded. This time it was still not the system prompt sound, nor the sound of the subway arriving at the station, but the sound of Li Ye's finger making contact with the tomahawk.

Xia Mi looked at Li Ye's hand and was stunned. The hand had a metal color, and it was not an ordinary metal color, but a color that exuded golden light.

The well-informed Xia Mi could tell what this was at a glance.

"The Bronze Throne! The King of Bronze and Fire's Word Spirit!!"

Li Ye smiled and kicked Xia Mi straight away, hitting the wall on one side hard with a violent sound.

"It's so powerful that I almost cut off my fingernails."

Li Ye wiped his hands, and there was a light white mark on his fingernails.

"Ahem, I'm really,, ahem, that's ridiculous,"

On the wall on one side, the smoke and dust dissipated, and Xia Mi's figure reappeared. Blood came out of the corner of her mouth, and the originally small bear was completely dented.

"Ahem, you... let Fenrir go, I can give you all my knowledge."

Li Ye shook his head: "You know, there are many people who can teach me. Even if I don't have you, I can still go to Constantine and Norton. These two guys haven't even awakened yet. I just need to be there." Just do something before they wake up."

"You...ahem...I can...I can give you my Dragon Bone Cross and let him go!!"

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi and smiled: "I'll kill you two and then go find the bone bottle. You can't just dig it out from the bone bottle. It's really ridiculous. You're doing this to me with my things." trade"

Yes, as long as you reach the level of the Dragon King, or even the next generation, you can already obtain the power of the Dragon Bone Cross by swallowing the Bone Reproduction Bottle.

These guys all know this.


Xia Mi wanted to speak, but blood poured directly into her lungs, and her ribs were also inserted into her lungs, making her speechless in pain.

It can be seen that the Dragon King is also made of meat, and breaking bones is still effective.

Of course, Li Ye's attack was very powerful, otherwise Xia Mi would have recovered from the normal damage.

"And if I kill you, I can get two dragon bone crosses. When put together, I can get the complete King of Earth and Mountain. But if I don't kill you, I can only get one. Isn't this a big loss?"

"Ahem... My bone bottle is hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness. Without my power! You can't get it at all! You can't get it in this life!!"

Li Ye's eyes suddenly became sharp. He didn't know whether what Xia Mi said was true or false, but the original work was indeed hidden in the sea of ​​​​spirits.

Then he continued to merge with Chu Zihang,

"Is it worth it? You can only become complete by killing him, and he is still a fool and can't give you much help at all."

Xiami's eyes became cloudy, as if he was recalling his past.

She calls herself a survivor, so naturally she is someone who was abandoned by the dragon clan. Even Fenrir was chained to the wall and unable to move.

They only have each other,

But soon, she reacted again, her eyes turning slightly red. At this time, Xia Mi already had a hint of Jörmungandr.

"It's worth it! He's my brother! My only brother!"

Li Ye smiled: "It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, a guy who doesn't even have freedom?"

"What is freedom! Tell me... what is freedom?"

Xia Mi's eyes were lowered, as if he was thinking about life.

Li Ye laughed loudly: "Freedom! You ask me what freedom is? You don't even know such a simple question?"

Xia Mi raised his eyes and looked at Li Ye firmly: "Isn't this world a cage? A cage that controls everyone. As soon as the day of judgment comes! He will return here! By then everyone will They will all die! Tell me what freedom is!”

The Day of Judgment is also known as the day when the Black King returns to his nest. After the dragon car overturned the Black King, the Black King did not die completely.

After all, these guys have bone bottles, so it’s not like the Black King doesn’t have them.

The great prophets of the Dragon Clan predicted that after the sun sets on December 21, 2012, the Black King will resurrect from the end of the world with endless anger and kill all those who betray him.

Li Ye looked at her jokingly: "You want me to tell you what freedom is, then I will tell you what freedom is."

Xiami looked at Li Ye seriously and saw the corners of Li Ye's mouth opening and closing, speaking in a magnetic and slightly echoing voice.

“When the white ball falls into the bag, it’s freedom!”

Xia Mi was stunned.

The world is quiet. What do you mean, if the white ball falls into the bag, it means freedom?

At this moment, Fenrir flapped his broken wings and flew up, but he didn't fly high and crashed down again, landing right next to Xiami.

"Eat me! Sister! Eat me!! Run away!!"

Xiami looked at the giant dragon and sighed. Her eyes looked at Li Ye again.

"Now! Can you tell me! Our fate!!"

She seemed to think of how she had been judged in this way, and time gradually slowed down.

The surroundings gradually became quiet. The fire was still crackling and burning. Fenrir was still roaring and his chest was still beating. Why did it feel like the surroundings were quiet?

She raised her head and looked around. It had turned into a huge altar.

And she is kneeling on the guillotine

Surrounded by giant dragons that kept shouting, they were eating the broken corpses on the ground. From the looks of it, the sources of the broken corpses were all dragons, and his brother was also chained aside, and he was shouting. . What were you shouting about? Why can't I hear it?

The man had begun shouting, "Let us judge this sinner for his evil deeds!"


Xiami didn't know why, but he didn't care what this guy shouted, but listened carefully to what his brother said.

"Sister! Eat me!! Eat me!!"

In an instant, the guillotine fell, and her thoughts were brought back to reality.

She looked around in disbelief, breathing heavily in her chest. Her chest had been completely restored by the Dragon King's powerful recovery ability.

She looked at Li Ye

Li Ye's eyes radiated endless light

"Your dreams are very interesting, I like them very much"

Xia Mi looked into Li Ye's eyes and frowned tightly: "You used Dream Tapir? You can even do this!! Is the road to becoming a god so exaggerated? White King! Bronze and fire, and Black King's! You Everyone will do it!”

So far, Li Ye has used the Bronze and Fire King's Junyan and Bronze Throne, the Black King's Time Zero, and even a White King's Dream Tapir.

Normally speaking, the road to becoming a god will only bring other speech spirits of the department to which it belongs and other speech spirits of the department where the Dragon Bone Cross is used. There should not be other speech spirits, but Li Ye has used up one after another.

She even suspected that Li Ye used the Word Spirit Key when he opened the Nibelungs.

"Your dream is very interesting. Based on that dream, I guess you are the only one left in the series of earth and mountains."

This is Li Ye's inference, because except for the King of Earth and Mountain, no one else has ever used the Word Spirit of the Earth and Mountain series. From then until now, no Word Spirit of the King of Earth and Mountain series has been produced.

"Why should I tell you!"

"How come you still can't see the situation clearly? It's said that those who understand current affairs are heroes, why don't you fall for the trap?"

"Know everything you want to know, and then kill us all! You always do this! Don't you?"

Li Ye smiled: "I'm different from those guys. As long as you hand over your bone bottle and teach me the knowledge of alchemy, you can live."

Xia Mi stared at Li Ye closely: "Is what you said true?"

"You just have to pray that what I say is true."

At this moment, in the outside world, in a small city next to Xiangjiang, a guy dressed disheveledly had already boarded a plane to the United States. It was his first time in his life and he almost made a fool of himself on a plane.

He has a shabby look on his face and is dressed in an ordinary T-shirt, making him look quite ordinary.

This guy is the original protagonist Lu Mingfei who was seduced by Nono, Chen Motong, in a beauty trap to go to Kassel.

This guy just wanted to confess to the person he likes, but he was treated as a joke. As a licking dog, this broke his heart. At this time, Nono came to the rescue, so he was basically empathizing with others. Love, fall in love with Nono

Of course, from the beginning, this confession and the rescue were all designed by Nono, just to get him to go to Kassel.

And Nuonuo was sent by the academy to subdue this guy, and her real identity is the daughter of the Chen family of the ancient country, and also the fiancée of Caesar Gattuso. Her ability is a close-up at the level of the Word Spirit, which can easily control people's hearts

When Lu Mingfei met her, it was really like a little sheep meeting an old bitch, and he was taken down directly

It can be said that he is the big and small king in the poker cards, he is the busiest in the circus, he is the king in Gotham City, Xiaohu Tom Feiyangyang, although this guy has transferred his affection to someone else, he is still a dog

And the story of the original Dragon Clan begins from this moment, when Lu Mingfei stepped on the plane

From now on,

Everything is on the right track

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