Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 18 Li Ye's Night Talk about the Emperor's Blood

"Emperor, this is something unique to hybrids. The normal dragon blood ratio of 50% is the limit for hybrids, but the emperor can reach higher, 60%, 70% or even 80%. They won't even change at all."

After hearing this, Ange said: "I know, but you said Yuan Zhisheng is of royal blood?"

Li Ye nodded

"Because the sperm used to make them came from Uesugoshi. That's right, it's your old friend."

Ange was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Uesugoshi? So that's it, the three brothers and sisters are all like this, right?"

Li Ye nodded: "This is also the reason why I took away Eri Uesugi."

Angers said: "Is this also part of your plan?"

Li Ye smiled: "If Herzog wants to be resurrected, he must have a high-concentration descendant of the White King, and the royal blood happens to be the descendant of the White King."

Angers thought for a while: "Huang, Bai Wang, Huang, that's it!"

Li Ye continued: "Hui Liyi has the highest concentration of blood among the three dragons, and it is also a prop for him to prepare to seize the body. It is a very useful tool. If Hui Liyi is taken away, guess what Herzog will do Sample"

Angre said: "I will try my best to find you. At this time, you have attracted most of the attention. The Shezaki Eight Family and the Menggui will be involved in finding you. At this time, they will not pay attention to the rest of the people." Lower it! It will be easier if you want to do something.”

Li Ye continued to nod: "What if the divine burial place containing the White King's holy remains was discovered at this time?"

Angers laughed loudly: "Then he will probably go crazy. If he can't find it again, he will probably have to use inferior tools. You are such a bad boy. Who did Herzog provoke? He provoked you."

Li Ye narrowed his eyes and kept smiling: "Old coquettish guy, it's not a good idea to ask about my employer."

Ange also smiled: "Sorry, sorry, after you finish this job, do you have any idea to accept my commission?"

Li Ye said: "I am very expensive."

Ange said: "What if I come to help you too?"

Li Ye said: "Pay per view, 100,000 for Deadpool, 10 million for the third generation, 100 million for the second generation, 1 billion for the first generation, there is no upper limit."

Ange laughed loudly: "I will help you this time, King Bai. You can also help me with the remaining coffin books."

Li Ye closed his eyes and placed the long knife flat on his lap: "Then I want you dollars. I originally wanted euros."

Time continues to pass.

According to Eriki, it has been six days since she left the Snakesaki Hachi family.

Eri's bloodline is very unstable, so she needs to be injected with serum regularly, otherwise something big will happen.

The sunshine is scattered on her peaceful face, and her big red eyes are without any impurities, and their innocence makes people feel distressed.

Li Ye looked at her quietly at this time,

The pupils under the long eyelashes only reflected the light of Li Ye, and Li Ye was also injecting her with serum at this time.

Li Ye doesn't have the serum, but Yuan Zhisheng does. Now that this guy is one of his own, it can be said to be very convenient for Li Ye if he wants to do something in his life.

Moreover, Angers was roped in a few days ago.

Angers=Kassel Dragon Slaying Academy

In this case, against the White King, he probably can kill indiscriminately without exposing any of his cards.

He looked at Eriyi who was obedient and didn't cry out in pain at all.

I remember that when he was a child, he was a little weak and needed injections every now and then. At this time, his father would carry Li Ye on his broad shoulders and go to the medical clinic.

Li Ye won't get sick now. To be precise, there is no disease that can infect this guy on Steve's panel.

"Eri, do you want to go out and play?"

He remembered that he seemed to have an agreement with this girl

It just so happens that there is nothing going on right now


Eriyi immediately wrote it down on the paper, and even wrote several exclamation points


The sun is shining and the scenery is just right

It's just that the street is still a bit chilly, and because of two huge gas explosions, there are a few people on the street.

Li Ye didn't think it mattered, he just wanted to go out for a walk anyway.

He has done too many things these days

And Eri Yi followed Li Ye closely like a little duck.

As for why they were not found by the people from the Snakesaki Hachi family

Just kidding, we have already penetrated into the enemy's high-level ranks. Herzog can't find them even if he just relies on the few people under his command.

The girl in the witch costume is stunningly beautiful, tightly holding the hem of the boy in casual clothes in front of her

The boy looked about 23 or 24 years old. He had his hands casually inserted in his pockets. He looked lazy and seemed to have no energy.

“This is Tokyo, there’s nothing good about it.”

He has been here for half a month due to various problems, and he has yet to take a good look at this place.

It's really fried.

There are various small restaurants on the street

Time seems to slow down at this time,

As I kept walking, I seemed to have entered a commercial street, and there were gradually more people around.

There are also many young girls who still wear jk uniforms in winter and seem to be still in school.

The flesh-colored stockings under the skirt should be what they call a magic weapon for keeping warm. They were invented so early. They looked as thin as cotton pants, Li Ye thought.

Just walk quietly, walk quietly

Suddenly, Li Ye seemed to feel the corner of his clothes being pulled.

He turned around and saw Eriki's eyes looking at the street.

It was a children's toy store,

There was a little yellow duck on the storefront, and Eriyi’s eyes were always fixed on it.

Li Ye looked at it and then looked at Eli Yi.

"Want it?"

Eri turned her head and looked at him, nodding vigorously

Li Ye touched her head, hmm, no hair oil, very smooth hair

"I can't do anything with you"

So there was a little yellow duck on Eri's head

The two of them just walked and walked

Li Ye just relaxed aimlessly

Eri just looked around curiously, but would not let go of the corner of the clothes in her hand

At noon, they ate yakitori together, went to a tavern in Tokyo, and went to various high-end clubs in Tokyo

Of course, Li Ye drank while Eri watched, Li Ye washed his feet while Eri played games

Li Ye even ordered two girls, one on the left and one on the right, and Eri watched from the side

Li Ye tried his best to enjoy the fun brought to him by money and power

This was impossible in the past , mainly because he has no money

And now these things are at his fingertips, because Yuan Zhisheng gave him a lot of money

But he felt that it was meaningless

"Is this the life of rich people? It's really plain and boring"

He left the two girls aside and took Eri away under the eyes of everyone looking at scumbags

"You dare to do it with a child,"

"Bring a child to visit such a place"

Now Yuan Zhisheng is digging holes in the Tokyo outer water storage tower and digging a sanctuary,

Yuan Zhinv is receiving treatment in a secret place

Herzog is mobilizing all forces of the Demon Clan and the Snake Eight Families to find Li Ye

Anger is contacting Kassel Academy to mobilize all useful forces to prepare to give the White King a bath

And Li Ye is looking at the red-haired girl in front of him with a helpless look

"Can you put on your clothes after taking a bath?"

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