Li Ye looked at Artoria and smiled: "Your power is too weak after all, just like your country, you can't save these guys."

Artoria lowered her head and drooped the hilt of her sword. She once again thought of those people and the twelve knights of the Round Table. She placed all the faults for the destruction of the country on herself.

"I'm still... too weak."

At this moment, Irisviel shouted: "Then! Why don't you kill this sea beast!! Don't you claim to be a god and come to save the world?"

Li Ye turned around and looked at Irisviel with narrowed eyes. This woman really has some intelligence.

So he sighed: "God said he is merciful, but I don't think so. People only know how to be greedy and take, so I think that salvation must not be given without hesitation."

Irisviel continued to shout: "You are just hypocritical! You are not an apostle of God at all."

Li Ye curled his lips. How could he be called hypocritical? He was obviously so honest and reliable, yet he was called hypocritical. It was true. . . What a sharp vision

Li Ye looked at her and continued: "Whether it is hypocritical or true, it is not decided by one person,"

At this moment, Artoria was swept away again. She was already lost and even more embarrassed.

And the strength of the big sea beast is getting higher and higher


A few people are still scraping

Especially Diarmuid, this guy can shave so fast, but it is obvious that with the help of milk, his gun will not have any effect.

Irisviel rushed to Artoria and hugged her: "Lily! Cheer up! You are Artoria! You are King Arthur!"

Dead subjects, natural disasters, man-made disasters, all of these are impacting Artoria's memory.

Mainly because of Li Ye's words, all the bad memories came flooding back to her.

The most important thing is that Artoria is different from other heroic spirits. She ascended to the Throne of Heroic Spirits before she died. She could not die after pulling out the sword of victory and oath. Her life and time had stopped. At the moment of drawing the sword

Her heroic spirit body was born after her country was shattered. She was confused and drifted in the world, and then was included in the Heroic Spirit Seat. She kept crossing time to participate in the Holy Grail War in an attempt to repair her country.

In short, this is just an obsessed heroic spirit, and Li Ye hit her vulnerable spot.

But Artoria is the King of Knights after all, not some little girl on the street.

The moment Irisviel rushed over, I regained my composure.

She caught Irisviel, and Irisviel looked into her eyes: "Cheer up! Lily! For your country!"

Artoria nodded heavily: "For my country and people! I will never fail again!"

She looked at Li Ye provocatively

Li Ye looked at the figure and smiled slightly: "It's really interesting~"

Only Emiya Kiritsugu in the distance felt like he was being greened, but he couldn't explain why.

Li Ye turned around and looked at the figure of the sea demon that had expanded to dozens of floors. He lowered his head. It was almost time and he had to carry out his own operations.

He raised the book in his hand and said: "The world is in danger of destruction. The gods have the intention to save the world. However, people's hearts are greedy and sinister and cannot be saved. But the gods cannot bear it and ask me to help."

He spoke slowly, and a little light emitted from around his body

At this moment, everyone in Japan saw the figure of this sea devil

Everyone was shocked: “What on earth is this!!”

The people in the Holy Church were all dumbfounded. What kind of thing was this? Normally, they only needed to be responsible for hypnotizing the witnesses in the later stage. They could at most create two gas explosions.

Good guy, they were fishing, and suddenly a projection appeared in front of their eyes. After calling for a while, they found out, good guy, everyone in Japan was affected by the projection.

"This... what should I do?"

They asked the superior Holy Church for advice, but they couldn't wait for a response. After all, they couldn't kill all the people in this small life at once, or brainwash them one by one?

The magicians in this world are the ones with abnormal brains. They usually treat humans as human medicine. But if we kill them all, then the whole world will know that something is wrong.

Until the person in charge of this Holy Grail War appears

"What nonsense! Issue an order quickly! Get rid of this one too! Send two command spells as well!"

"But it's not good to send out so many Command Seals in a short period of time... We don't have too many Command Seals."

"Then ask the Matou family again!"

The Holy Grail War was the product of joint research by Tohsaka, Matou, and Einzbern of the three Gomori families. The Matou family, their ancestor Magiri Zolgen, was responsible for the production and development of command spells.

This technology has not yet been included by the Clock Tower and the Holy Church, and has stayed with the Matou family.

But at this moment, Matou Kariya, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, rushed directly into the church: "If you want to issue such an order, then our Matou family will never be able to provide the command spell! Including the method of making the command spell, I It will also be destroyed! Let the Holy Grail War stop here!"

The person in charge looked at Zheng Zheng, who was panting and embarrassed, and asked, "So, is this a good thing done by your heroic spirit?"

Matou Kariya's eyes were fixed on this guy: "Exactly! So what do you want to do!"

The person in charge smiled: "Hand over the method of making the command spell, otherwise, we will still issue the order."

But the next second, this guy's head flew out

"Really, boring"

A sickle-like bug appeared in Matou Kariya's hand. It was the seal bug of his ancestor Matou Zonken, and now it is also his seal bug

Because Li Ye only killed Matou Zonken's soul, most of his seal bugs were preserved

And Matou Kariya picked up this thing again for Li Ye

"Cough... cough cough..."

He coughed up blood again, his body became a little dry, and his hair became dull again

But he didn't regret it at all. He turned his head and looked into the distance. Under the sea demon that was so huge that it could be seen in the next city, that was his servant

But he was useless and couldn't help from the front.

"Since I can't help you from the front! Let me remove your worries!"

As he spoke, he looked up again, and insects continued to emerge from his body: "For your great glory! I will use Nurgle, my dirty body! As fertilizer for your growth!"

He raised his hands with trembling hands: "Sir! Your glory is more dazzling than the gods! I believe in you! Praise you! In the name of the Command Seal! I will make the final contribution to you!"

The Command Seal lost one stroke again, and then another. He took out a book, which was full of Command Seals. This was the legacy passed down by his ancestors. Now there was no one who could do it.

Use one stroke less

And he didn't know how many Command Seals his body could use. The reason why he came here to use the Command Seal was because his Marking Bug would not stop once it was activated.

If it was not activated, he would have no magic power, so he had to maximize it, use the Marking Bug here, use his own bug magic, and then take advantage of that When the magic power cannot be stopped, use the command spell

"For Sir!"

The command spell kept pouring out, but he hadn't used it yet, and a golden shadow appeared in front of him

"Enough! Yanye, you've done enough"

No matter how slow Li Ye was, he noticed something was wrong, so he used the power of the golden tree to create a small clone and came here

The ability of the golden tree clone was also used by the first king Gefrey in the original book. He placed a clone in the royal city, and then the main body was expelled. As the master of the golden tree, Li Ye used it with even more amazing results

It was no longer the unconscious body clone of the first king, but a conscious clone like an inner child

"Sir... I..."

Li Ye smiled: "I swear to the gods, I will bless you, fight for the gods!"

Yanye's body was instantly penetrated by powerful energy Che

He looked at his hands, which were shining with golden light: "For,, God?"

He looked at Li Ye's figure again and nodded firmly: "For God!"

But in his heart, he was firmly inclined to his "sir"

More than a dozen magicians from the clock tower came again. Yan Ye looked at the golden light on his hands, shouted, and slammed it heavily on the ground

"For! God!"

Countless insects poured out. Li Ye's blessing brought him the source of magic power, allowing him to use those insects more unscrupulously

And the insects were also coated with golden light, becoming stronger

At the same time, Li Ye raised his hands, and the golden fallen leaves continued to shed light.

People all over Japan saw this scene,

The setting sun, the huge monster, and the heroic spirits who continued to fight

"Believe in God! Sing his name! Save the world!"

At this moment, the whole of Japan was boiling, and the people of Fuyuki Town kept sending signals to the outside world

"All this is true! "

The TV station also broadcast urgently, and the people in the clock tower could not stop it at all.

Because of Li Ye's projection, no one in Japan missed it. Several helicopters kept approaching the huge sea monster, but they shot it down with their tentacles in an instant and swallowed it into their stomachs.

The sun was about to set.

In the dark night, the sea monster's fangs and claws became bigger and bigger.

The TV station's broadcast and the news that kept spreading confirmed the accuracy of this information.

There are countless scenes in the daily life now. Those who think that the end of the world is coming, rush to the streets to smash, loot and kill, and think that this is just a hypothesis, laughing, but more people think that God will save the world.

"Sing the name of God!"

Li Ye sang this sentence again.

It should be said that people in the daily life are more or less a little bit second-year. Now, almost 60% of the people in the daily life have stopped their work, clasped their hands and stood there.

"God! Save the world! ! "

Li Ye watched his faith continue to grow, and he was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

In addition, he also contributed a lot to the survival of this sea demon. If Li Ye hadn't removed the effect of the yellow rose that would have killed it, it would have been killed by King Arthur Altria's ex curry stick due to the accumulated damage.

After all, it was killed in the original book.

In addition to Li Ye's alienation, it grew more comfortably, otherwise, how could it grow to such a huge size now?

Therefore, the system gave him a lot of points.

Li Ye said that this sea demon was really a good demon.

Seeing that the faith was increasing, Li Ye also put his hands together.

"God! Give me the power to save the world!"

He opened his hands, and a golden light shot out and rushed to the sky.

However, behind him was a whisper.

"The treasure is released, the glory of the golden tree!"

"Noble Phantasm: Golden Tree: A: Anti-World Noble Phantasm: Summon the coming of the Golden Tree, transform the world's faith into the blessing of gold. As the owner of the Golden Tree, you will have great power [Even if the guidance has long been broken, please become the King of Elden as soon as possible.]"

For some reason, Li Ye's Golden Tree turned into a Noble Phantasm. Even if it was not around, Li Ye did not ask Alaya. After all, he took advantage of it. The Golden Tree can now not only follow him to eat faith, but also has a more powerful effect.

A huge golden tree phantom appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the size was even Far surpassing the huge sea monster

"Even if the guidance has been broken, I will step onto the throne! Thank you for the guidance at the end of your life"

This chant is the beginning of the game. The protagonist's guidance witch wrote to him before she died. Even before her death, the witch was always thinking about the faded person she had never met.

"God said! Your life has reached the end!!!"

The huge golden tree is opposite to the sea monster, which is extremely shocking.

The golden light shines throughout the night as bright as day.

And the glory of the giant tree shines on everyone's face.

The meaning is hope in despair!

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