It's night

Fuyuki City today is quieter than before, probably because people have expected the gas to be very noisy tonight.

Li Ye stood on the high platform, overlooking the entire Dongmu

Although he does not have the "clairvoyance" of a shooter to see further, his strong physical fitness allows him to see many places.

Not to mention he also has mental scanning and "black shadow projection"

He has been watching everything here since the morning. The power of the Mirror Flower, Water Moon and Snake Talisman will help him hide his figure.

Because of the mythic bonus, the ability of the snake charm has been even more ridiculously enhanced, and it can even conceal energy scanning.

Of course, you can't hide too much by concealing it, you can only blur it a bit.

The evening breeze blew by, and Li Ye stood up. His robe was blown by the wind, and the slightly damaged hem that he had deliberately made slowly floated away. The girl on him also rubbed his clothes vigorously. robe

That's right, this girl has come up again, otherwise Li Ye wouldn't be able to come out if he had nothing to do.

With his current appearance, not to mention the clergy, even those who say he is abducting girls will believe him.

And he tried it, and the girl's head was so hard that even with his normal strength, it was a bit difficult to break it off, let alone pull it off.

"Good guy, this can't be the summoned heroic spirit whose Noble Phantasm is Tie Tie."

Li Ye sighed. His basic strength was indeed not very high. If he didn't rely on the black shadow's energy addition, his strength would only be a few dozen points. And adding energy for a girl would be too much.

Of course, it’s not that he wants a girl’s pussy, he’s not a pervert.

But one thing is that he gained a lot this day. At least he figured out the identities and positions of all the Masters and Heroic Spirits.

He turned around and looked at Fuyuki City. Things in the darkness were ready to move.

In the dark alley, a ruthless guy kept smiling at a woman: "You deserve to die~ Make your contribution to our marshal, right, lord marshal?"

At this time, a guy wearing a strange robe came out from behind him: "That's right, Ryunosuke, all this is to resurrect the saint, it's all worth it."

The man wearing a strange robe and hair is very crazy. When he talks about the saint, he becomes a bit like a fanatical believer.

After hearing what he said, the man named Ryunosuke just smiled. Compared to the saint in this guy's mouth, he preferred the fun of the murderer himself. He just killed for the sake of killing.

At this time, Ryunosuke suddenly remembered something and said to the guy in the strange robe: "Marshal, why did you come out with me this time?"

The man was stunned and licked the corner of his mouth: "Of course, I feel something interesting is coming."

In the distance, on an abandoned building, a guy with black hair and black eyes was holding a sniper rifle. However, he did not use the sniper scope of the sniper rifle. Instead, he only observed with the naked eye, staring at Fuyuki City.

This man's name is Emiya Kiritsugu. He is a guy known as the magician killer. He is calm, cool, and will use any means to achieve his goals. He can even use high-volume explosives in urban areas.

Generally, people who do this will not end well.

Although the last person who used high-yield explosives in urban Japan has now become the Dimension Demon, that guy was the result of his own cheating.

Not long after, a woman walked up to Emiya Kiritsugu: "Kiritsugu, relax a little."

But Emiya Kiritsugu still stared down, and said to the woman casually: "No, tonight is the first night, something big will definitely happen! Maiya, go and confirm for me Artoria and Irisviel’s status”

Irisviel is his wife and the reformer of the Einzbern family. She is only nine years old now, but she already has the appearance of an adult and possesses powerful magic power. She is also the daughter of Emiya Kiritsugu and the Einzbern family. one of the transactions

Emiya Kiritsugu was invited by the Einzbern family to participate in the Holy Grail War. Their old guys thought that Emiya Kiritsugu could bring them the Holy Grail, and even gave him the legendary summons of King Arthur. token

But Emiya Kiritsugu has his own ideas. He is a righteous partner who wants to eradicate evil in the world. He plans to make a wish directly after getting the Holy Grail.

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the noisy wind and the depressing atmosphere below the building, and couldn't help but sigh, but just when he sighed, he saw a strange person

The man was wearing a somewhat shabby robe and holding a strange book in his hand. He was standing on another tall building in the distance and smiled at him.

The aura was like that of a Pope, warm and powerful, but the robe was just an ordinary linen robe.

He immediately sensed something was wrong and raised his gun to shoot

The bullets in his gun are made from his own ribs and have the ability to block magic. They are the absolute nemesis of magicians.

But before he could shoot, a golden light came from the distance, followed by a violent explosion.

When he looked at the figure again, the figure had disappeared.

He had no choice but to observe the direction of the golden light again

This golden light is definitely not something that normal people can achieve. It must be a heroic spirit or a master.

This is also true,

At this moment, in a square

A golden figure is flying in the sky, with ripples rising behind it, revealing several swords.

And in front of him, there was a guy with a mask covering his mouth.

"What! That's... Assassin!!"

Although no one knows what other servants are, they are definitely different from normal people. The guy in front of him looks like an assassin servant.

The golden guy smiled slightly: "What a dirty bug, how dare you..."

But before he finished speaking, another figure emerged from the shadows on the side, wearing a black robe and a red book, it was Li Ye

The golden guy was also stunned. What the hell, it's different from the plot,

The golden guy is called Gilgamesh, Archer, that is, the guy of the shooter class, and his master is the famous Toshisaka Toki

That is the Toki who said "It's all Toki's fault"

And the assassin class, that is, the master of the Assassin class, is Toki's apprentice , the judge of this Holy Grail War, the agent of the Holy Church, Kotomine Kirei,

The Assassin summoned by this guy is the legendary Hassan of a hundred faces. This guy has an ability, which is to split into a hundred people. These hundred people are all himself, but they have different appearances. Only when all of them are killed can he be considered dead.

So the two of them planned to stage a play, let Archer kill one of the Hassans to fake the phenomenon that Assassin has died.

But who knew that Li Ye would come out halfway.

Li Ye wore a robe and did not carry a cloak. He just looked at the golden glitter in the sky and smiled slightly.

"That's right! I am Assassin. You thought I was dead? Are you kidding!"

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