Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 153 The Heroic Spirit I have never seen before should be quite weak

Matou Zōyan can also be said to be Marichi Zolgen, the ancestor of the Matō family.

The first head of the Matou family five hundred years ago, he was once a great magician, but because of his pursuit of the origin, he tried to extend his life, so he became like a bird.

Converted from the original magic to a bug magician, who can use bugs to take other people's bodies and achieve immortality.

If Li Ye hadn't been able to tear apart other people's souls directly, it would have been a bit difficult to deal with this guy.

Because this guy is actually a bug. As long as this bug doesn't die, it doesn't matter how many other bugs die.

Moreover, that basement is his magic workshop. It is difficult for ordinary magicians to be killed in their own magic workshop. Li Ye used his mental power to scan the place. Almost all of them were bugs, which was quite disastrous.

But he didn't expect that Li Ye could directly tear his soul apart, so he sent it directly.

Li Ye read the book and found that Matou Kariya was still standing on the side, and sighed.

This is also a miserable man. The childhood sweetheart he loved when he was young ran away with someone else, and a series of bloody things happened during this period.

Finally, there is the child of his beloved, Matou Sakura. Because the magic imprint in his beloved's family was not enough, he entrusted it to the Matou family. This directly found a good body for the old bug Matou Zangyan.

I almost burst out laughing because of the snot in my nose. I stuffed my own worms into Sakura's belly overnight.

That's right, Sakura is not clean anymore, she is so small! This directly led to the loss of her emotions

Matou Kariya, who had a little bit of a dog-licking attribute, collapsed, and then he thought about participating in the Holy Grail War, firstly to change Sakura's fate, and secondly to take revenge on Toki Toki.

But the reality is cruel. This guy doesn't have the magic power to be a master at all, so he has to absorb his own life force to create magic power. The price is that now this guy can't move half of his body.

Li Ye sighed again. If he hadn't cheated, what would he be like now in Marvel? He probably wouldn't be as good as this guy.

"Matō Kariya, tell me your intentions."

However, Matou Kariya thought about it and shook his head: "Sir, I have no requirements. Your ability to win the final victory in the Holy Grail War is my greatest vision. If possible, please help me deal with my enemies. He should also be the master of this Holy Grail War."

Li Ye looked at him, his eyes narrowed, and his peaceful and tolerant aura became a little bit colder. Matou Kariya's speaking skills were still not perfect,

It was obvious that he wanted Li Ye to help him deal with Tohsaka Time. The previous sentence was pure nonsense. No one knew how much of it was true.

Matou Kariya's voice also softened, and he said with some inferiority and guilt:

"And my niece, Sakura, there are still some marking bugs in her body. If possible, I would like to ask your husband to help remove it. Although Matou Zouken is dead and the marking bugs will disappear, I still hope that you can Heal her.

Yan Ye can say the word "heal" because Li Ye's style is so much like a priest

The power of the golden tree manifested, and the golden leaves slowly floated down around Li Ye, bringing a little warm feeling.

That's right, Li Ye plays the role of a magic stick this time.

"Kariya, faith will bring you strength, won't it?"

Then he picked off a falling leaf, blew it, and floated directly into Matou Kariya's body.

Yan Ye suddenly felt like he was wrapped in warm lake water. It felt like autumn was about to enter winter. He watched the rain beside the bed and drank a cup of warm tea.

warm, comfortable,

Then he discovered that his body was getting better, and even the pain that the marking bug had caused her had disappeared, but he was a little at a loss.

"Sir, sir, you..."

Li Ye smiled like a spring breeze: "You have never thought about yourself. After the Holy Grail War, you will probably die too."

Kariya smiled bitterly: "As long as Sakura and Aoi are fine, sir, please take my healing away and give it to Sakura, okay?"

He raised his head. It was obvious that this was not acting.

Li Ye opened the book and said like a magic stick: "No one has the power to control life and keep it, and no one has the power to control the date of death, but your character means that you should not die now."

Then he closed the book: "The gods will bless you, and they will also bless the poor, but none of this is priceless, is it? People have to pay for what they get, whether it is praying or money"

Kariya hurriedly said: "Sir, what do you need! As long as it is within my ability! I will definitely do it!"

Li Ye smiled: "Prepare a summoning altar for me, I need that."

Matou Kariya nodded hurriedly: "Sir! It will be ready for you soon!"

After the death of Matou Zouken, Matou Kariya was able to control some of Matou Zouken's funds. In addition, the original heir of the Matou family, his brother Matou Tsuruno did not take care of things very much. He has more resources at his disposal

Not to mention an altar, even a magic workshop is more than enough

Although he was a little strange as to why Li Ye wanted a summoning altar, he quickly made it

Not long after, it was still the basement

Li Ye stood in front of the magic circle,

Kariya was a little strange: "Sir, do you want to summon a heroic spirit?"

Li Ye smiled: "Naturally"

Kariya was even more puzzled: "Sir, aren't you a Heroic Spirit? And you don't have a Command Seal in your hand... Otherwise, I'll give you my Command Seal."

There are generally three command spells that can control heroic spirits, corresponding to three control opportunities. They will appear in the hands of the Grail of Heaven, that is, the person selected by the Holy Grail, before the Holy Grail War.

The meaning is to tell him: "You can summon, hurry up and fight."

You can only summon if you have a command spell in your hand, and the transfer of the command spell is indeed very dangerous. The great magicians in the original book had to cut off their hands to summon, let alone the two magic idiots Matou Kariya and Li Ye. , it can be seen that this guy Kariya does have some sincerity.

"Mortals dare not speak arbitrarily about gods, but even though I am not a god, I can still use some glimmer of light to change this rule."

In fact, what this guy is thinking in his heart is that I am not a god, but a dimensional demon.

But this guy still had that kind and warm appearance: "Watch it! Kariya!"

In the five battles in the original book, there was actually a heroic spirit that summoned a heroic spirit, but that was a great magician from the age of the gods. A simpleton like Li Ye couldn't compare. Even that guy summoned a limited heroic spirit.

Can only exist in one place and cannot leave

But Li Ye is different, he can make phone calls

Yan Ye watched Li Ye's operation attentively.

I saw Li Ye pull out a piece of big brother from the void: "Hey, Xiaola! Oh, it's Xiaogai. I think it's too difficult for me to handle it alone. How about you assign more people to me, ah, Okay, I can summon it myself.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Ye found that there were three more command spells on Li Ye's hand: "This... sir... this..."

Li Ye crossed his hands: "Don't panic, those blessed by the gods will be helped by the gods."

Yes, his god is just a little bit special.

"Then! Let's start the summoning!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Yan Ye also concentrated on looking at Li Ye to see what heroic spirit he could summon.

I saw Li Ye draw a sword in the air and take out a sword: "This sword is called the Windlass Sword. It is the sword of Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages, that is, Ying Zheng! It is a symbol of royal power! Use this sword as a medium! You will definitely be able to Summon a powerful heroic spirit."

Li Ye thought of Qin Shihuang in Fate. He was really a big daddy. It was difficult for Li Ye to fight against him with all his strength.

"Sir! This!!"

Matou Kariya looked at the sword in Li Ye's hand excitedly. If he could really summon that person, he would definitely win easily, even if this guy didn't know how awesome Qin Shihuang was.

"Your body is entrusted to my command; my destiny is attached to your sword.

Respond to the call of the Holy Grail, and those who obey this will and principle, respond to me!

I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the one who brings together all the evil in the world.

The seven days that surround the three great speaking spirits.

Cross the Wheel of Inhibition and appear, Guardian of the Scales. "

The light fell, and a figure appeared in the summoning array. Li Ye looked over excitedly.

But the guy in the summoning array surprised him: "Who is this?"

I saw a girl in white in the summoning array. She was not very tall, only 160cm. Her eyes were a little dull. The only thing that stood out was that she was very big.

It's not the big one, it's the two big horns on the top of her forehead. These big horns are very big.

"No, who is this heroic spirit? Have you seen it?"

Matou Kariya also shook his head: "Sir, I don't know."

Li Ye shook his head and searched all his memories. He had indeed never seen who this was.

"Heroic spirits I have never seen before must be quite weak."

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