Li Ye also didn't understand how his system determined this negative emotional value.

The main reason is that it is so outrageous that even one's own clone can be judged as a target of persecution and given one's own points.

And it’s not just you, even if others commit acts of persecution, it will be based on points, as long as the act is instigated by you, or is related to you.

For example, in this Asgard incident, there are a few people who really know that the mastermind behind the scenes is Li Ye and who really hate Li Ye.

But in the end, all the negative emotion points were added to Li Ye.

This system is really quite conscientious.

Li Ye looked at the additional 114,000 points on the panel and showed a pleased smile. In addition to the 514 points from last time, there are now again. . . 114514 points

Why does it still stink so much? It's outrageous.

This B system can’t get along with this joke, right?

Li Ye shook his head and continued to look at the guys in front of him. He did not go to destroy SHIELD himself, but let these guys go. The main reason was because it took too long.

Whether it's a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. or an agent, it takes a lot of time to deal with it.

Your time is precious, how can you have so much free time to fight against a group of scum?

And not only that, this also contains a little plan of his. SHIELD must know that he is going to mess with them, and as long as he does not show up, they will always be on guard against him and cannot attack with all their strength.

Li Ye returned to the table, placed his right hand flat on the table, and kept tapping: "What I need to tell you now is that you can use all my resources to do this. This matter is very rigorous and needs to be eradicated directly. Can you do it?"

Captain America nodded: "I know what this means. Hydra, if you cut off one head, two more will grow! You must cut off all his heads directly."

Li Ye smiled slightly. This was not because of what Captain America said, but because Captain America had already taken the position of his own subordinates. Even according to Captain America's character, he would not be inferior to anyone. He only believed in justice.

But this is still a good start

"If you have any problems, you can go find the soldier Keris and he will help you."

With his help, Private Ma Rui has been promoted several levels in a row, becoming a high-ranking official and performing another mission of Li Ye.

Although this guy is still a bit naive in character, he is very obedient. Because of the side-effect-free serum that Li Ye gave him, many people coveted it, so it also broadened his network in disguise, so now his status has increased.

As for the serum leakage, Li Ye is not worried at all. After all, he is the only one who has milk, and only he can make it without side effects.

As for the serum with side effects, his company is also preparing to launch it. If someone steals it, Li Ye will let them know what the anger of the Minister of Defense is.

Li Ye looked at the confused three people in front of him and sighed again.

"In addition, here is evidence that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually a traitor to other countries, including but not limited to stealing national money, tax evasion, and stealing war command secrets during wartime. You can use it to add insult to injury, and I should also go to retreat to practice. It’s magic”

After saying that, Li Ye left in a flash. Yes, he was going to travel across the world, and the reason he told these guys was that he was going to retreat to practice magic.

After Li Ye left, these guys looked at each other in confusion. Kilian was the first to speak: "Um, do you know a soldier named Keris?"

Captain America was a little speechless: "No normal person would be called this."

Jin Bing sat silently where Li Ye was sitting just now, looking at the two in front of him,

What I was thinking in my heart was, "One day, I will step under these two's feet and become Mr. Li's most powerful subordinate."

He no longer expects to surpass Li Ye. After all, how can a normal person compare with a guy who knows magic?

At the same time, on the Arctic glaciers, countless scientific expedition team members are conducting academic research here.

Of course, this is just a disguise for SHIELD. The real thing is that they are here to poach Captain America.

"We're going to dig it soon!" shouted a scientific researcher next to a huge piece of equipment.

The honest man Colson held the blue-red shield that had been replaced by Li Ye in his arms and shed tears of excitement.

"Finally, after decades, I can still see you!"

As a loyal fan of Captain America, he couldn't let himself miss this scene. He kept walking forward and watching the signals that kept appearing on the device: "Quick! Pull him up!"

But at this moment, there was only a roar, fire shot through the earth, and a huge humanoid creature emerged.


This humanoid creature has craggy features and an extremely dark appearance.

"Li Huohua! You deserve to die!!!"

This humanoid creature kept roaring, and the sky began to tremble.

This guy is exactly the creature Li Ye brought from Douluo Continent, the King of Ten Thousand Demons

Because this guy was really not popular, he even ran away when Li Ye was training other ferocious beasts, so the ferocious beasts unanimously attacked him and excluded him from the circle of ferocious beasts.

When Li Ye saw how good this was, it couldn't be wasted, so he used the elf ball to catch it for him.

I also specially selected a humanoid one and placed it under the glacier, just to make the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have specific data on the current Captain America. A human-shaped creature was detected under the glacier, so it was assumed that it was Captain America, and it began to dig. This digging revealed such a thing.

The Ten Thousand Demon King came up and started massacring. No one was spared. In the information age, S.H.I.E.L.D. also sent people to support

But it’s useless. Normal people just deliver food no matter how many times they go.

"Director! What should we do?"

At this time, he was lucky enough to hide in the ice tunnel that Li Ye had ordered the shadow ninja to dig when he was looking for Captain America. The good old man called and asked about the black braised eggs.

Black braised egg’s face is also dark

"Please ask your superiors to use missiles and use something with a large yield to destroy this monster."

But it’s not that easy to use missiles. After all, who knows whether you are going to attack other countries or the North Pole? Can you really just attack other countries with missiles like Captain America 2’s Insight Plan? Are you kidding me?

Black Braised Egg's face became darker and darker, and he could only approve it layer by layer.

At this time, Li Ye was eating melon seeds and watching the Lich King kill indiscriminately.

After all, it is something on the fantasy side, and the intensity is not low. SHIELD model worker Hawkeye and our Iron Man still formed a team to defeat this guy.

The fight was so dark that the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Iron Man decided to upgrade his equipment, and also followed Li Ye's suggestion. He built two large snipers, which can shoot hard, but they are still useless.

"Hit his eggs! What are you doing! Missile! Do you know Missile? Why is it so strong! It's because of this name! It leads to other people's eggs! Beat the person first! The winning rate is half as high!"

He was eating melon seeds and pointing out the country. Eagle Eye and the others could see Li Ye, while the King of Ten Thousand Demons was controlled by Li Ye's "Mirror Flowers and Water Moon" and focused on beating the two guys in front of him.

Especially Iron Man, who was grabbed by the feet and thrown back and forth, which even hurt Li Ye.

"Hope everyone is okay"

The honest Coulson was still shouting: "Director! It's really not possible! It's going to be sent, Iron Man is going to be sent!"

Hei Lu Dan had no choice but to lower his head and order the agents to launch missiles. They had their own private collection of missiles. After all, Tony himself sold them.

But this kind of direct launch without approval may lead to a military court.

But what can I do about the black braised eggs? I can only execute it, and for this guy’s research materials, it’s worth it!

The missile streaked across the sky and hit the body of the Ten Thousand Demon King. Smoke and dust were everywhere, and fire was splashing everywhere.

The Iron Man on the other side was thrown far away. From the looks of it, he would probably have to sit in a wheelchair for a few more months before he became a wheelchair man.

Even so, everyone breathed a sigh of relief

But when the smoke and dust disperses, where is the presence of the Ten Thousand Demon King?

Not to mention the King of Ten Thousand Demons, there is not even a hair on the ground.

Honest Coulson reported the situation: "Is it possible that... this thing evaporated?"

At this time, Hei Lu Dan, who was staring at the screen of the remote transmission device, became anxious on the spot, and said to the table: "Li Huohua!!! It's you again!!!"

If Nick Fury doesn't know who's messing with him at this point, he really doesn't need to.


He used all his strength to attack the table with his strongest attack

Then there was no sound

The honest man Colson kept comforting Black Braised Egg: "Director! Don't be angry, sooner or later he will fall off."

But there was still no sound over there. After a long pause, Black Braised Egg continued to speak: "Don't worry, Agent Coulson! I will definitely find Captain America! Launch an attack on Li Huohua!"

Coulson nodded vigorously: "Yes! Director"

He had no idea that the director on the other side was holding his hand and screaming in pain. The blow he just hit on the table really hurt him.

"Who bought this table? Why is the quality so good!"

So where is the Ten Thousand Demon King at this time? Of course it's in Li Ye's hand

Shadow Kingdom

Li Ye's figure appeared, looking at the guy in front of him, it was the extremely embarrassed King of Ten Thousand Demons

And around Li Ye, shadow ninjas kept appearing.

The man with the hammer, the hoe, and the sunglasses stared at the King of Demons with a pair of red eyes.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Li Huohua! You finally showed up!"

Li Ye smiled: "Yes, I show up, what are you going to do?"

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