Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 146 Lao Fei? They are everywhere!

"Follow me! Kill!!!"

With the addition of Li Ye, the battlefield is really overwhelming.

Mainly because Li Ye's new weapons are so suitable for battlefield combat

This is a ruthless life harvester. With just a wave of the blade, it can take away a large area of ​​life, and the fire it brings does not fade for a long time, constantly burning the lives of the enemy.

"You!! You are!!!"

Of course, there will also be unexpected situations, such as suddenly meeting some "old acquaintances"

For example, the Loki in front of me,

At this time, Loki's head was majestic. Oh, that's his armor.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! We met a Loki! Just pinch the head off and you can eat it. The protein is hundreds of times that of beef."

This is not bragging. These gods are indeed like this. They are indeed the most valuable supplements. However, Li Ye has no intention of playing the "human body medicine" trick.

Mainly because he doesn't know how to

Otherwise, when killing someone, you can first swallow the shadow and then the soul, and then clean up the negative emotional value. That is really not a waste of anything, and it is ecological and environmentally friendly.

When you see an environmentally friendly girl, you have to give her a thumbs up

"Oh! Is there an environmentally friendly girl in this world? If so, I must let her try my method that is not wasteful at all."

But now, Loki still had a smile on his face: "What are your intentions!"

Li Ye smiled, and a stone flew up from the ground and shot directly into the distance, hitting a piece of void.


A clear voice sounded, and Loki's figure appeared from the void, while the original figure gradually disappeared.

"Hela was released! Now here she is pretending to help Asgard..."

But the next second, there was a knife in his chest

Loki looked at the knife on his chest, with a smile still on his face. He now showed the demeanor of the guy who kept smiling in the middle and later stages of the original work.

The God of Trickery who is always smiling, except for being a bit weak, the God of Trickery who is already approaching perfection

But it is of no use now. The trick is a joke between the absolute information gap and the absolute strength.

"No matter who you are, your intentions will never come true!"

Just then, a cry came from the distance: "Loki!!!"

It was the God of Thunder, with golden thunder in his arms, charging towards this side with overwhelming force.

Li Ye looked at Loki, smiled, and drew out the long knife, and he suppressed the spread of fire on the blade.

"Brother! He is the one who..."

He felt the damage done to him by the knife just now, so he hurriedly yelled out

But before he finished speaking, a blue light lit up, and Loki disappeared.

Li Ye put the sword back into its sheath and smiled.

The God of Thunder is watching here like a demon.

"Loki! Loki!!!"

Then he raised his head and looked at Li Ye: "You shouldn't kill him! He is my brother."

The eyes are full of grievance

Li Ye spread his hands and showed a toothless smile: "But he is coming to kill me..."

Thor was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head: "Actually, he is not his biological son."

Li Ye couldn't hold it back and almost laughed out loud. The God of Thunder had learned to be a little more flexible, but only a little. He knew who the big daddy was and knew not to arouse Li Ye's resentment at this time.

But this solution is somewhat funny

Li Ye smiled. As for Loki, he had been transported into space by his black shadow. Li Ye also concentrated on adding blue particles to his special effects, which looked more like those used by Loki himself.

As for the special effects, it would be easy for a dimension lord to change the color of the special effects.

At this time, the shadow ninja holding a blue paint bucket on the other side of the shadow dimension expressed doubts

Moreover, he was afraid that Thanos would not be able to receive this guy, so he deliberately threw it away from the original place.

As for whether this guy will come back to inform?

Li Ye said it had nothing to do with it. When he came back, the plot of the reunion had been going on. It had been a few years.

If Li Ye couldn't secretly control an Asgardian at that time, then he wouldn't have to mess around anymore.

Thor still asked worriedly, "Is he dead?"

Li Ye still spread his palms, palms down, and waved his hands: "I guess he ran away. Judging from the move just now, he should have sent him away."

Thor shook his head: "He still has a lot of magic that I don't know about."

But there was a little more happiness in his expression

Li Ye also smiled and casually chopped him into pieces by the undead who wanted to attack him by surprise.

At this moment, Thor raised his head and looked at Li Ye: "And you! My friend! Thank you for your help! Asgard will always treat you as a guest!"

Li Ye said: "It doesn't matter, I'm not the kind of person who is just for fame. I care more about my friends. You think so, my friend?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously: "My friend!"

Li Ye drew out his long knife again

The ruthless slaughter begins again

He rushed straight to the ice giant's lair. As for why it wasn't Hela's side, Li Ye said that those undead didn't provide points, which was really a barrier, not as good as the ice giant.

"For Asgard!"

Li Ye swung his sword, and eternal fire ignited around the earth. As soon as he said these words, the power of the long sword suddenly increased to a higher level.

It may be that there are too many Asgardian souls inside. Although the soul energy is melted and stuffed in, the damage will still be increased like a stress.

But it doesn't matter, Asgard will be his sooner or later.

The ice giant's camp has become a mess: "Boss! He has already come to kill us!"

Laufei looked at the fire burning in the distance and lowered his head deeply. He is the boss of all ice giants. He is now responsible for the ice giant kingdom, so he is the boss!

He picked up the Ice Box again. Although he was in unbearable pain from this thing, he still lifted it

He caught the future!

The huge ice giant rose from the ground, and he directly exerted the maximum power of this thing

The ice giant looked at Li Ye's tiny figure and the pool of fire around him, and let out a laugh that resounded throughout Asgard.

"You humble insect! Go to hell!"

The huge fist falls like the sky

"Hey, that's it?"

Li Ye smiled disdainfully.

Then he raised the long knife in his hand: "For Asgard!"

The knife fell and the fire ignited, swallowing up the entire ice giant.

"Ah!!! Ah!! I am not willing to give in!!! Odin!!! Why are you!!!"

Li Ye received the sheath and sighed. He was getting stronger and stronger. What should he do? He was cremated by the opponent easily.

etc? Cremated?

Li Ye looked at the Fire Joy in his hand and suddenly didn't like it so much.

"Lee!! Lee!!"

At this time, the God of Thunder rushed over with a hammer he didn't know where it came from, but when he looked around, there was nothing else except fire.

"Where's Laufei? Li?"

He saw Laufei driving and came over to help, but as soon as he came over, Laufei disappeared.

Li Ye sighed: "It's everywhere"

Thor immediately raised his hammer and looked around with a wary expression: "So arrogant?"

Li Ye waved his hand: "It's up, and it's a matter of seconds. What's there to say? It's all burned into steam."

Thor immediately put down his hammer, as if it was not him who looked vigilant just now.

"Li! It's great to have you! You will be my lifelong friend."

Li Ye smiled coquettishly. If this guy knew that he was married to his father, he would have to shave his big ears when he woke up in the middle of the night.

"This is what I should do"

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