Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 138: Lao Fei: Baby is in pain

Asgard is in chaos

On the frontal battlefield, the undead and the Asgardian warriors continue to fight

In the main hall of Asgard, Odin's wife Frigga was so anxious that she really didn't know what to do.

Although she is the Queen of the Asa Clan and has great strength, there is really nothing she can do about it.

Because it was her biological daughter who launched the attack this time

The sound of footsteps sounded in the hall, and Frigga followed the sound and saw that it was her daughter Hela.

"My queen mother, I'm back"

Frigga's eyes were complicated: "You are back, but you shouldn't be back!"

She doesn't know whether she should be angry or happy

Angry, her daughter had been suppressed for so long, and now she escaped, she couldn't get angry anymore

But joy? Just kidding, the place where I have lived for so long will be destroyed, how can I be happy?

Hela walked to Frigga, opened her arms and hugged her

Frigga is qualified as a mother. Both Thor and Loki love her very much.

"Listen to me, mother, and live well."

Frigga's eyes were tangled, and finally she softened.

A dagger suddenly appeared in her hand and plunged directly into Hela's heart.


Blood splashed out from Hela's body, and Frigga's eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, kid, I'm sorry."

Hela still stroked her hair: "It's okay, mother, I forgive you."

Although she hated her father Odin, she had no negative feelings towards Frigga.

Then the corners of her eyes became a little moist, and she slowly pushed her away.

Outside the main hall, the sky is dark, and fighting is going on.

This is the result of Li Ye collecting a large part of the souls. If not, Asgard might have fallen by now.

In the original work, the Hulk and Thor were able to barely resist it together, and in the end, the fire giant Surtur was asked to destroy Asgard to solve the problem.

Hela broke away from the embrace, and her eyes became cold again: "I'm sorry, mother, I still have to chop him. This is my decision! You can't change it!"

She became determined again. She was a king-like woman who would only show a little emotion in front of her mother, but now, she became that queen again.

"I won't kill you, mother."

The power of death continued to gather, forming a cage that locked her tightly inside. Frigga had tears in her eyes.


But Hela had already turned around and left without stopping at all.

On the other side, Loki stood up from the ground while retching. He stared hatefully in the direction where Li Ye and Hela left.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

He staggered towards the treasures in Odin's treasury

Li Ye collected a lot of things, including the Eternal Fire

But he also preserved part of it, so that this place can still be seen as Odin's treasure house.

He staggered to the front of a box: "You took a lot of things, but! You forgot this!"

This thing is the most precious treasure of the Ice Giant clan. As long as it has it, Loki's Ice Giant bloodline can be brought into full play.

But he has always rejected his Ice Giant bloodline, and he hates his life experience.

He looked outside, and there was already smoke. The people of Asgard were shouting, hating, and crying.

He looked at the box of ice in his hand again and made up his mind.

"I am the king of Asgard!"

He is like this, the god of trickery and Loki. He will never retreat when he is really needed. He can stab Thanos with a dagger. It is conceivable that this guy is definitely as reckless as his brother.

Line of sight changes again

This time it comes to the king of the frost giants, Laufey.

Laufei is very uncomfortable now. He was called by his son Loki to kill Loki's father.

It may be a little confusing to say,

Loki revealed his identity as a Frost Giant in an attempt to let Laufey assassinate Loki's sleeping father, Odin. In fact, Loki's intention was to stage a show, letting Laufey assassinate Odin, and then himself assassinate him. came out and was killed by Laufei.

Then "just enough" to let others see it

In this way, Loki has a necessary condition for becoming a king - the faith of the people.

To be honest, both of them are his fathers. He is really a "father-worrier" on the same level as Star-Lord.

But who would have known that things like this would happen before I went there?

Now Laufei is running around, just afraid of meeting someone somewhere.

In the entire Asgard, whether it was the undead or the Asgardians across the door, they would just cut them down when they saw him.

Although his strength is not particularly bad, there are so many people on the opposite side. As long as one comes over, a swarm of bees will gather around him.

He was really wronged

"Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

His eyes jumped again and returned to Li Ye's side.

Colorful colors flowed around Li Ye's body. He untied his robe, but did not put it down completely. He just wore it as a very wide cloak. This was so that his wings could be stretched out, otherwise the robe would stretch around his neck.

I saw only Tian Cong Yunqie in his right hand, Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll in his left hand, a shield hanging on the wrist holding the sword, and three lightsabers floating behind him.

That's called nondescript

On his side, Malika, who had transformed into her true form, flew her hands and kept chanting. A golden hammer and a golden sword appeared in her hands.

She also had Li Ye's shield hanging on her other hand.

Odin looked at them coldly, and light gradually appeared on the surface of his body.

He is also getting buffs, and there are a lot of bonuses in the runes.

Li Ye didn't allow him to be like him: "You can't afford it, right? It's a monkey show! Look at my methods!"

This shameless guy is a double-standard player. He said that his buffs are based on his ability, and it is definitely not because of his lack of martial ethics.

The buff on the opposite side is purely destroying the balance of the game and needs to be stopped in time.

The flying sword, which is more than ten times the speed of sound, goes back and forth without stopping at all, but the speed is too fast and it is difficult to stop the car. Due to inertia, it will still be delayed for a certain distance, resulting in a low frequency of damage.

But this is enough to interfere with the opponent's behavior

Feijian has its own inherent AI. Li Ye didn't think that such an aboveboard thing could have any effect.

"Odin! As long as I take away these things I took, you can still suppress your eldest daughter now. This is compensation for me! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Odin said: "Then what did you take?"

"It's just a few treasures."

Odin's eyes did not change, but his hand had already tightened his grip on the spear: "Impossible! Unless you hand over the power of the God of Thunder, you can stay here!"

Li Ye's eyes burst with golden light. When Odin opened his mouth, he rushed forward without any moral ethics.

"I told you! That's compensation! Eat me! Big sword"

He used the rabbit charm to increase his speed.

At more than ten times the speed of sound, he rushed forward with a strong sonic boom.

This is not over yet, a sphere generated by the soul is formed in his hand

"Get Shen Gang!"

Odin's eyes also burst out with a little flash of thunder.

"Boy! Eat my trick!"

He put the spear directly in front of him

"Kungunir! Go!"

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