Li Ye looked at Thor's embarrassed look and smiled.

"Oh, yes, there is also this"

Li Ye handed the hammer to Captain America, who took it with a puzzled look on his face.

Then, he picked it up. . . Picked it up

When Thor saw it, he saw how his hammer could be used by everyone but himself.

"No!! Quake! Quake will never leave me."

What he felt now was as if his wife had run away with someone else, and the tears came out of his eyes.

The evil god Loki was also shocked

"Mortal! How dare you!!"

Li Ye directly spread out a palm

"So, Lord God, what are you going to do? Just rely on your little dagger to sneak attack me?"

The pebbles flew directly from the ground, flew into Li Ye's hand, and then hit Li Ye directly behind him at a speed exceeding several times the speed of sound.

The void behind Li Ye suddenly shook, and a figure was knocked away.


It is the evil god Loki who is invisible and wants to plot against Li Ye.

Captain America saw this scene. Although he was a little confused, he still picked up the hammer and stood ready. With the hammer in his hand, he felt an inexplicable power born in his heart. He felt that he could hit his previous self now. . . Okay, still 50/50

Seeing Loki being knocked away, Thor was stunned for a moment, then yelled


But he didn't catch up, he still knelt on the ground

After saying that, he turned around and continued to face Li Ye: "You shouldn't treat him like this! He was just joking!"

Li Ye smiled and said nothing, while black shadows floated on the ground.

A yellow-skinned rat's head appeared: "Hey! What you said is that your cerebellum is not fully developed and your brain is completely underdeveloped. Come on! Cremate! Give him a whole life."

"Come on! Ignore!"

Li Ye put his foot on the yellow-skinned mouse and kicked her away, hitting Loki hard on the forehead as he just got up.


Loki was thrown away again

"Mortal! How dare you do this!"

The yellow-skinned rat jumped up, stepped on Loki, and stepped on him again: "Li Huohua, what are you doing! You're crazy, aren't you!"

Li Ye copied his hands: "I asked you to come here to give you a job. You are so good at your job that I shouldn't give you a job, shovel."

The yellow-skinned mouse immediately started making a fuss: "My name is Marika! Not Shovel! I'm not happy with the name that your brain came up with."

"Then bite me and spread it"

The two of them started arguing directly in front of these guys.

Marika, the yellow-skinned rat, jumped up, grabbed Captain America’s hammer, and swung it against Li Ye’s head.

Seeing this scene, Thor cried again

"Ah!! My hammer! Another one!!"

Loki finally got up from the ground and yelled: "I'm going to kill you!!"

He also rushed forward,

The situation was chaotic for a while, with Captain America watching the show and Thor crying.

Li Ye retreated to avoid the hammer

The dodged hammer hit Loki directly in the face, who was holding a dagger in an attempt to use magic for a sneak attack.

Loki, flew out again

Li Ye couldn't help but smile when he looked at Loki who was already covered in tears.

"Hey, what a weak god"

When Loki heard this, he couldn't bear it and went up again. At this time, Marika's hammer came again. Li Ye dodged again and hit Loki on the head again.

Been fighting for a long time

Li Ye missed, Loki's head was covered with big bumps, and Marika looked tired, holding Mjolnir and breathing heavily.

"Hey! His grandma's grandpa's grandma! You can't let someone die from unknown AoE. You can't do it."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I know, there are always weak chickens."

[Ding, Loki’s negative emotion value +200]

Li Ye looked at Loki: "So, little Princess Loki, have you had enough trouble?"

Loki looked at Li Ye with hatred on his face. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that these two people were just teasing him: "Just wait for me!"

Then he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Heimdall!"

The light beam fell and was picked up by him directly, and Li Ye also showed a toothless smile.

“It’s really frustrating”

Li Ye's eyes were deep and he already had a clue about the next action.

The God of Thunder here is still in emo

"Oh! My friend! Why! Why does Quake recognize so many people! But not me!"

Li Ye opened his palms and said, "Oh, I don't know either. My friend, maybe your father hasn't recognized you yet."

Then he picked up the hammer and continued: "Although he admits me, Mr. American Buttocks, and this electric mouse and shovel, you are the person he admits the most in his heart, aren't you?"

Thor nodded and said as if he had made up his mind: "I believe you! My friend! I will definitely get its approval again!"

Li Ye nodded: "Then let me do an experiment with it first."

Black mist floated on the ground, and a black, naked and strong ninja floated up. After being carefully fed by the Wakandans, this guy is now as big as the Hulk.

He emerged, lowering his head and looking at Li Ye


Li Ye raised his head and looked at him: "You squat down first, it makes me feel uncomfortable to see you like this."

Inexplicably, he thought of a certain senior named Russell. It seems that he also had such a story.

Fortunately, this strong ninja is more obedient.

He squatted half-kneeling in front of Li Ye


Good guy, he squatted down to be as tall as Li Ye: "Okay, you better stand."

Li Ye directly handed him Thor's hammer.

He took it with some confusion

So, I took it again, took it

The black shadow ninja has no mind at all, let alone any bad intentions, so he can naturally pick it up

But Thor collapsed again: "No!! Why!!"

Marika on the side was a little speechless: "The essence of human beings is a repeater, and the essence of your god is too, right? How many times have I said this?"

Li Ye ignored them and started his own operation directly.

He sent Thor away first because the scene that followed was too evil for underage gods to watch.

Then he closed his hand directly towards the strong man

"If the guy who got this hammer has the power of the God of Thunder, then you don't have it!"

"So! This power has entered me and I still want to leave!"

The sky suddenly became angry and the rain poured down

Li Ye felt a line of sight falling on him

No need to think about it, it must be Odin's old lamphead. He said he was asleep. There must be other ways to observe the world. It's okay for normal people to have fun. Li Ye really intends to dig up the foundation of this hammer.

"Old lamphead, your second son said something rude to me. It's not too much for me to use a hammer."

But a thunder struck down from the sky, heading straight to the door in front of Li Ye

Li Ye waved his hand to disperse, and then said jokingly

"I think! My suggestion is correct. If you don't speak next, then I will do it directly."

[Ding, Odin’s negative emotional value +500]

The sky was filled with thunder, and it struck Li Ye directly. It was obvious that Odin did not agree. After all, he broke through the Nine Realms when he was young, and his temper was explosive.

But Li Ye smiled mischievously: "Sorry, rejected."

The sky suddenly became clear: "You tell me, you tell me, this clear sky must be because you agreed to it, brother Odin. I know it, and I will send you some condolences in a while."

[Ding, Odin’s negative emotional value +900]

Odin, who was lying on the bed, almost woke up from anger.

Li Ye took out a book directly from his crotch

"Then! Eat my binding curse!"

Binding curse! One of the enchantments from Minecraft that allows this object to never leave your body, even in death.

Applying enchantments to real objects is another great achievement developed by Li Ye!

Normally, there should be thunder at this time, but Li Ye denied the weather, so it was still cloudless.

It's just that there is a strong wind all around, and the turbulent flow of energy stirs up the violent wind all around.

Li Ye doesn't only have this method. Binding is not enough. He must completely get the person of the God of Thunder.

"Odin, Odin, why are you doing this when you have nothing to do?"

Odin once said this about Thor's hammer. Anyone who can afford the hammer can enjoy the power of Thor.

Then Li Ye has too much room for maneuver.

How would a dimensional demon cook such a thing?

Infinite black energy emerged from all around, directly sealing the power of Thor's hammer within the strong man's body.

Marika on the other side also transformed into a human form, Li Ye's eyes were shining with golden light, and he was extremely majestic.

They both spoke together

"I bless you in my name. The power of the God of Thunder will not be far away from your body. My will will be imposed on you. Bathed in my blessing! Hold my sharp sword and kill me. enemy"

"From today on, your name will be! Hammer!"

"Hey! Your name is the same as the answer, listen to me, your name is! Jianyu Thunder God!!"

"What the hell! It doesn't sound as good as a hammer."

Captain America on the side looked at the whirlwind dancing around him with mixed feelings in his heart.

"This meow is also magic?"

The strong man's eyes flashed with thunder. He had completely seized the power of the God of Thunder. Now he can even be called the second generation of the God of Thunder. He could defeat the first generation. Now even if he dies, the power of the God of Thunder will not look for anyone else.

[Ding, Odin’s negative emotion value +1000]

The strong man flashed his hammer, and the thunder god's power opened his intelligence: "My name! Hammer!!!"

It's just that the sky is dry and windy but there is no thunder, which seems a bit unexpected.

Malika returned to the state of a yellow-skinned mouse and kicked it: "It's Jianyu Thundergod!"

The strong man looked at her and said, "My name is Hammer! Do you also want to face the glory of the God of Thunder?"

Li Ye slapped his forehead: "Why is this guy's character so chuunibyou?"

On the other side, Thor, God of Thunder, had arrived at the beer hall. He was about to drink and tell his story into a speech to make himself feel better, but he suddenly felt something flowing out of his body.

He thought it was his hammer that once again refused to recognize him.

"No!!! Mjolnir!! My hammer!!"

People around looked at this guy and felt that his mind was not normal for some reason.

Returning to Li Ye, he looked at the hammer showing off his new abilities and showed a sinister smile.

"It's time to send some warmth to Odin!"

"Before that! Let's have a surprising and exciting lottery!"

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