Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 126 Monkey show for two hours and fight for five minutes (3k)

Li Ye's figure loomed in the space, and he was ready for war.

This is the first time he has faced off against someone of the same rank, so it’s not easy.

Buster, who was on the opposite side, saw that Li Ye was coming with bad intentions. How could he be an ordinary person? He was just that. . . Ordinary people?

Even now, Buster's senses can't see through Li Ye. She doesn't understand that her god status is fake?

But she knew that she had to take action now, otherwise, she would definitely be trapped here.


I saw her flash like lightning, her speed directly exceeded several Mach, using her divine power to act as a biological creature, and quickly attacked Li Ye

Buster, the Black Panther God, is closely related to hunting, speed, and agility.

Li Ye's figure was directly torn into pieces, but Buster did not relax at all.

This guy is definitely not that simple, he is definitely prepared! Come! cheat! Come! Sneak attack! She, a thousand-year-old Nepali

Is this good? This is not good!

This is also true. Li Ye relied on Tiamat to erase his aura, coupled with the spiritual light to distort the space, the dream tapir to provide illusions, and the snake charm to blur his existence.

He created an illusion for her, an illusion that was fake, but he knew that this thing could only be used to torture people, and it would be of no use to catch someone like Buster who was at the same level as him.

Li Ye is better than Buster because he is stronger, strength, speed, everything is exaggerated. Buster is better than Li Ye because of her tens of thousands of years of experience, although she has not fought much in thousands of years. shelf

Buster kept patrolling in place to check the surrounding situation. Her divine power turned into streams of light to search the surroundings. As long as there was an energy reaction, she would pounce on it without hesitation.

And Li Ye sighed. He understood the principle of this thing. After all, if he wanted to take action, he had to release his energy.

But can he just hide? joke

Three flowing flying swords shot out from the void and headed straight for the Black Panther God Buster.

The sword light is lingering, the brilliance is uncertain, and it is wandering without a trace.

Li Ye used optical interference and snake charms to hide the blow.

However, this high amount of energy release and the sixth sense possessed by the Black Panther God Buster made Li Ye's hiding useless.

But with the blessing of Li Ye, the flying sword itself can reach speeds of several Mach, piercing back and forth around Buster like a ghost.

Even though Buster was extremely fast and powerful, he still couldn't resist Li Ye's flying sword.

At this time, Li Ye once again showed a toothless smile with squinting eyes.

"Oath made by a golden tree!"

"Golden Tree Favor!"

"Golden Tree Protection!"

"Golden tree magic protection!"

Golden light rose, and the golden light flowed in Li Ye's eyes.

Buster in the distance is confused, fighting like this? You can’t afford it, right? But Li Ye hasn’t stopped yet! He can continue

"The physical laws around Tiamat, the spirit of speech, are weakened!"

"And the existence of the snake charm is weakened!"

Buster's eyes popped out. This guy can't afford it. Others are here to fight, but you're here to watch the monkeys dance, right?

"And! Yan Ling! The king's chosen servant!"

"Yan Ling! Bronze Throne!"

"The black shadow energy is strengthened!"

Li Ye looked at Buster who was stabbed by flying swords in the distance and was still waiting for his eyes to understand his behavior. He smiled evilly and showed a arrogant smile.

"I didn't expect that I could continue!"

"Strength! Urgency! Scuba breathing! Arson! Resistance-increasing potion! Life-restoring potion"

Countless particle special effects soared from around Li Ye's body, as gorgeous as a rainbow

The colorful streamers were constantly changing on Li Ye's body. Although Li Ye didn't know the principle, there was no buff conflict. The buffs were honestly arranged on Li Ye's MC panel, providing him with gains.

"And the last one! Yanling Baqi!"

Li Ye's eyes shone with golden light. This was the first time he used this ability since he obtained it.

The skin on his back continued to bulge, and then with a pop, huge dragon wings broke out behind him, and dragon scales like white rocks continued to form on his body.

"Dragon body! Half-dragon! Hey! See if I'm handsome!"

Apparently no one answered his question

Regarding Baqi, this is the word spirit he obtained a long time ago. Its original ability is to improve his blood level and continuously transform into a dragon.

But "Quan", as powerful as King Bai, directly upgraded this move to the realm of obtaining a dragon body. His powerful mental control condensed the huge dragon body into the size of a human form.

Powerful power echoed in Li Ye's body

Made him laugh involuntarily

"Neopard God! Although you are very naughty! But! I am invincible when it comes to monkey tricks!"

Everyone was dumbfounded by Black Panther God Buster. Any normal person would do this before a fight. It's all a monkey show, right?

But she was surrounded by flying swords and could only watch as Li Ye got the buff.

"Take the move! Eat me! Earth Explosion Star!"

Because of the mirror space, the ground around her was inverted, and the surrounding mirror images kept changing. The ground covered with corpses kept getting closer to Buster, and Buster was not covered. Her intuition told her that there was definitely something wrong with this, and she had to stay away immediately.

Even though the flying swords were constantly piercing back and forth around her, she still tried to escape. As expected, as she expected, stone spikes shot out from the ground around her, trying to pierce her and imprison her.

Fortunately, she dodged, and then she directly mocked Li Ye

"You are so inferior! Boy, you are still too young. How can something so slow be able to deal with me!"

Her speed increased suddenly. If Li Ye's dynamic vision and reaction ability had not been greatly improved, she would have been exposed.

"Boy! It's not good to be too slow!!!"

In just a few seconds, Buster's claws were about to touch Li Ye.

Li Ye smiled without showing his teeth again: "Are you serious?"

Then he stretched out a finger.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared behind Buster, spread his huge wings, and his finger was still pointing forward.

"Power plus Eagle Finger!"

The fingertip went to Buster, and Buster's sensing ability and sixth sense also instantly sensed Li Ye's figure. Although she had lived for so long and had not fought much, her ability would not be too bad.

But the surrounding rock spikes suddenly accelerated and pierced Buster's body directly, and then one by one, pierced the buttocks of the leopard god Buster.

This is a confinement and injury. move

"Hey, this must hurt like hell"

But the next second, the figure of the leopard god suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared behind Li Ye

"Energy body! Boy"

The huge claws grabbed down, and Li Ye dodged quickly, but it was too late and he was scratched

Buster did not choose to continue, because Li Ye's backhand had come

Countless stones that were more than ten times the speed of sound were dancing around, blocking her figure

When she saw Li Ye again, there was no wound on his body, not even a trace,

She was stunned, what was going on, she obviously hit him

Li Ye also smiled at her: "It's the same as no one else's"

But he didn't say that his was digitized, which was different from the opponent's energy body. If the opponent used it, he could be immune to physical damage, but Li Ye's was not, but fortunately, there were few opponents fighting, and they were not very good at using this thing, so they could only use it occasionally Use non-permanent form

"But it's really troublesome that you can quantify it, which makes me need to be more serious."

Li Ye said that it was too painful without energy. He only had Yaqi to recover blood, constant life recovery 2 blood, corruption potion bottle recovery, eating blood recovery, and golden tree recovery. I was really envious of this little blood recovery.

Li Ye tried it, and his Tiamat could not directly affect Buster. This was a problem of status. After all, the opponent was a god. Even if he believed in the god, Li Ye could not have an effect on him.

However, Li Ye could use this skill to do something else.

The flying sword flew out again, interfering with Buster's path. The surrounding scenes kept changing, flowing, and unpredictable.

Li Ye's figure was looming, and he hid again.

Seeing Li Ye's figure disappear, Buster became alert immediately.

She continuously released her own energy but in small amounts around her, Like a layer of dust, as long as Li Ye steps around, she will find out

This trick is very useful, at least Li Ye has no way to deal with it. He dare not let the energy of a god flow through his body, and Tiamat cannot take effect on the other party

"It's outrageous"

But Li Ye doesn't need to step around her

He took out a cannon from his crotch

This is a brand-new equipment developed by Chutou based on soul power research, and when using it, Li Ye has to hold it on his legs with both hands, which looks quite ridiculous

The full name is the fixed energy collection Armstrong cyclotron ion orbit Italian cannon

According to Li Ye's requirements, this thing has developed its energy storage capacity and damage performance to the peak

There is no efficiency, no practicality, it is simply energy storage, that is, the ability to charge, and it is simply a damage explosion

The longer the charge is, the higher the damage

"Eat my words! Tiamat! Deny that it takes time for the weapon in my hand to charge"

"Deny the damage threshold of the weapon in my hand"

"Deny the fact that others see that my posture is not handsome enough"

"Then! Eat my black cannon!!! "

The black and red light penetrated the heaven and earth directly, and it was out of control.

Buster was not a fool. Seeing this, he would definitely run away.


"Negative all physical laws in the surrounding area"

At this moment, including gravity, all laws disappeared. Buster, who had little combat experience, did not react and stumbled.

Then the stone spikes and lightsabers came together and stabbed her to death.


Buster wanted to use energy to escape directly, but it was too late.

The cannon bombarded and directly blew off half of Buster's body. Even if he was energized at the last moment, the energy turbulence brought by the cannon also caused her considerable damage.

Buster's head, which was only a normal leopard, looked deeply at Li Ye, as if to imprint him in his mind, and then turned directly into flying smoke.

She returned to her dimensional world

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