After a series of discussions, Soldier Ma Rui finally understood what Li Ye meant and decided to follow him.

Li Ye has added another powerful general. Although he has the Black Shadow Ninja, he does not need too many other subordinates. If there are too many, it will be confusing.

But after all, his own subordinates are all shadow creations with no real identity, and the usefulness of this guy is only here.

Damn, there aren’t many places where this guy can be used anyway.

After that, Li Ye took a bucket of milky white viscous liquid and handed it to Ma Rui.

"Drink, drink big, one bucket is enough"

Ma Rui was confused: "Sir, what is this?"

Li Ye smiled evilly: "This is the antidote. This is the DNA of an unknown black and white giant beast. It can neutralize all negative effects."

Seeing Li Ye's smile, Ma Rui shuddered in his heart, but in the end he finished the drink, which was a big bucket and splashed everywhere.

He was covered in milky white liquid

Because Wakanda never received a signal from the king that night, the soldiers fought for a long time and suffered heavy casualties. Li Ye obtained dozens of kilograms of vibranium just by melting the captured vibranium weapons.

"The people here are much more generous than that Black Braised Dan. That Black Braised Dan is really stingy. He will deduct everything. He only knows how to keep the money to build a safe house for himself, but he doesn't seem to be safe anywhere."

After losing the king, Wakanda was leaderless, but it did not lose order because there were various elders watching over it, so there was no big problem. It can be seen that T'Chaka's ability is not great at all, and he can only be a symbol.

Inside Wakanda

All the elders were so noisy

"I'm telling you! We can't let him go! You won't listen! Can Minister Mold be a normal person?"

One of the nun elders who originally rebutted was so complacent that they failed because they did not listen to his own opinions. This was a way to gain satisfaction by belittling others in adversity.

But the truth is ridiculous. Even if he talks nonsense here, it will be of no use. The few of them can't find any way to solve the mold.

Commercial sanctions? UN bashing? Just kidding, no matter what aspect, Li Ye has a way to deal with it, and the method is laid out on the table. He puts the consequences of all your thoughts on the table, just waiting for you to take the bait.

"Really! How despicable!"

So is this the end of Wakanda? No, no, not yet

The prince of Wakanda, T'Challa, is back,

He took action when he saw his country being attacked on TV

First, he looked for people to criticize this matter on the Internet as evil and inconsistent with world peace, in an attempt to use public opinion to put pressure on Li Ye.

But who is Li Ye? How can he not know public opinion? They then arranged for this guy to be imprisoned for the crime of arranging state civil servants.

Are you kidding, freedom of speech? Free speech is reserved for those with small fists;

Fortunately, Black Panther was not bad at it. He blended into the crowd and escaped. Then he took a plane and flew to Wakanda. When he arrived, he drove a car and drove slowly into Wakanda.

But he was not very lucky. At that time, Li Ye was doing raids, and he suddenly appeared with a bang.

Li Ye didn't bring Nico out. He thought these things were only suitable for making farm tools.

Ever since, a black one was mixed in among a group of white ones. You can only guess what will happen.

Our Prince of Wakanda is being chased around. He is familiar with Wakanda, but there are so many soldiers chasing him. If he goes underground, others can not only capture the Prince of Wakanda, but also find the entrance to the underground world. ,

The act of opening the door to the enemy in Terraria is like being made into a voodoo doll and thrown into the lava to summon the Wall of Flesh.

So, our prince was forced by the soldiers to jump off the cliff and spend the rest of his life.

Of course, it can't be that simple!

Our farm tool prince discovered a mysterious herb under the cliff. Yes, it is heart-shaped grass.

He ate it directly, just like in the original work, and got to meet the Black Panther God Buster

He looked at the huge black panther in front of him with trepidation.

"You! Are you the Black Panther God! Can you save my country!"

Black Panther God Buster looked at the farm tool prince in front of her, her huge eyes flashed with a cunning light.

"Save your country?"

"Yes! Yes! My country Wakanda! It has been invaded by mold. If you are willing to help us survive this disaster! I will worship you for generations to come!"

Buster scratched her chin with her huge front paws, her big human eyes flashing

"Okay, T'Challa, your faith is useful, it saved you, but it's not enough."

T'Challa looked sad: "Great Black Panther God! I am willing to dedicate my whole life to promoting your beliefs. Please give me a chance."

So the Black Panther God pointed his finger on T'Challa's forehead, and T'Challa immediately turned black.

This kind of blackness is outrageous, it is the blackness of life, which means that this guy will never be white even if he uses beauty.

"I will bless you with my power. Take it with you to conquer the world and bring me more faith."

T'Challa burst into tears with gratitude, but he didn't know that the Black Panther God only gave him a small part of his power, and he could even take it back through his own thoughts.

She has her own plan

There was still a lot of noise in Wakanda. At this moment, a black farmer walked out.

"My people! I will lead you to victory!"

This man is T'Challa who gained power, the original Black Panther, and he finally came back

The people below were shocked when they saw him

"What! It's so dark!"

"I thought I was dark enough! I didn't expect someone to be darker than me! I would like to call you the darkest!"

"Who is this?"

"I can't see it, it's howling as soon as it comes out"

T'Challa's face turned darker, but because his face is dark, it's hard to tell

In the end, it was his sister Shuri who recognized this guy, so he was saved from being questioned by others

"So now! I will lead you to victory!"

An elder scratched his head: "By the way, why do I look so familiar with this sentence? Did someone say it?"

Another night, all members attacked, and the new Black Panther made a brand new appearance.

Since the new version of the armor has not been developed yet, the previous generation of armor was also taken away by T'Chaka, so Black Panther is wearing the previous generation of armor. This generation of armor has nothing to do with Black Panther, and there is no full protective mask, which is different from the knight. Like a soldier

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke. T'Challa followed the fine tradition of his father T'Chaka. He would never use long-range combat if he could use melee combat. This is also a common problem of Marvel heroes

You said you have the money for melee combat, can you build a cannon or something? It's not about how strong your ability is

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke, and the ground was full of farm tool debris. These things were too much for mold to clean up. Li Ye only asked them to clean up the vibranium, not other things

Looking at these corpses, Black Panther showed tears of pain

"Damn it! Damn it!!!"

Li Ye stood on a high place with a murderous look in his eyes, just lowering his eyes and looking down at the battlefield opposite

He had already used his great observation skills to find that Black Panther was going to counterattack, so he prepared the army in advance

"It's really exciting!"

He raised his head slightly and saw Black Panther's face, and was suddenly stunned

"Headless Horseman? You walked to the wrong set!"

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