War is never a confrontation between two sides, whoever wins will go

The Wakandans successfully retreated into Wakanda, and the mold also broke into pieces and followed up, constantly harassing and attacking

Small-scale wars continue to occur within Wakanda

Of course, Li Ye also used missile strikes from time to time, but this time it was not a land clearing, but a targeted strike.

After all, too many farm tools were broken, and no one would work on the plantation after me.

And his soldiers are still inside.

This kind of invasion war will last for a long time due to terrain and various factors, but Li Ye is not in a hurry.

The real main body of this war has not come out yet, so why worry? If there are really only these farm tools, do you still need him to wait here every day?

He is currently lying on the deck chair in the tent, still reading the book that Gu Yi gave him.

Although this book talks about how to get the Demon God Only, some things about the Demon God of Latitude can also be seen from the side. Li Ye thought that Gu Yi was wrong at first, but he didn't expect that it was this thing.

"When facing the Demon God of Latitude, do not borrow the other party's energy, otherwise the other party can easily invade your body with the help of your magic."

"Why do I feel that the writing is so weird..."

He looked at it and closed the book, his mental power continued to spread.

Then he smiled slightly

“Oh my, it’s so efficient.”

He found monitors and micro cameras in the room, and the temporary residence had only been installed a few days after it was built. It can be seen that there are many undercover agents in Li Ye's team.

"Multiple spying on military activities, obtaining military secrets, oh my, and intimidating the Minister of Defense before. This is too many crimes."

It’s not that I won’t report it, but the time has not come yet, so Li Ye has written it down for him in this little notebook, one by one.

It would be too cheap to kill him directly. He causes trouble every day. He has a lot of dirty information, and he has many ways to deal with him.

At this moment, far across the ocean, the United States

Black Braised Egg is still monitoring Li Ye in the safe house, like an old idiot.

No way, this kind of thing can't be done in public

But this time there were a lot more people in the room, and he found a lot of trustworthy people to watch together. After all, he was just the director, and Coulson, an honest man, couldn't handle the workload at all.

Of course, it's hard to say how many of his trustworthy people are real SHIELD agents.

"Wakanda! So that's it!"

"Damn it! These guys actually hide something like this! They are dangerous! They are dangerous to the world!"

The black braised egg kept banging on the table, trying to figure out what Li Ye was thinking.

"What is certain is that Wakanda must have what Li Huohua wants, otherwise it would be impossible

"Director, is there a possibility that Wakanda has some kind of precious minerals, such as vibranium?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people on the side started sarcastically: "According to the latest news, one of the abilities of Defense Minister Li Huohua is to summon shadow soldiers. According to the information, they can be released anywhere at will. If it is vibranium, it might as well be Get it yourself”

The man nodded quickly: "So it's unlikely to be a material problem. Is it possible that it's technology?"

"It's possible"

. . . .

Seeing the heated discussion among these guys, Hei Lu Dan could not help but touch his forehead and write down what they said.

"What on earth was he thinking?"

Black Braised Egg didn't think about anything good from the beginning. According to SHIELD's character analysis, this guy is not a good material at all. It is impossible to say that he wants to kill Wakanda for the sake of human safety.

"This must be a big conspiracy! Keep monitoring me!"

The battlefield in Wakanda continues, and most of the people in Wakanda gather underground.

This is the Vibranium Research Base. The vibranium they have mined for several lifetimes is here. Because of their ancestral teachings, they only mine a little bit every year, so there is not much accumulated here.

"Let me tell you! Get the vibranium quickly! We'll fight them!"

"No! The vibranium cannot be exposed yet!"

"What time has it been! Are you a fool!"

A few people were having a lot of quarrels.

Because of Wakanda's terrain and the terrain they have repaired over the years, they can effectively stop the mold.

But the mold didn't care about people and surrounded them, preventing them from entering or leaving. The farmland was also destroyed. Now the food inside could not be supplied to so many people at all.

They are quite anxious

"Vibranium, vibranium, vibranium! You guys are all thinking about vibranium! Wakanda has been destroyed, why do you need vibranium!"

Natchaka finally got tough.

"The laws of our ancestors..."

T'Chaka directly picked up the vibranium shield on one side.

"I am the king of Wakanda!"

"T'Chaka! You're going to regret it!"

He is not just talking big words like a famous scapegoat, but he will really cause big problems if the world knows that there is a large amount of vibranium here.

They can come see you every day, help you "strive to develop", let you "thrive", and then take away some "insignificant" vibranium from you.

And Wakanda currently has no ability to fight against the outside world. A mere piece of mold gave them the appearance of a bird.

“If we don’t clear up the current trouble, where will we find it in the future!!”

He made up his mind and picked up the vibranium shield on the table

"I want to mobilize again! This time we rely on close combat and fight them closely! I want to see if they really care about their own people! Can they continue to use fighter bombers?"

At this time, Li Ye in the outside world was eating melon seeds and observing from a fighter plane.

Wakanda is not a large country. As long as the shield is broken, you can see everything from the plane.

Of course, he is not here for inspection, he is here to provide air support for these soldiers.

There is a banner hanging behind his fighter with two big words on it.

"Come on!"

Of course, they can understand it after the Chinese patch is translated.

It turns out that air support is very useful. Under his encouragement, this group of soldiers can be said to be unstoppable.

It's like killing a chicken, fighting from the east to the west, and then from the west to the east.

"Is this soldier so fierce?"

He said while cracking melon seeds The soldier in front, Marui, was a little speechless.

"Um... Sir... Can you please stop eating sunflower seeds on the plane?"

"What's wrong? This is the only hobby I have. Is that not okay?"

"Um... You kept opening the window and throwing the shells out of the plane. This is very dangerous."

"Oh, I see. It's me who is prone to falling objects from high altitudes. Don't worry, I know."

"No, sir, it's you who opened the window. This is very dangerous on the plane!"

"It's nothing! This is magic! Boy!"

At night, the second coming of T'Chaka's group came. They used their racial advantages to hunt in the dark, and people could see nothing except the bright white teeth.

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