Infinite Evolution

Chapter 974: Optimus Prime, the key to mastering the mechanical world!

"Well, Yang Ling, aren't you dead?"

Although the sound at this moment was a bit mechanized, Chu Xun heard that it was Yang Ling's voice, and then he trembled, and a surprise appeared on his face.

Since Yang Ling is not dead at this moment, it also means that Yang Ling probably has control of this mechanical world!

"It almost hung up, but God bless me, I still stand up!"

As Yang Ling's voice sounded again, the sense of mechanization in his voice was much less, and it became more and more close to his previous voice, and it also contained a kind of good luck for the rest of his life: "I have now successfully entered The interior of this mechanical planet controls the control center of the planet, and is downloading materials and accepting inheritance ... Oh my god! "

However, the words were normal, and Yang Ling exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Chu Xun, who was relieved, became nervous when he heard Yang Ling's exclaim.

"Chu Xun, you absolutely can't think of what this planet is ..." At this moment Yang Ling was obviously completely shocked by his discovery, and even his voice trembled.

"Isn't this planet the kingdom of the gods of the mechanical tribe? What else can it be?" After hearing Yang Ling's exclaim, Chu Xun suddenly froze, and then couldn't help wondering.

Since the emperor had not been in full control of the planet at the time, and only received part of the inheritance of the gods of the mechanical clan, Chu Xun actually did not know much about the mechanical planet. Judging from Yang Ling's exclaiming at this moment, this planet is obviously not just a simple kingdom of God. Then, what kind of secrets does it contain?

"This planet is not only the kingdom of the gods of the mech tribe, but also a huge warfare weapon in its own right. It can be transformed into various forms of warfare, and even into a giant war robot!"

Yang Ling's voice was full of excitement, apparently surprised by his discovery: "It also recorded the fighting scenes of the mechanical tribe and the undead tribe. This guy actually relied on the power of this kingdom change One shot destroyed one third of the kingdom of the undead gods. So in the end, the undead gods did n’t even have the kingdom, but the mechanical world is completely preserved! "

"You say this planet is a giant Transformer?"

Upon hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu Xun's face also appeared with an incredible look.

Even with his imagination, it's hard to imagine how terrible such a huge planet would become after completing the changes!

"Yes, but **** it, Chu Xun, we seem too happy!"

However, when Chu Xun was shocked, Yang Ling's voice sounded again. But this time, there were not many surprises in his voice, but he became a little anxious and corrupted: "When I accepted the inheritance, I found that although I am physically similar to the mechanical family, even the general mechanical family is more suitable to accept this. Inheritance, but my soul is still the human soul. Unless I have enough time and resources to allow me to truly control the secrets and inheritance of the mech clan, I ca n’t be like mechan clan as easily as dividing a program. The soul is divided into two, and the divided soul cannot be easily integrated into this mechanical world as artificial intelligence! "

Speaking of this, Yang Ling's voice became more helpless: "So now the problem is coming, unless I find a way to split the soul and then integrate the soul as an artificial intelligence into this control center, otherwise once I leave this mechanical planet, I follow this The connection to the mechanical planet will be completely cut off. Damn, I'm not even as good as the emperor. The emperor's **** guy has at least the authorization before the collapse of artificial intelligence and can control the space power of the mechanical world! "

"No, don't you say that you have to keep the emperor until you find that method? Besides, even with the emperor, in his state, it is impossible to open the space entrance of this mechanical world many times!"

Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu Xun also felt extremely painful.

From the previous performance of the emperor, he was tired enough to open the space door this time, not to mention it was opened many times. And if he keeps the emperor, how can he resolve Zhou Yulong's revenge?

But the more important thing is not yet, the most important thing is that no one knows how long it will take Yang Ling to take full control of the secret method of this mech family and split the soul!

If it takes too long, then all of this will not make much sense!

"What should we do, can't you always stay here?" For a while, Chu Xun had no choice but to sigh heavily.

"If there is no way, I can only abandon this kingdom of God. I have downloaded the cultivation information of the mechanical clan. In theory, I can cultivate the inheritance of the mechanical clan without this mechanical world, but this way, there is a lack of various resources. Under the circumstances, I am afraid that my cultivation progress will be very slow. "

At the same time, Yang Ling sighed heavily.

Under the current circumstances, he can no longer control the mechanical world after leaving the mechanical world. However, if he stays in the mechanical world, he ca n’t integrate the mechanical world into other bodies like other machines based on his cultivation. Although he could control the mechanical world, he couldn't cultivate further.

More importantly, he didn't want to be an immovable ball ...

"Is there really no alternative?"

The thought of abandoning such a mechanical planet, which has consumed countless resources and painstaking efforts, has a powerful combat force, Chu Xun felt a little unwilling. But as Yang Ling said, if they can't think of a solution to the problem of the control center, they are afraid that they can only give up here!

However, at this moment, Chu Xun's mind suddenly flashed an aura of light, then his eyes lighted up, and he asked with some excitement: "Yes, Yang Ling, you said that if you replace the soul of other mechanical life as this mechanical world Control center, and then work with you to control this mechanical world, wait until you have fully grasped the inheritance of the mechanical clan, find a way to split the soul, and then completely control this kingdom of God, can you do it? "

"Of course you can. The idea of ​​the emperor was the original, but the life of the mech family is extremely difficult to find. Where can we find it?"

After hearing Chu Xun's words, Yang Ling was immediately happy, but then sighed again, and said, "If it is so easy to find, the emperor will not end like this!"

"If the emperor is not found, it does not mean that I cannot find it!"

Knowing that this method is feasible, Chu Xun laughed suddenly, then narrowed his eyes, waved his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "Come out, Optimus Prime, it's time for you to play!"


As Chu Xun's words fell, a card was immediately radiated from his palm, and then a bright light bloomed. In the brilliance, a heavy truck quickly deformed into a giant robot with a height of almost 10 meters, landed heavily on the metal mountain, and made a loud noise!

This robot is exactly Chu Xun's Autobot leader who finally retired from the stage because of Chu Xun's continuous improvement in strength, Optimus Prime!

"Master, Optimus is fighting for you!"

After landing, Optimus first sang to Chu Xun, and then moved his eyes over the planet.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light and light in Optimus Prime's mechanical eyes, and even his voice became a little excited. "This planet ... is really like the Cybertron!"

Cybertron was once the Autobot's home star, but in the end it was about to collapse due to war and turned into a dead star.

"Yeah, why did I forget this!"

Seeing the emergence of Optimus Prime, Yang Ling also immediately reacted, and then his laughter echoed in this mechanical world: "With his help, this mechanical world can at least be under our control. And Similarly, with the resources and some technology stored in this mechanical world, my cultivation will be done with less effort, and it is only a matter of time to master the heritage and split the soul to take complete control of the world! "


And then, in Yang Ling's laughter, a little liquid metal also poured out along the cracks of the metal mountain, and then turned into silver wires and merged into Optimus Prime's body!

Subsequently, Optimus Prime also bloomed a bright light, and the glittering light in his eyes became brighter!

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