Infinite Evolution

Chapter 967: Inheritance of a special machine family!

"It should be almost!"

After getting all the emperor's memories, Chu Xun waved his hand and stopped searching for souls.

He is not a cruel person, so since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue to torture this hateful guy.

With Chu Xun's action, he saw that the linden branches that had been pierced into the emperor's body and constantly stirred up the golden current began to slowly pull away from the emperor's head, and the golden current gradually extinguished.

Later, Huang's sorrowful sorrow also gradually stopped, and at the same time his eyes looking towards Chu Xun were full of fear.

That soul was punctured, as if everything had been excavated, and the pain of crushing was terrible, even if it was as tough as he could not bear, it almost completely collapsed.

"I don't know if you should be lucky or bad ..."

Looking at the dying, the emperor on the verge of collapse, Chu Xun couldn't help shaking his head.

After reading all the emperor's memories, he really didn't know how to describe emperor's luck.

First of all, on the surface, Huang's luck should be very good. Because after he was exiled to the endless void, he happened to have all the inheritance of a **** in that dead planet by chance, and even took that **** ’s kingdom of God, that dead planet, into his own possession, and became a leap. Demigod, and with this power to communicate with the left king, returned to Earth.

These opportunities can be described by more than just "good luck".

But unfortunately, the emperor's inheritance of the demon was actually not suitable for him. Or to be precise, it is not suitable for most people.

As we all know, if there is any civilization inheritance in the universe that is the most difficult for foreigners to inherit, then there is no doubt that it is a "mechanical tribe"!

The mechanical tribe is a very special race in the universe and the product of the development of intelligent mechanical life to the extreme.

Although the bodies of the mechs are mechanical, they have their own independent souls and powerful fighting powers. At the same time, they can control the power of elements and laws like other gods and civilizations, and even use this to unite God. Kingdom becomes a god.

The powerful combat power, coupled with various powerful weapons produced by the mech clan, and the continuous army of mechs, make the overall strength of mech clan extremely terrible. Therefore, although there are very few "humans" in the mechanical clan who have independent souls, it does not prevent them from becoming one of the powerful civilizations among the many civilizations in the universe!

It is also because of the emergence of the mech tribe that one thing has been proved to people, that is, when the scientific and technological civilization has developed to the extreme, then it will surely be transformed into a demon civilization!

It is a pity that what is dead is that the inheritance inherited by the emperor is actually the inheritance left by such a mechanized clan's fallen gods.

According to some information revealed during the inheritance, it seems that this mechanical **** was fallen after a life-and-death battle with an undead god. The result of the battle was almost the same. The only difference was that the undead **** was completely destroyed, and the kingdom of God was also vanished. Although the gods of the robot race were also destroyed, he still saved himself because of the characteristics of the machinery family. The kingdom of God, and left a procedure and a part of the power, left a kind of ignition to his inheritance.

This is also the reason why the dead planet is filled with mechanical debris and various rotting biological debris, because in this kingdom of God, a powerful army of undead creatures and a powerful army of robots once battled here. And eventually die together.

The inheritance of the mechanical tribe is powerful, but because most of the laws and forces of the mechanical tribe are inherited exclusively by the mechanical tribe, it is difficult for foreigners to comprehend and use. Therefore, although the emperor will be inherited because of fate, but That power cannot be fully inherited. Otherwise, he will definitely not fall into this situation.

However, although this mechanical civilization is not suitable for the emperor and most people, Chu Xun can find a person who can perfectly accept the inheritance of this mechanical family.

And this person is Yang Ling!

Because of the accident in the original Dead City, Yang Ling, who used the panacea to "regenerate from death", has changed his life essence. Today, he is not so much a person as he is a mechanical family transformed by humans.

And possessing the ability to control machinery, integrate machinery, and also control the electrical system laws, Yang Ling, which embodies the electrical system, is almost the best inheritor of the civilization of the mechanical tribe, because all his power can be mechanical For the civilization and fighting abilities of the clan!

If he can take away the inheritance of this mechanical clan from the emperor, it will definitely be even more powerful for Yang Ling and allow him to become a sufficiently powerful god-level powerhouse in the shortest time!

As for the method of snatching the inheritance of the gods of the mechanical race, it is not difficult. Although the emperor has inherited the inheritance of the gods of the robot race, he has not completely controlled the kingdom of the gods and cannot even use the power of the kingdom of gods. , Bring some people who have no resistance to or from that kingdom of God.

In this case, as long as the emperor cooperates a little and sends Yang Ling into the kingdom of gods left by that mechanical deity, it is only a matter of time to take ownership of that kingdom of God with Yang Ling's characteristics and abilities!

Of course, this is not suitable, it is not the emperor can decide!

Thinking of this, Chu Xun's mouth slightly tilted, but his eyes flashed an extremely cold light.

Then he squinted his eyes, stepped forward, and walked towards the emperor again.

And the next moment, the scream of the emperor resounded throughout the Bodhi world.


After a long time, Chu Xun's figure once again appeared in front of Xiong Ziren and others. It's just that compared to just before he left, although Chu Xun's face was still pale at the moment, his eyes were flashing with excitement and joy.

The torture of the soul is far better than the torture of the body millions of times. Even the toughest tough guy cannot bear the pain of being tortured and punctured by the soul for a long time. Therefore, after going through some methods of Chu Xun, the emperor who finally wanted to be happy finally agreed to Chu Xun's request and promised to cooperate fully with Yang Ling to seize the inheritance of the mechanical tribe.

As for whether the emperor would go against it, or use the kingdom of God to slay Yang Ling, Chu Xun was not worried. After all, the emperor couldn't control the kingdom of God now, and the only thing he could do was to bring Yang Ling into the kingdom of God.

As long as you enter the kingdom of God and the intelligent system left by the mechanical gods, you can naturally distinguish who is the most suitable successor between Emperor and Yang Ling!

"It looks like there should be no problem ..."

Looking at Chu Xun's excited eyes, everyone in the audience was undoubtedly relieved.

Being able to show such eyes involuntarily, presumably Chu Xun's injury should not be a big deal.

"Sorry to make everyone worry."

Looking at the caring eyes of everyone, Chu Xun suppressed the joy in his heart, then smiled slightly, and said in a still hoarse and unpleasant voice: "But it doesn't matter, my injury was only caused by using the power that should not be used. Backwashing, although a bit troublesome, is not a big deal, it will be fine in a few days. "

"Brother, you are all right, these days you worry about dying us."

Knowing that Chu Xun was all right, the bear child, who was also pale, was relieved, and then coughed gently.

Obviously, the injuries and back bites he suffered in that war still haven't recovered.

"Are you all right?"

Chu Xun glanced at the people around him, and found that most of them were okay, and suddenly felt relieved, and then asked with some worry: "Yes, my father-in-law, is he all right?"

He hasn't seen Zhou Yulong since waking up to now, and he will inevitably be a little worried.

"Xun, my father is okay. He is now dealing with some problems on the planet, and he will be back when he has dealt with them."

After hearing Chu Xun's words, An Qier smiled slightly and said, "God bless, although everyone was not injured this time, they are basically safe."

"That's good……"

Knowing that Zhou Yulong was okay, Chu Xun was slightly relieved, and then asked with some confusion: "Yes, how long have I been in a coma? And what happened when I was unconscious, and what was the result of the last battle? Why do we stop here to rest? "

He was in a coma too early, and knew nothing about what happened later, so he was full of doubts. And now, it's time to solve these doubts.

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