Infinite Evolution

Chapter 945: Batu Emperor's Decree, Open!

"What a terrible power, what a fierce means ..."

Seeing that Michael had completely shattered Mukadio before raising his hands, the expressions of everyone except the Seven Deadly Sins and the like suddenly became extremely difficult to look, and even could be said to be full of fear.

To them, Mukadio is already a terrible opponent that can't be matched, but now there is a Michael that is ten times, even a hundred times more scary than Mukadio ...

Thinking of this, many people felt a despair in their hearts.

Anyway, do they still have a chance to win?

"Hey, two bugs!"

However, when people were shocked and frightened by Michael's terrorist power, anger took a deep breath, and then turned his head to the distance, which was already extremely tense, and at the same time, the mosquito blood and sand that were constantly vomiting in his heart were immortal. He shouted, "If you don't want to die, don't keep your hands and deal with this guy together. Believe me, because of this guy's urine, he won't leave any live!"


Hearing the words of anger, Mosquito and Sha Budi were shocked, and then Qi Qi looked at Michael's body.

"He's right. Everyone present today, as well as this planet and several nearby planets, will be purified by me."

Maybe she has absolute self-confidence in her own strength, or maybe Michael ’s pride simply disdains to deceive these little bugs he does n’t even look at, so in the face of the horror and suspicion of mosquito bloodsha and sand indestructible In his eyes, Michael had almost no hesitation, and nodded.


Hearing the words of Michael, the mosquito bloodsha and sand immortal's faces suddenly sank. Later, Mosquito Blood said with an ugly expression: "I am the royal family of the insect world. If you kill me, aren't you afraid that my father will trouble you?"

Speaking of which, he seemed worried that he was not enough, and then pointed to the sand around him and said, "And he, but he is a descendant of the Tsar. If you kill him, the Tsar will never let you go!"

"Tsar and Bug King? Oh, aren't they two different bugs?"

However, the mosquito bloodsha and the sand never underestimated the confidence and arrogance of Michael. When he heard the words of mosquito bloodsha, Michael laughed suddenly, then with a slight expression of disdain, he laughed: "Fell, you thought Those two bugs will fight me for you? "


Hearing the words of Michael, the mood of Mosquito Blood and Sand Immortal became worse.

The Zerg are often cold-blooded and believe in weak meat and strong food. As Michael said, it is impossible for them to fight with Michael, who represents heaven, for the sake of the two descendants!

This price is too big!

So the next moment, the mosquito bloodsha and the sand were still looking at each other, then gritted their teeth, nodded, and made a decision.

"Since you don't let us go, don't blame us for desperately!"

The final decision was made. Mosquito blood immediately clenched his fists, and then screamed, "Father Emperor, save me!"


As the mosquito blood evil voice fell, a thick blood light suddenly surged out of the mosquito blood evil, and then behind him he formed a length of more than 100 meters, with six wings on his back, and surrounded by blood, blood. Outside of the light, there are giant mosquitoes with three-colored lotus flowers!

This is the insect emperor clone called by the insect emperor's power!

"The power of yellow sand is endless-Father Emperor, help me!"

At the same time, Sand immortal also clenched his teeth, and then suddenly pressed his hands against the yellow sand on the ground, drinking loudly.

Suddenly, the endless yellow sand rose into the sky, and condensed into the czar's appearance in the air, and distantly confronted Michael.


"Guardian angel!"

Then two exclaimations came from the mouths of the Tsar's clone and the Wong's clone at the same time. Obviously, this avatar also contains a ray of their will.

However, they couldn't figure out why their descendants suddenly provoked Michael, a difficult guy ,!

"Father, this is the last colonial planet of my rite of birth, but I have encountered the reincarnation of the fallen angel and the demon **** Mephitos, and this Michael, now Michael not only has to kill those demon, but also To kill me together, please save me! "

Mosquito blood evil is a smart person, and smart people are usually brave when they are brave, and when they should be counseled, so mosquito blood is very easy to counsel at this time, and began to call on his father to help.

In the demon civilization, fighting dad is also a kind of ability!

"Father Emperor, I found the human you need, but I also encountered trouble. That day, it seemed that I was not prepared to let that human go, and I was not allowed to let me go!"

On the other side, Sha Buming also started holding his father's thighs. He knelt beside the Tsar on one knee, pointing at Chu Xun and Michael in the distance, and condensed.


Hearing the words of the imperishable sand, the czar's weird pupil shrank slightly.

To be honest, as Michael said, he didn't want to go against Michael for such a trivial matter. Because offending Michael, it is equivalent to offending the entire angel army and the heaven behind the angel army!

Of course, he wasn't afraid, he just felt worthless!

However, just as the Czar shifted his eyes to Chu Xun, a strange green light suddenly emerged from Chu Xun, and then merged into the czar's body at a very fast speed.


Chu Xun's face suddenly changed when she noticed that it suddenly emerged from her body and integrated into the green light in the tsar's body. This brilliance is very similar to the brilliance of the Tsar's residual soul at the time!

Could it be said that this green light was part of the Tsar's remnant soul at the beginning? And this remnant soul fragment has not disappeared, but is hidden in his own body?

And just as Chu Xun thought, I saw that with the ray of green light entering the body, the eyes of the Tsar looking towards Chu Xun suddenly lighted, and the weird pupil fire was burning fiercely, as if I just knew it What an incredible news, not even him.

"Michele, let go of my child and this human being, I can leave it alone!"

Later, the Tsar's breath suddenly became sharper, and he pointed at Chu Xun, and yelled into Michael: "Otherwise, you will be the enemy of my Tsar's family! Believe me, follow I'm not a good enemy! "


Hearing the words of the Tsar, Michael and the worm emperor who had not spoken in the distance also stunned at the same time.

They know who the Tsar is, so in their opinion, the Tsar should not interfere in this matter, but only choose to stay out of the matter. Even if he took a step back and said that the Tsar would not bear this descendant, he would only save his life. Why now that he would rather fight with Michael than keep the human being?

What secret is there in this human being that is worthy of the Tsar's willingness to win him against Michael?

Thinking of this, the worm emperor finally couldn't help but say: "Michael, my words are just like the czar, give me this human and my child, and I can leave you alone with these fallen angels and dreads .Otherwise, not only will you be against the Tsars, but the entire Wormland will be against you! "

The relations between the Zerg kingdoms are very special. Although the Tsars and the Zergs are rivals to each other, that is the case of internal fighting. When facing external enemies, the Tsars and the Crows are often connected with each other. Against foreign enemies.

Because they are very clear, compared with the powerful demon civilization such as heaven and buddha world, their worm world has been greatly injured after the original alien chaos. If they do not unite and defend the enemy, sooner or later Can only be destroyed by other demonic civilizations.

More importantly, the Emperor Zong knew very well that there must be a huge secret in this human body. As long as this human is brought back to the Worm World, then whether the Tsar finally got the secret or he got the secret, it will only make the Worm World stronger.

Of course, he who owns the entire Worm World and is more powerful than the Tsar in terms of strength and resources must have almost got this secret!

"Oh, you would rather be my enemy and save your life. It seems that this human has a great secret!"

Facing the threats of the Tsar and the King of the Bugs, Michael did not take it to heart, but just looked at them lightly, and then turned his eyes to Chu Xun.

Then he shook his head lightly and said, "But the greater the secrets of this human being, the greater the variables. The matter of today is that these rebels are my number one thing in heaven, so no matter what, I ca n’t let you take him away! "

At this point, a hint of irony appeared in Michael's eyes, saying: "And you think that with your bloodline to such a degree, you can defeat me, which is made of inverse feathers, and has Langi Is it a clone of the power of the slave guns? Hehe, are you too overwhelmed? "


Hearing Michael's words, the Tsar and the Wong hummed at the same time, but their hearts sank slightly.

Although they are also bloodline avatars, after all, they are just a life-saving card placed on their descendants, and their power cannot be compared with Michael, who is now turned by the inverse feathers and holding a projection gun. Even with the power of those humans, I am afraid that in the end, there is not much chance of winning!

Thinking of this, the Tsar and the Wong Huang couldn't help but be anxious. Now that everything here has been closed by the kingdom of God, they have no way to summon the power of the body, can it be said that in the end, Michael can only be killed or taken away by this human being?

"What if you add that?"

However, in the hearts of the Tsar and the Wong emperor, Michael thought that when the winning ticket was in his hands, a cold drink suddenly passed into their ears.

Later, Chu Xun, who was standing in the distance, was the focus of the three people's argument, and suddenly raised his left hand.

In his hand, a scroll similar to the ancient imperial edict, with jade as the axis and silk as the scroll, was slowly opening in a burst of bright white light!

In the face of this situation that can no longer rely on its own strength to turn the tide, the only thing Chu Xun can do is to use this powerful law that contains the power of Emperor Ba Du!

And as the edict of the Batu Emperor slowly opened, a terrible breath suddenly came!

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