Infinite Evolution

Chapter 921: There is a sacrifice for great things!

Trust this kind of thing, once the crack appears, it is difficult to make up.

The fallen dragon is a smart man, and smart people are often more suspicious. Although he is very religious in faith, it does not necessarily mean that he will believe this angel like he believes in God.

After all, faith is faith, and Mukadio is Mukadio. The two cannot be confused.

What's more, when Mukadio sacrificed millions of humans in the Twelve Heroes City before, he was already very dissatisfied. He was forced to accept this decision only because he was concerned about the future and safety of the entire human race. But now Mukadio wants him to lead someone to attack the ice city, which immediately filled his heart with anger and doubt, and began to wonder if Chu Xun's words were true!

You know, attacking Ice City is tantamount to knocking a horse honeycomb. At that time, he will not only face the enemies of Ice City and the Supreme Council, but also the full power of Cape Town.

According to inside information, Cape Town's power is now powerful to a horrible level. Strong players like An Qi'er, Chu Hang, and Chu Kuangren are only one line away from breaking through the fasting position, and it is possible that it is unknown that they have broken through the fasting position.

In addition to An Qi'er and others, Chu Xun's strength has reached the level of God, and he also has an alien army, which is unfathomable. Zhou Yulong, who once had god-level strength, is ignorant of the whereabouts, coupled with doctors and other people who have become more and more powerful, as well as those poultry who may be involved in the battlefield at any time ...

In short, from the perspective of the fallen dragon, if this battle continues, even if the Holy City can win, it will definitely be a terrible victory, and even the entire human race may be completely destroyed by this battle.

Perhaps, as Chu Xun said, this angel is the greatest enemy of mankind. And oneself, may also become the greatest accomplice of human destruction ...

Thinking of this, the heart of the fallen dragon is getting colder and colder!

His dream is to be the savior of mankind, not the destroyer of human civilization!

However, although the heart of the fallen dragon became cold, his face remained devout and respectful. He knew that if he dared to question it again at this time, maybe the angel had always acted in a way that would probably kill him hard!

So in any case, he must not continue to question the angel's decision now.

Then, the fallen dragon took a deep breath, and then said seriously: "Subordinates immediately execute orders, but adults, subordinates believe that since you want to attack the ice city, you can not act recklessly, you must defeat the ice city in one fell swoop. Fortunately, even the strength of the Supreme Council and the Cape City behind the ice city were annihilated together, so as to avoid the worry! "

At this point, the expression of the fallen dragon also became extremely serious: "So the subordinates suggested that we should bring together the soldiers and abilities of the holy city to attack the ice city with the greatest strength. At the same time You should also contact the internal application of the ice city, and then let them cooperate with us inside and outside, and disrupt the ice defense's layout, so that it can more smoothly destroy the ice city! "

"Your suggestion is good, but should you be able to disrupt the defense arrangement of the ice city within the arrangement of the ice city and the supreme council? Don't make a fool of the snake and get it wrong." When he heard the words of the fallen dragon, Mukadio slightly hesitated. He closed his eyes and stared at the fallen dragon for a long time. He didn't ask until a moment later.

"Master, please rest assured that I have not only a large number of insiders in the Supreme Council, but also a very important insider who is in a high position and controls a large number of powers belonging to the Ice City and the Supreme Council. These powers, Most are responsible for something important. "

Hearing Mukadio's words, the fallen dragon smiled and said, "I will arrange these insiders to start together, so that not only the ice city will be chaotic, the defense line will collapse, but even the city of the sky will fall into danger! "

Speaking of this, a sense of contentment also appeared on the face of the fallen dragon, saying: "The most important thing in the city of the sky is the magnetic levitation anti-gravity system derived from Atlantis technology. As long as this system is destroyed, the sky The city will turn into a huge meteorite. Even if Chu Xun fully blocks them, it may not be able to avoid the destruction of the city of the sky. At the same time, this will also restrain Chu Xun ’s power and create better for us. opportunity!"

"Oh, you still have such a waiter?"

When he heard the words of the fallen dragon, Mukadio suddenly froze, then his eyes lightened slightly.

The size of the city in the sky is very clear. If such a city equivalent to a continent falls from the sky, the incidental impact, even a god-level strongman like Chu Xun, will not be able to take over unharmed. And once it is allowed to land, let alone Bingcheng, even the entire land around Bingcheng will completely sink!

And if Chu Xun uses the power of the kingdom of God to transfer the city of the sky to his kingdom of God, its impact will also act on the power of his kingdom of God, and Chu Xun will certainly not feel good at that time!

In this way, he can solve those guys more easily!

However, in the next moment, Mukadio's eyes flashed with doubt again, and then he asked, "Did you not say before that you did not want to attack the Supreme Council and the Ice City, causing too many casualties, why now suddenly become So cruel? Do n’t you know that once the city of the sky falls, not only the city of the sky, but everyone in the ice city will die as a result. That's a whole number of millions! ”

When he said that, Mukadio's eyes became colder. He gazed at the fallen dragon and observed the eyes of the fallen dragon. Once he saw hesitation or deception from the eyes of the fallen dragon, he would not hesitate to start and kill the fallen dragon!

Although this will bring him a certain amount of loss, compared with the loss caused by the fallen dragon at the critical moment, this loss is still within his range!

"I really don't want to die too many people, but I know that if there is any hesitation and mercy at this time, it will only lead to more deaths!"

Looking at Mukadion's questioning look, the fallen dragon stared directly at him, then took a deep breath and said seriously and seriously: "To achieve great things, there must be sacrifice. For the continuity and future of the entire human race, some people must Sacrifice. In this case, let them sacrifice happily and minimize the loss of the Holy City! "

"Well, I promise you, as long as you remove these rebels and fallen people, I guarantee that you human beings can restore peace, end the last days, and then succeed and succeed in happiness and prosperity for generations. And you will become the savior of all of them. ! "

Looking at the firm and serious look of the fallen dragon, Mukadio suddenly laughed, and then patted the fallen dragon's shoulder, and said, "Well, you can go and be busy, I will leave it to you. At that time, I will also play in person, and the top human beings will be handed over to me. "

"Thank you, Angel, for your glory and greatness. I and other mortals will remember eternal life! My Lord is eternal and the light is eternal!"

Hearing Mukadio's words, the fallen dragon made a salute with admiration and reverence, and then slowly exited the room.

After leaving the room, the face of the fallen dragon still maintained the enthusiasm and reverence, and according to the original plan, he began to issue orders to his men to prepare for the war. At the same time, he also began to contact the far city of ice and sky through some special channels. Secret line, issued a secret order about future wars.

"Oh, I really want to be a savior, this human being is so cute!"

The fallen dragon did not know that Mukadio had been monitoring him since he left. Until the fallen dragon issued a series of orders according to the original plan and got busy, Mukadio smiled slightly, ended the surveillance, and began to continue practicing.

In his opinion, what the fallen dragon asked for was only a glory, a belief. As long as he continues to extinguish the hope of the fallen dragon, and makes the fallen dragon feel that he can become a savior, the fallen dragon will never betray him!

However, Mukadio was wrong this time.

At the same time that the fallen dragon began to issue orders to prepare for war in accordance with Mukadio's order, the heart of the fallen dragon became colder and sadder.

He knew that if he had lied before, Mukadio would definitely notice it. So he didn't lie, every word he said was true.

He's right, there must be sacrifices to achieve great things. For the continuity and future of the entire human race, some people must sacrifice.

But Mukadio didn't know. At the moment in the heart of the fallen dragon, what is to be sacrificed is not the millions of humans in the city of ice and sky, but himself and these people in the holy city!

For humanity!

For faith!

He can only choose to sacrifice!

He has always sacrificed others. And this time, it's finally time for him to sacrifice himself!

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of the fallen dragon's mouth.

Unexpectedly, this big villain of Lao Tzu will also become a good person one day!

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