Infinite Evolution

Chapter 915: Rushing away, the help card of Mosquito Blood!

"Caught up!"

Looking at the emptiness from behind, piercing straight, shining with the projection gun of the bright Jinmang, Mo Xiesha's face suddenly became pale.

He didn't expect that he was out of the projection of the kingdom of God that day, but still could not escape the pursuit of this terrible spear. The sense of lethal crisis that emerged from the bottom of his heart made Mosquito Blood realize that no matter whether he was running away or fighting back, he was afraid to escape the fate of this spear!

Can it be said that only the last blood substitute can be consumed to escape the calamity?

However, if the opponent continues to pursue after destroying his blood substitute, what else can he use to stop it?

Thinking of this, mosquito blood suddenly seemed to have made a difficult decision, a flash of vicious color flashed in his eyes, and his teeth clenched.

Until now, he can only use his final hole cards!

Although using this hole card means that you are incompetent, even your own adult ceremony will fail. But compared to his own life, the success of this ritual is less important!

What's more, I don't have the opportunity to come back.

Whether it ’s killing the messenger and thus consuming the essence of the angel ’s power, or killing the immortal and destroying the tsar ’s plan of action, or removing the human with the wicked worm, you can get great benefits from it And the appreciation of the father!

After all, the Zerg and Tsars have always been deadly enemies, and humans with fierce worms and aliens are the nemesis and confidants of all Zergs. So as long as you can get rid of any of these two people, presumably the emperor will forgive himself!

What's more, there is that dread god, Murphytos ...

This guy is the most important. As long as he is not alone, the rich rewards from heaven and burning purgatory can make up for all his losses!

So, at the next moment, the mosquito blood evil stopped suddenly, then turned sharply, and waved his right hand at the blasting projection gun, screaming: "Father the emperor save me!"


As the mosquito blood shouted sharply, a terrible breath suddenly burst out of him, and a very strong blood glow emerged.

At the next moment, the rich blood that emerged quickly condensed into a huge six-winged black mosquito with a wingspan of at least thirty meters. Then, the black mosquito fanned the wing of his back, stood up, raised his spear-like mouth, and stabbed at the golden light cast by the projection gun!

Boom boom!

In a blink of an eye, the giant black mosquito and the golden spear slammed together!

However, it was shocking that with the sound of a violent roar, the golden light cast by the projection gun was directly bombarded by the six-winged giant mosquito, and the light suddenly dimmed a lot. Only torn apart in tears, disappeared.

At the same time, the huge six-winged black mosquito flew to the side of the mosquito bloodshave again, and turned into a blood light again, and merged into the body of the mosquito bloodshade.

The six-winged giant mosquito transformed by blood is the last card of mosquito blood!

Although the Zhuanghuang tribe believes in the law of the jungle and advocates survival of the fittest, the fittest will survive, but the Zhuanghuang will not let their potential children be killed by others. Therefore, every queen of the queen of the worms will receive a "life-preserving blood" injected by the queen of the gods during the "adult ceremony" to be used for life-saving purposes at critical moments.

However, in order to prevent his descendants from relying too much on this kind of power, the worm emperor has also made an agreement. Once the descendants of the adult ceremony are forced to use this power, the adult ceremony will declare failure, and at the same time, Descendants are also punished in varying degrees depending on the situation.

Because of this, Mosquito Blood Shaker didn't use this hole card easily, either in the battle against Sand Immortal or in the face of the Black Demon.

Until this moment!

"Hum, **** birdman, wait for me. I'll get back this account sooner or later!"

Seeing that the projection gun was repelled, the mosquito blood was relieved and he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

However, this holy city suffered a great loss for him. Not only did the accumulated blood of all souls have been consumed, but also a fine blood clone was lost, and more importantly, even the gift given to him by his father. The cards were forced out.

Because of this, he has no retreat at this moment.

If he returns to the Wormworld now, he will be severely punished for failing the ritual of the ritual, and may even be stunned. So no matter what, he must find a way to reverse the situation!

Thinking of this, a bit of coldness flashed in the eyes of the mosquito blood, and then sneered: "It doesn't matter, this birdman is probably for the dreaded demon. In this case, let them kill each other first, and then I will naturally Find opportunities to kill these guys! "

"What's more, since I have used the power given by the Emperor, I don't need to worry about it anymore. With the protection of this power, even if I face that angel again, I may not have a chance to win!"

"But it's not the time yet ..."

Subsequently, the mosquito blood evil also took a deep breath, rose to his feet, and turned his blood light toward the sea. As for the millions of sea people who remain near the holy city, he has long been completely abandoned!

Now the attack on the holy city has failed, and these sea forces have no meaning to him. In this case, let them die on their own ...


At the same time, Mukadio's kingdom of God is projecting into the world.

call out!

With a violent sound boom, a golden light suddenly emerged from this space, and then blasted towards Mukadio at a very fast speed.


Looking at the radiating golden light, Mukadio's eyes were frozen for a moment, and then his right hand was extended, holding the golden light in his hand.

Then Jin Guang faded away, and the projection gun appeared like a gold casting body!

However, at the moment, a tiny crack appeared on the front of the projection gun. Seeing this small crack, Mukadio's face also became more dignified.

"I didn't expect that the dirty bug had such a means, even my projection gun was damaged by him. It seems that the Emperor Worm still values ​​his descendants!"

Gently stroking the body of the projection gun, Mukadio's eyes became cold: "But it doesn't matter, this damage can be repaired with a little faith power. As for the power of faith ..."

Having said that, Mukadio suddenly closed his eyes, feeling the continuous cheering and strong faith from the holy city, and his mouth slightly tilted.

After this war, the power of faith is no longer a problem!

Subsequently, Mukadio also waved his right hand. Then everyone in the holy city felt a sudden change in the surrounding environment, and returned to the hill where the holy city was originally located. And around this holy city, countless sea people are looking at everything that is happening around in a confused way, as if they have not understood what happened.

But soon, those sea people seemed to have been ordered and suddenly moved. However, their action this time was not an attack, but a reckless retreat in the direction of the sea!

Haizu, back off!

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"These **** **** are finally back!"

"Long live my lord!"

"God bless the holy city!"


Seeing the large-scale retreat of the Hai people, the people in the holy city were stunned at first, and then they all screamed excitedly.

They were a little unbelievable until now, so aggressive and unstoppable, destroying countless cities and killing countless human army of the sea tribe, they were so defeated!

Sure enough, their **** is omnipotent!

Only faith can bring them safety and eternal life!

The rejoicing of the dead and the horrific fighting power of Mukadio in the Battle of the Kingdom of God made the people in the Holy City become more fanatical than ever about Christianity, heaven, and Mukadio.

After all, in their cognition, the Hai tribe is already the most powerful force in the last days. But this powerful force was so vulnerable to their god.

What could be more convincing and more fanatical than this?

"Everyone obeyed, fired with all their strength, and bombed these **** clutter!"

"The **** legion, follow me and follow up, kill these sea people, and kill them back to their hometown!"

At the same time, the fallen dragon, like everyone else, became extremely excited and fanatical. Afterwards, he gave a loud drink, and took all the seventh-level or higher abilities in the holy city, left the holy city with the fire support of the holy city's artillery, and chased wildly towards those sea races!

During these fourteen days of staying in the holy city, he could receive bad news from outside the city every day. The news of the city's ruins filled him with guilt and anger.

And today, it is finally time to vent this anger and guilt!

He will use the blood of these sea people to purge the anger in his heart!

"Oh, what an impetuous little guy ..."

Looking at the many dragons who left the holy city and chased the fallen dragons of the sea people, Mukadio standing on the wall suddenly twitched his lips, and a smile of irony appeared on his face.

Later, his figure gradually turned into a little white light and disappeared above the city wall.

Now that the Hai clan has been repelled, it is the time when the power of faith in the city is the strongest. He must seize the time to absorb the power of these faiths as soon as possible to improve his strength and repair the damaged projection gun.

And after absorbing the power of these beliefs, it is also time for him to take the initiative to kill those **** rebels!

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