Infinite Evolution

Chapter 902: Mysterious Starry Sky Egg!

Near the final battle, the last time is crucial for everyone.

While Chu Xun and others were busy implanting the core of life and strengthening themselves in the Second World, the Seven Deadly Sins and other people gathered around a secret base to prepare to restore their strength.

At this moment, the powerful and somewhat neurotic ragdoll has been settled by anger and others. It is worth mentioning that, at the end of the thought, how to appease this little lunatic turned out to be the most amusing bone emperor among the seven deadly sins.

Surprisingly, the solution was a special anime girl!

Who can imagine that a crazy and killer guy like Alice actually likes to watch those childish and ridiculous girl comics, and she also reads with interest!

Of course, the little lunatic is a lunatic after all, even if she is watching a girl's comics, once she sees the uncomfortable place, Alice will still be mad, even throwing a few bear bombs directly to blow up the room with the TV. .

Fortunately, this guy ’s joy and anger are instantaneous. After blowing up the room and the TV, as long as someone arranges a new animation for him immediately, she will watch it with interest until the next time. Boom ...

Well, although this is very troublesome, and it is destined to blow up unknown rooms and TVs, this is already the only way to hold this little lunatic ...

At this moment, anger and others are sitting in a circle, and in front of them, there is a huge spherical object with a diameter of at least more than ten meters, which looks like an egg of a certain creature. !!

And on the periphery of this spherical object, it is surrounded by layers of ice crystals. Strangely, judging by the color of the ice crystals and the terrible low temperature emanating from it, this thing turned out to be eternal ice!

What is even more incredible is that although this spherical object is frozen by the eternal ice, it still emits waves of life from the middle. Obviously, this thing is not only an egg, but also a living egg!

"Finally using this thing!"

Looking at the dome frozen in front of the eternal ice, a trace of emotion suddenly appeared on the face of desire, and then he smiled bitterly: "If it were not for this thing, we would not have been shot into the sky, They were even taken away by the corpse emperor, and they were only able to fall asleep. "

Speaking of this, desire also couldn't help but sighed, saying: "I really don't know if it's worth it now!"

When the Seven Deadly Sins ruled the corpse realm, there was a sudden earthquake in one place in the corpse realm. And caused a large-scale collapse. Then all kinds of weird and terrifying humanoids swarmed out of the ground cracks caused by the earthquake, and began to sweep and rag the entire corpse domain frantically.

Those creatures emerging from the ground cracks are extremely weird. They are not only powerful, but also not afraid of death, and have powerful fighting power. What's even more weird is that these creatures have a lot of wisdom. Not only do they fight and understand each other, they even know how to set traps to deal with the enemy.

The emergence of these monsters immediately caused huge casualties to the corpse domain, and even some powerful men fell to the siege of these monsters. It is no exaggeration to say that this is almost the worst disaster in the corpse domain after the cataclysm.

In order to solve these monsters, the seven sinners shot in person, and in the direction of those monsters, sneaked into the bottomless seam caused by the earthquake.

Soon, Anger and others found a relic in the deepest part of the ground seam. According to some audiovisual materials in some relics, this relic turned out to be a secret established in the most brilliant period of the Misopotaya civilization. base. The purpose of this base is to protect this giant egg.

According to some information in the ruins, the dome descended from the sky and was discovered by the Misopotayas. They found that the dome contained an extremely powerful life, but also, because they feared that the life in the dome would be damaged while destroying the eternal ice, they did not dare to break the seal forcibly and could only save it. OK, and find another way to break the eternal ice outside the dome without harming the life inside the dome.

It is a pity that before they found this method, the infighting caused by Chi You began, and the Misopotaya civilization also fell into a long civil war and eventually withdrew from the arena of history. This base was sealed indefinitely.

Until the earthquake!

The earthquake damaged the base ’s long-lost defense system, and activated some of the armor beasts inside the base that were specially used to guard the base. Subsequently, these armored beasts also misidentified the base damage as an enemy's attack in accordance with the original instructions, and the whole army was dispatched to begin annihilating the enemies within 5,000 kilometers around the base.

You know, at that time, within 5,000 kilometers around this base, they were absolutely military restricted areas!

However, while discovering the ruins and the dome, they also touched the ultimate guardian system of the ruins. Subsequently, a group of powerful armored beasts led a siege to them under the leadership of a armored beast with the strength of Zhaitian. Although the anger finally entered the state of the angry emperor, with the cooperation of the people, they killed the monsters and took away the dome, but they were also severely damaged, even everyone except the bone emperor fell to the sky.

But also because they have protected the corpse realm and removed those terrible armored beasts, the prestige of the Seven Deadly Sins in the corpse realm has also been very high. Even if they fell into the sky, but due to their reputation and the power they had accumulated before, other strong corpses did not dare to act lightly, and could only eat away their power little by little.

It can be said that a large part of the reason why the seven deadly sins will fall to the original situation is related to this giant egg!

"Whether it's worth it or not, it's a thing of the past, and the most important thing now is to use the power in this egg to restore our strength."

Hearing the desire, the anger shook his head slightly, then locked his eyes on the dome, and said, "Based on the information we got from the remains of Misopdaya, and the shape of the egg, .If I'm not mistaken, this egg should be the egg of a starry beast! "

"Yes, only the eggs of the star beast will be sealed by the earth's nuclear energy, waiting for a suitable break!" When he heard the anger, the greed on the side nodded, and there was a hint of dignity in his eyes.

"But this thing is almost extinct and it rarely appeared a long time ago. How could it suddenly appear in the ruins of the Misopotaya civilization?"

I glanced at the dome, and said with a lazy look, "I thought that I would still find a few starry giants as pets of war. I didn't expect to encounter them here."

At this point, a lamentable appearance also appeared on the lazy face: "It would be a pity to just draw the eggs of this starry beast as a source of strength. It ’s a pity that you have to see starry beasts. , Missed this one, it will be hard to find it later. "

"If we can't get through this difficulty, we won't have the future." Looking at the somewhat distressed look of laziness, aside the jealousy poked and said, "Finally, I haven't heard anyone who can enslave the starry beast." It ’s a kind of cosmic pest, so let's stop that idea. "

Star monster, also known as flood monster or universe monster. These creatures are different from ordinary creatures. They do not live on the planet, but live in the universe. Star beasts are born with extremely terrifying powers, and most of them are large in size and feed on the planet's nuclear energy. Once they have exhausted the nuclear power of the star, then the planet will not be able to survive, even the creatures cannot reproduce, and eventually become a dead star.

In simple terms, this is a true cosmic pest. Not only is the threat huge, but it is also extremely scary. Even the newly born star monster often has the level of fasting position, and the actual combat power is far more than ordinary fasting position. What's more terrible is that once they reach adulthood, they can even easily have god-level power, even if they are god-level strong, they are not their opponents.

However, after experiencing a major upheaval in a large world, these monsters are almost completely extinct, and they rarely see them again. But no one expected that in such a small earth, there would be such an egg of a starry giant!

However, although the starry beast is terrible, it is also extremely precious. Their eggs have the purest and most powerful life force, and because of this, they will be so powerful at birth. As long as anger and others can fully absorb the power in the egg of this starry beast, the purest life force in that egg will definitely bring them great benefits, so that they can go further!

But the problem is that if they want to absorb this egg, they must first break the eternal ice outside!

And once the eternal ice is broken, the eggs of this starry beast may hatch at any time. According to their knowledge, even if the star monster is just born, its lowest strength is the fasting position, and it may even break through the **** level, that is to say, they will take a lot of risk!

But the threat of the star beast is not worth mentioning compared with the threat of angels. So it is clear that breaking the eternal ice outside the eggs of this starry beast will have a lot of risks, but anger and others made a decision!

Even if the starry beast in this dome possesses god-like strength, they are confident to surrender it with their own strength. As long as they swallow the power of this starry beast, they will naturally be more confident in dealing with the angel of the Southwest Alliance!

"let's start!"

Thinking of this, Angri looked at the others, then nodded, took a deep breath, and pressed his right hand on the dome.

Suddenly, a black flame surged from the angry hands, completely covering the dome, and it was burning.

Under the burning of the black flame, the thick blue strong ice outside the dome began to dissolve and gradually melt!

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