Infinite Evolution

Chapter 483: The power of truth!

Only a moment ago, let Chu Xun and others know what ants are under the sky, but there is no use of eggs in the next moment. This kind of severe humiliation caused by being beaten on the spot, even if the city is extremely deep Assazli couldn't ignore it, and couldn't help feeling a little awkward and angry.

But beyond embarrassment and anger, he was more surprised.

If it is said that anger and others are because of the identity of "Goddess", he can break the lock of all things, then he can barely accept it. After all, "Goddess" was once a **** and has his own understanding of heaven and earth. But now Chu Xun and others are just some ants, so why can't they be immune to the effects of his vitality locks?

What's even more outrageous is that even if Chu Xun and the others, even how weird creatures surging over the sky have not been affected at all, and they are still attacking him swiftly.

What the **** is going on!

Is this "variable"?

Thinking of this, Assazler, who was originally confident and thought that everything was under control, finally found that things had gradually begun to deviate from his control!

"Fuck, are these guys all monsters?"

Like Assazler, the anger and others were all stunned at this moment, and their hearts were full of surprise.

This is not only because Chu Xun and others have somehow been immune to Assaz's vitality locks, but also because they found that among Chu Xun's group, not only Chu Xun and the Black Demon possessed the power of order 8, even The first few people I met, Chu Xun, and the Chu crazy who had played against him, now also exudes a powerful order of 8!

What exactly is going on?

Their seven deadly sins were able to recover to the eighth-order power in such a short time. This is entirely because they are strong in the sky. Although the strength is reduced because of physical damage, the realm and understanding are still there, as long as there are sufficient resources, Then it is not difficult to restore the strength below the sky.

But these guys are obviously ordinary people. Why do they now have 8th-order strength like him? Such a growth rate ... is too abnormal?

"Why are you still doing that?"

Seeing that anger and others were stunned on the spot like Assazler, Chu Xun could not help but yelled, then continued to speed up and rushed towards Assazli.


Hearing Chu Xun's words, anger, **** and gluttony also looked at each other, then stopped running, dropped the water demon, turned and rushed towards Assazli.

They knew the secrets of the Zerg from the mouth of [Dead] Samael, and the importance of "variables", so although they now knew that as long as they continued to flee, they would have a great chance to escape. Sazler's pursuit, but they still chose to stop and fight alongside Chu Xun and others.

What's more, Chu Xun said that they saved them, so they will never leave Chu Xun and others to escape alone!

Seven deadly sins, no coward!

"Okay, don't even want to leave any of you today!" Looking at Chu Xun and others who killed him aggressively from all directions, his eyes became colder and colder: "I want you to know, what Called the real gap! "

The words fell, and Assazler's body suddenly burst into a very bright golden mang. Then he waved his right hand, and a large piece of golden mang was like a golden sharp blade, directly chopped in front of those who had rushed to him, issued There were screams, and a pterosaur was about to attack.


Although the pterosaur alien has the destructive power no less than that of the 8th-level strong, its own defense is relatively fragile and it is impossible to resist the attack of the sky-high strong. I saw the pterosaurs that had been chopped by Jin Mang as if they were laser-cut pork, accompanied by dense tears, and were cut into two sections in an instant without any room for evasion and resistance.

Suddenly, the numerous pterosaur-shaped wreckages were mixed in the acidic blood sprayed from the sky and dropped from the sky, spilling the ground, corroding the ground into one big pit after another!

And this is just the beginning. After shredding the unknown pterodactyl alien, the bright golden light like a sharp blade also continued to move forward towards Chu Xun, which rushed towards Azazelle at a rapid speed. Severely go!

The speed of this golden light is so fast and the power is so powerful. In the eyes of everyone, only a golden streamer flashed, and even the golden afterimage in the eyes has not disappeared, then the golden light has killed the huge pterosaur alien. The Legion appeared in front of Chu Xun, as if he would be completely beheaded in the next moment!

The speed is so fast that they don't even have time to scream!

Obviously, although Assazler is arrogant and confident, he is extremely cautious and even insidious. This move was definitely his full blow, in order to kill Chu Xun who threatened him the most in the shortest possible time!

He knew very well that as long as he killed Chu Xun, it would be much easier to deal with others next!

"Want to kill me, huh!" However, when Jin Guang tore the pterosaur alien army and cut it towards Chu Xun, Chu Xun's pupils suddenly shrank, and directly into the "bullet time" under the stimulation of that Jin Guang "status.

Subsequently, the golden streamer that was so fast that he couldn't catch in his eyes became slower and slower. In the end, the entire attack trajectory was thoroughly seen by him!

Although in the state of bullet time, Chu Xun's body speed could not keep up with visual speed, but after swallowing the streamer tiger beetle, Chu Xun's teleportation ability to some extent made up for this huge defect.

So at the next moment, everyone found that Chu Xun's body disappeared into the golden light momentarily, and then appeared less than 50 meters away from Azazil, took a deep breath, and screamed angrily: "Oh! "

Although Chu Xun only uttered a word in anger, the word echoed in the ears of Azazil as if it were the bells echoing in the valley. In the blink of an eye, a drowsy feeling emerged from Assazler's mind, making him subconsciously sleepy.


At this moment, Chu Xun once again gathered his spirit and drank the second mantra.

Suddenly, the first and second mantras, like the whispers of the gods and Buddhas, kept echoing in Assler's ears, in his mind, and in his soul. Under the influence of these two mantras, Assler's tiredness became more and more intense, and finally fell into a short sleepiness.

At the same time, an invisible and imperceptible sound wave shock, starting from Chu Xun, swept heavily over Assazler's body. Under the sweep of this terrible sound, the fascinating golden light of Assazler's body was constantly stirred as if it had been thrown into the water surface of the stones, and it was obviously dim a lot.

Originating from the sonic attack ability of Sonic Jin Chan, after combining the power of the six-character Daming mantra and the powerful mental power of Chu Xun, the power is far beyond the limit of level 8, so even if it has the sky The powerful Assazler also accidentally recruited!

However, Assazler's strength is really too powerful. Although he fell into a temporary lethargy because he won Chu Xun's "Six-character Great Mantra", the sonic resonance attack that was enough to instantly destroy a Super T-Rex It is impossible to break the golden light of Assadler's body, and can barely consume a little of Assadler's power. And the mental power of Assazler, at most, just a moment is enough to wake up, when that time, Chu Xun will certainly usher in a fierce counterattack from Assazler!

"Enchanted clone, kill!"

However, Chu Xun did not expect that his "Six-character Big Mantra" could really hurt Assazler, so almost at the moment Assazler fell into a lethargy, Chu Xun also gave a cold drink and summoned his own Enchanted avatar.

Suddenly, he was wearing black heavy armor, with eight wings and long tail, and his muscles were high and swollen. As if the demonized avatar with endless power also appeared directly behind Assazler, and then roared, He waved his fists and smashed into Azazli's body.


Suddenly, with the sound of a loud roar, Azazil in the air seemed to be a meteorite. He was directly shot down from high altitude by Chu Xun's demonized avatar, and finally hit the ground heavily and knocked the ground out. A huge deep pit, the whole person was also buried in the deep pit.

"Destroy Thunder!"

"Death of the World!"

"Lizard Arrows-Ten Thousand Arrows Kill!"

"Space Blast!"

"Light, Fire-Light of Divine Punishment!"

And almost at the moment when Azazli was blasted into the ground by Chu Xun's demonized avatars, Zhang Xie, Angel, Bear Child, Chu Feng, and the Black Devils also had the strongest destructive forces and shot at Asa. Attacks took place where Ziller fell.

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