Infinite Evolution

Chapter 469: Kill the cicada!


The blasting noise that suddenly sounded was not loud, but rather dull. On the battlefield that was constantly roaring, a little attention would be ignored.

However, at the moment when the dull blast sounded, the wormer who had already shown a confident sneer was shaken by lightning and his face became extremely pale at the same time, even a little blood was pouring out of the corner of his mouth, apparently injured.

Later, the worm division immediately turned his head and looked at the sound of the blast. But when he saw the scene where the blast sounded, his face suddenly became paler, his pupils shrank sharply, and the color of fear flashed in his eyes!

Because at this moment, he saw a picture of his eternal life!

I saw that at a place less than 50 meters away, he was still waiting for the opportunity and was ready to sneak into Chu Xun's blood-sucking blood mosquito. He had already fallen to the ground at this moment, and the vitality of his body had all disappeared. The long mosquito legs were still jerking slightly, but apparently only some instincts of the insects had reacted after death.

At the same time, the belly of the blood-sucking blood mosquito, like a water bag, has completely burst, and countless tiny white maggots are pouring out of its bursting belly, and then it looks like a layer Like the layer of white "Milang", the three remaining insects on the battlefield will spread with dozens of **** ants.

And although this white tapeworm seems extremely fragile, it is actually extremely scary. The attacks of the **** ant soldiers could kill the white ascaris that came from the dense crowd, but the body fluids of the white ascaris were like strong acids, and they eroded one wound after another. Then, more white tapeworms will flow into these **** ants along these wounds.

As the white maggot enters the body, those **** ants will immediately twitch and struggle, as if they have endured some severe pain. This pain can even make them completely lose their combat effectiveness and slump to the ground. At the same time, they will continue to swell small packets, as if something is breeding in their bodies, like activities, looks strange and horrible.

"How is that possible? How is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Zushi's heart flinched.

Apparently, the dull blasting sound just now should be the sound of the belly burst of the Blood Eater Mosquito, and the reason why he was suddenly injured was that the death of the Blood Eater Mosquito caused him a certain power back biting.

But this blood-sucking blood mosquito is a real 8th-order dangerous creature, even if it is not known for its vitality and defense, but after all, the order is there, and it is a stubborn zerg. How could it have fallen so strangely? ? What's more, those white tapeworms that are constantly flowing out of its belly!

More importantly, the zushi didn't find that the blood-sucking blood mosquito was attacked at all. How did it die?

For a while, the worm division's heart was also terrified.

"My blood is not so good to suck!" Just as the insect master was terrified by the death of the blood-sucking mosquito, Chu Xun's cold voice suddenly passed into the insect master's ears.

At the same time, white smoke cocoons from Chu Xun's completely crickets also appeared, and at the same time a little black spots began to appear on the surface, as if they were ignited from the inside.

"Not good!" The worm cocoon's mutation changed the worm's face, and then he shouted immediately, "Sonic Golden Cicada, get started!"


After hearing the order of the insect division, Sonic Jin Chan, who has raised her power to the apex, finally finally started. Later, I saw a sharp, harsh noise, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye swept away towards Chu Xun trapped by the cocoon like a sea tide.

The power of this wave is clearly more than ten times stronger than before. Wherever it goes, whether it is the water surface, mud, plant debris, or the plague corpse that has already covered the water surface, it is completely exploded and smashed by the sonic resonance. However, the sound was still intact, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the insect cocoon, and Chu Xun was completely crushed together with the insect cocoon!


However, at the moment when the deadly sound wave was about to hit Chu Xun, a lot of thick smoke had been emitted, and at the same time, the cocoon with black spots on the surface suddenly burst, and then a bright golden light burst from the insect that burst. Shining out of the cocoons.

Boom boom boom boom!

But as soon as this golden light shone, it was completely extinguished by the terrible sound waves visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, a fierce roar continued to sound. And in that fierce roar, the originally broken cocoon shards were completely destroyed by the sound waves together with everything around them, leaving only a piece of muddy soil like a bombarded by heavy artillery.

Even that piece of stagnant water turned into countless tiny mists of water under the action of terrible resonance, covering the entire space, making the surrounding area look misty.

"Did you kill it?" Looking at the messy ground ahead, a ray of hope rose in the worm master's heart.

Under the control of his power, Sonic Jin Chan had almost exhausted all his powers in the last move, so that even now he has no strength to move. But because of this, the power of that move just now is extremely horrible. Even the real eighth-order powerhouse, if it is hit by the sound waves, it will be completely crushed like the cocoon fragments, even It is impossible to leave even a little bit of residue.

Judging from the strength shown before Chu Xun, his defense is absolutely the standard of a Tier 8 strongman, and even worse. So as long as Chu Xun hits this blow, he will surely die even if he has more potions!


However, when the Worm Master was full of expectations, a dull tear sounded suddenly from a distance not far from him. Subsequently, the familiar back-bite of the power also made him tremble again, and he couldn't help spitting blood.

However, the worm division now has no intention to manage the backwash of the power. He turned his head sharply, looked at the place where the sound of tears came, and then watched deadly as the punch punched through the head of Sonic Jin Chan, and his own skin The muscles and muscles exploded one after another, with bruises all over his body, and Chu Xun, who was bathing in blood, with an incredible color on his face: "You are not dead!"

"I don't think it's easy to die!"

Looking at the incredible look of Zushi, Chu Xun's eyes flashed a icy killing.

After all, the worm division is a worm division, even if it is already wounded, it still poses a lethal threat to him. Especially the blockage of the silk thread of that pair of heads, combined with the killing sound of Sonic Jin Chan, has extremely terrible lethality. If he had not used his acid blood to dissolve part of the cocoon, and then broke the cocoon at the last moment, using teleport to escape, he must have been hit by the killing sound wave now.

But even so, he was still affected by sound waves at the instant of his escape. That terrible sound wave not only directly defeated the mental strength of his bodyguard, but also destroyed his surface skin. If it hadn't been for the last-minute ability to take effect and take him away, he would be afraid that it would already be a piece of ground meat.

Because of this, he didn't care about recovering his injury at this moment, so he rushed directly to the exhausted Sonic Jin Chan who was attacked by all-out attacks, and shot and killed this terrible and scary zerg.

After killing the Echo Jin Chan, Chu Xun directly opened the private space and stored the body of the Echo Jin Chan in the private space.

The private space he has created is not a complete independent world, but a special space without air and time. No living things can be placed in this space, but no matter what dead things are, as long as they are put in, they will stay in the state when they are put in, and they will not change no matter how long they are put in.

Because of this, this space also has an unparalleled preservation effect. Now that the Sonic Jin Chan has just died, but the cells have not died, so as long as he waits for his advancement, he can still swallow the Sonic Jin Chan's genes, so as to get the Jin Chan shelling and sound waves. Ability to attack!

"What about corpses?"

Seeing Chu Xun waving his hand, the body of Sonic Jin Chan was gone, and the wormer's face suddenly appeared in astonishment.

He can't understand Chu Xun at all. Judging from the information obtained before, Chu Xun is clearly a dual system with strong system and summoning system. He has at most a transformation ability, but now, Chu Xun In turn, it showed the powerful abilities of the spirit system, blood system, plague system and even space system.

What kind of monster is this guy!

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