Infinite Evolution

Chapter 402: Fight against giant worms!

The dazzling gray light soon disappeared completely, and as the gray light dissipated, a huge and terrifying creature appeared in front of Chu Xun and the death knight.

This is a horrible beast that is at least more than a hundred meters long. This beast looks like a giant earthworm that has been magnified countless times and consists of a ring-shaped body. But unlike the earthworm, this giant is covered with a layer of hard scale armor, and every section of the body has sharp black barbs that look extremely scary.

However, the most terrifying thing is the head of this monster. The head of this monster is extremely large, and there are no organs such as eyes, nose, and ears. There is only a huge circular mouthpart. The mouthpart is covered with layers. Sharp jagged, looks a bit similar to the huge worm creature that shuttles in the abandoned subway passage in the movie "Man in Black 2."


At this moment, the giant worm, like a python, coiled up its huge body and pointed its mouthpiece at Chu Xun, sending out a loud and fierce roar. With the roar of this giant worm, a scar was spread in the mouth of the giant worm, and the black tentacles stained with blood were also faintly visible.

Obviously, Chu Xun was injured before, it is just the tongue of this giant worm that is similar to a tentacle!

And if it wasn't for Chu Xun's quick response and evacuated in time, I'm afraid he has now been dragged into the giant worm's mouth by the black tentacle to bear the bite of the giant worm's terrible mouthpiece.

"Finally succeeded!" Looking at this giant worm that was more than 100 meters long and nearly 10 meters wide, a glimmer of excitement suddenly appeared in the eyes of the death knight.

He once had a big loss in the hands of this giant worm. He really knew the terribleness of this giant worm, so he was 100% convinced that Chu Xun could never be the opponent of this giant worm.


At the same time, Chu Xun also made a roar like that giant worm, and then waved with 8 wings behind him, standing up, and rushed towards the giant worm.

Dominated by the desire to be killed and devoured, he didn't know what fear was, so even if this giant worm brought him a great sense of pressure and crisis, he chose to take the initiative!


The giant worm responded very quickly. Although it was not apparent from the outside what sensory organs he possessed, he rushed to Chu Xun, and launched a counterattack as soon as he hit him.

I saw a nasty vomit sounded, and a large amount of dark green stinky mucus suddenly spewed out of the giant worm's mouthpiece, spraying at an extremely fast speed towards Chu Xun.

And more importantly, the coverage of this dark green mucus is too large, and the distance between Chu Xun and this giant worm is almost unavoidable.

Obviously, this guy's fighting wisdom is also very high, it is even waiting for Chu Xun to approach, in order to launch this fatal blow!


Seeing this smelly mucus, the death knight's eyes suddenly lighted. This slime is extremely corrosive and, like the tartar bones, it is extremely difficult to remove once it is entangled. Even the most defensive war knight of the four knights is corroded by this slime, and in the end it is still scaly. Relying on the plague knight who is best at dealing with this kind of ghosts, the threat of these slimes was eliminated.

So at this moment, his heart is full of expectations, looking forward to the scene where Chu Xun is entangled in this green slime, and then turns into a pool of pus.

Puff puff!

The distance between Chu Xun and the giant worm was so close that he could not avoid the washing of these mucus at all. I saw Chu Xun's body was instantly covered with those green mucus, and it became sticky and disgusting, accompanied by a dense muffled sound.

But beyond the expectations of the death knight, those strongly corrosive mucus seemed to be meaningless odor to Chu Xun. Even if the whole body was covered with mucus, Chu Xun showed no signs of corrosion at all. .

Of course, this is actually inevitable. After all, Chu Xun has a heterogeneous gene in his body. This strongly corrosive mucus may be effective for others, but for Chu Xun, who also has strong acid blood and acid resistance, it is no longer able to exert any due effect. .

This, and Chu Xun acid blood can not hurt this giant worm is a reason!

And because of this estimation error, Chu Xun also broke through the barrier of the acidic mucus and rushed directly to the giant worm's huge skull and mouthparts. Then he waved his left hand and a blood-colored spider silk wrapped around the giant worm. Then, after pulling hard, the whole person is like "Spider-Man", using the elasticity of spider silk to pull himself towards the giant worm!

Obviously, Chu Xun is preparing to reapply the old skills, using the method that just dealt with that black tentacle to deal with this giant worm!

However, Chu Xun underestimated the wisdom of this giant worm. After eating it once, the giant worm apparently learned his lesson, so he did not wait for Chu Xun to drag the silk, and the giant worm was like a long compressed The spring is normal, the whole body bounces instantly, and then slams.

As the giant worm shook his body, Chu Xun, who was linked to the giant worm only by this spider silk, was also inertia. He was thrown away like a yo-yo, and then smashed heavily. There was a loud noise on the ground, and a huge impact dent was left on the ground.

Later, the giant worm also began to twitch his body, and then smashed Chu Xun to the ground again and again. Under the horrible power of giant worms, Chu Xun couldn't control his balance at all, and he was completely taken over by the giant worms. In the fierce roar, he had close contact with the ground again and again.

However, when Chu Xun was struck by a constant impact, a fierce sense of crisis emerged from his heart again, and then he found that he had been thrown into the air by a giant worm, and Under him, the giant worm bounced up, then opened its mouth wide, and swallowed towards Chu Xun at an incredible speed!

If it weren't for his direct keenness, strong resilience, and quick recovery from the vertigo caused by constant impact, I am afraid that the next thing waiting for him is the engulfing of this giant worm.

But now that he is awake, it should be this giant worm!

I saw that when the giant worm opened its mouth, it was about to swallow Chu Xun, and Chu Xun's blood-red pupil also changed instantly. Numerous small grids began to appear in the depth of the pupil, and each grid was flashing. A little light, it looks as if one eye suddenly splits into thousands of eyes.

The compound eyes ability derived from the mantis gene is finally activated at this moment!

With the emergence of the compound eyes of the mantis, Chu Xun also entered the bullet time again, and everything in his eyes became extremely slow. But this time he is different from before. With the support of strong physique and speed, his body speed can barely keep up with his visual speed. So I saw that in such a blink of time, Chu Xun, who had been swallowed by a giant worm, had already fluttered his wings fiercely, passing the giant worm's mouthparts at a dangerous distance.

But at the moment when he passed by the giant worm, Chu Xun's hands slammed together, and then he struck the giant worm's head with all his strength.


Suddenly with a muffled sound, the sharp claws at the end of Chu Xun's double fists finally tore the tough scales and muscles of the giant worm, and deeply embedded in the giant worm. Later, Chu Xun painted a gourd, and once again fixed the back of the eight wings, tentacles and long tail to the giant worm, using the weakness of the giant worm to have only the trunk and no limbs, and attacked the giant worm.


Chu Xun was nailed to death like a sacrum, and the giant worm suddenly made an angry roar, then suddenly curled up his body like a python, and wrapped his body around his head and Chu Xun on the head. Tangled up.


The power of this giant worm is really too strong. Under the mad strangulation of this giant worm, Chu Xun's body also began to emit bursts of rubbing and twisting sounds of bones that made him sour, even after a few seconds, his body Exoskeleton armor began to crack under this great crushing, as if to be completely crushed by this giant worm the next moment.

Form seems to suddenly become unfavorable to Chu Xun!

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