Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2848: Holy light of system simulation!

"Damn, this skeleton mountain is like Montenegro, the old monster of Montenegro. The whole mountain is a monster!"

Looking at the arms that protruded from both sides of Skeleton Mountain and defeated the defense arms of the system, Skyfall could not help but change his face and exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, just ruin him!"

However, at the same time that the sky met the exclaimed voice, the anger had already stood up, with a little bit of black light, and rushed towards the still changing bone mountain.

Not only the anger, but others at the moment also shot, attacking the bone mountain.


Suddenly, a brilliance of energy shrouded the Skeleton Mountain like a storm, and blasted the Skeleton Mountain into a mess in a burst of roar, and the bones spattered.

However, although the attack by Chu Xun and others is strong, the area of ​​Skeleton Mountain is really too large, and the defense is extremely amazing. Even if attacked by Chu Xun and others, they can only destroy the surface of Skeleton Mountain, but cannot destroy Its completely destroyed.

If they continue to do this, even if they can grind this bone mountain little by little, I'm afraid they don't know how much time to waste!


At the same time as Chu Xun and others launched a counterattack, the silk shield of the system that had been broken by the arms of Skeleton Mountain was reborn, and a dazzling ray of light bloomed again, shining on the Skeleton Mountain.

This dazzling holy light apparently has a strong restraint on the skeletal mountain that exudes the evil spirit. Therefore, under the shroud of this holy light, a lot of black fog has begun to emerge on the skeletal mountain, and its speed and strength are obvious Decline!

"System, what is this holy light?"

Seeing the pure light from the system, Chu Xun couldn't help but be taken aback.

"The system can not only simulate the characteristics of various weapons and equipment, but also perform power conversion and simulate power characteristics!"

"According to a system analysis, the bone mountain in front of you is a magical creature, full of powerful magic, and pure light power is one of the nemesis of this power. Therefore, the system is based on greed and the power of God. The power of dreams to come true is transformed into pure power of the Holy Light, and restrained! "

Feeling the doubt in Chu Xun's heart, the system immediately gave the answer.

"This transformation requires a lot of power?"

Hearing the words of the system, Chu Xun frowned slightly.

As far as he knows, the transformation of power will inevitably be attributable, even if he transformed the power with the power of creation, it is also unavoidable, but the degree of loss is relatively small.

"The power of dreams to come true is a level higher than the power of light, so after transformation, it will only increase, not weaken!"

After hearing Chu Xun's words, a hint of self-confidence appeared in the voice of the system: "According to the current situation, if this degree of bright power is simulated, then the power of dreams to come true becomes one to fifty-seven. , That is, the power of one unit of dreams to come true can be transformed into the light power of 57 units! "


After hearing the words of the system, Chu Xun was shocked again.

He knew that the system was very strong after evolution, but he did not expect that the ability of the system after evolution had been so strong that it was almost against the sky!

"Host, according to a system analysis, the core of this magical creature named Skeleton Mountain should be inside his body, so external attacks like yours are not effective."

But when Chu Xun was shocked by the system's demonstrated capabilities, the sound of the system rang again from Chu Xun's mind: "So in the current situation, if the host wants to destroy this enemy as soon as possible, Then the best option is to break the enemy defense and go deep inside to attack! "

Speaking of which, the system's voice also became a little excited: "Based on the strength of the host, plus the tiger sword and the system to help, this is not difficult!"

"It seems that you want to exert your strength after evolution!"

As for the "emotions" expressed by the system, Chu Xun is no exception, because the system's emotions have become more anthropomorphic since the degree of system evolution has increased. Because of this, he can also understand the excitement of the system and want to exert it after getting strong power.

"That being the case, let's go!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xun's eyes flashed a flash of brilliance, then suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards the bone mountain at a very fast speed.


In the face of the blast from Chu Xun, the monster transformed by the Bone Mountain immediately launched a counterattack, and with the sound of bursting air, countless bone spears blasted out from the Bone Mountain. Chu Xun shrouded.

At the same time, in this bone mountain, there are a lot of changes in the accumulation of bones, and finally turned into one horror, bone birds with sharp minions, stood up and intercepted towards Chu Xun.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

However, in the face of these bone spears and bone bird attacks, Chu Xun was resolute and didn't even act at all.

Because all of this has a system to help!

Suddenly, I saw the flashes of bright light accompanied by bursts of light, and the branches that exuded the bright light also broke out from the void around Chu Xun, and then waved fiercely, carrying the bright light. Light hit the bone spears and bone birds.

Although the bone spears and bone birds contain powerful power, when the strength attributes are completely restrained, these bone spears and bone birds are still being smashed by these branches, and even the fragments are melted by the light. , Into a little bit of black light scattered.

And with the help of the system. Chu Xun was also unobstructed all the way, killed directly in front of the Skeleton Mountain, then avoided the bombardment of Skeleton Mountain and landed directly on Skeleton Mountain.


The next moment, accompanied by Chu Xun's scream, the tiger sword in his hand also dazzled with golden light, and severely bombarded the bone mountain.


Although the white tiger has not been seriously injured today, under the urging of Chu Xun's powerful forces, the sword still exploded with amazing destructive power.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and Chu Xun slashed a huge hole with a tiger sword on the mountain of bones, and then Chu Xun rushed straight into the hack. Among the deep scabbard marks that came out, he attempted to penetrate into the depths of Skeleton Mountain, destroying the core of Skeleton Mountain in one fell swoop.

However, it is not easy to break into the core area of ​​Skeleton Mountain. Because this Skeleton Mountain is a magical creature, even if Chu Xun has entered his body, the skeletons in his body can continue to be deformed and deformed. Chu Xun launched a powerful attack.

But the problem is that at this moment Chu Xun has a system to help him. Under the suppression of the bright light of the system, the attacking force launched by this bone mountain has been weakened a lot. In addition, Chu Xun ’s strength is strong enough, The strength of the Buddha can restrain the bone mountain as well as the light force, so the attack launched by the bone mountain failed to stop Chu Xun's advance at all.

Even more frightening is that soon the system also began to help Chu Xun, growing a large number of branches, like a ground drilling machine, constantly drilling holes in the interior of this bone mountain, and blooming a strong holy light, further destroying this bone mountain Inside, help Chu Xun open the passage to the depths of Skeleton Mountain faster.

In this way, with the help of the system, Chu Xun also began to drive straight in at a very fast speed. It didn't take long before he came to the core area of ​​this bone mountain.

What was unexpected from Chu Xun was that the black-hearted area of ​​Skeleton Mountain was actually an empty space, and in this empty space, a piece of black crystal was hanged, which exudes black light. And a strong breath!

"This is the core?"

Looking at the black bone, Chu Xun's pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

Because he felt from the black bones that it belongs to the realm of the three dead corpses, even more pure and powerful than the ordinary one.

There is no doubt that the owner of this black skeleton must have been very strong before his death, even the top powerhouse who mastered the laws of the avenue, otherwise his bones would not have such powerful power.

But unfortunately, after all, such a strong man fell into the hands of Yuan Shitian Demon, and was also made into the core of this magic refining creature.

However, just when Chu Xun was moved by the powerful breath emanating from this black bone, a strange **** flame suddenly ignited in the eyes of the black bone and black hole!

At the same time, the breath emanating from the black bones began to rise quickly!

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