Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2387: New born, integrated!

"Like another generation ..."

Returning to the world of yin and yang, Chu Xun glanced at the yin and yang world that was still empty around him, then moved his gaze over his palms and exhaled a long breath.

This time, he really found a life.

But now is not the time to relax. The next moment, Chu Xun called to the system directly in his heart: "System, help me re-establish a connection with the **** world!"

Although Chu Xun did not know how the system relied on him to forcibly separate him from the divine realm, thereby keeping his divine realm immortal. But he believes that since the system has a way to separate him from the divine realm, then there is a way to let him reintegrate the divine realm and restore cultivation.

And this is the first thing he should do now.

You know, he is now in the yin and yang realm, and his strength is no longer there, and the old demon of Heishan is not a good person, although he did not hit him when he met him before, and even helped him , But he did not dare to put his life in the hands of the old monster in Montenegro.

After all, people's hearts are changeable. Who knows whether the old Montenegrin monster will have any other ideas after seeing that he can be "resurrected to death".

Everything is careful!

"Yes, host!"

Upon hearing Chu Xun's words, the system's voice immediately rang from Chu Xun's mind.

At the same time, a dazzling golden light burst out of Chu Xun's body instantly, and then turned into a golden seed, taking root in the void.


Then, with a violent buzzing of energy, an endless glow burst out of the golden seed, and took root and sprouted in the glow and the void seed, and finally grew into a flash in the blink of an eye. It is so huge, it seems to support the whole world, and it emits a dazzling glazed linden tree!


With the regeneration of this glazed linden tree, Chu Xun also found that the void around him was still constantly distorted and changed, and finally centered on him and turned into a vibrant, flowery world spreading in all directions, and at the same time it stood on The tower of Babel between heaven and earth also appeared in Chu Xun's eyes!

"finally came back!"

Looking at this familiar world, Chu Xun's face suddenly appeared a happy look, then his eyes were frozen, his hands opened, and he shouted, "My believers, give me your strength!"

"My Lord is almighty!"

"Long live my lord!"


As Chu Xun returned to the realm of God, Li Li uttered his voice, and his voice immediately spread to the ears of every believer in his divine realm under the role of the lilac linden tree.

Later, these believers also revived and dedicated their faith.


Suddenly, the endless golden light began to converge from all parts of the divine realm, and eventually merged into this glass bodhi tree. At the same time, the four branches of the glazed bodhi tree also radiated out, winding precisely on the limbs of Chu Xun, and continuously flowing these collected faith into the continuous body. .

Later, the system's voice sounded from Chu Xun's mind again: "Host, bear it, it will hurt a little, but it's for your good!"


Hearing the words of the system, Chu Xun suddenly hesitated.

Then, after waiting for Chu Xun's reaction, it was indescribable, as if stabbed by countless sharp-edged steel knives and hot irons throughout the body, and the severe pain caused by the high-voltage current started from Chu Xun. Each of the cells erupted in the depths, and quickly swept Chu Xun's body, making Chu Xun twitch all over, and couldn't help screaming.

This pain is really terrible. Even though it has endured countless pains, Chu Xun, who is ten times stronger than ordinary people, can hardly bear it.

What's the pain?

This is simply life-threatening!


In the screams of Chu Xun, his whole body burst into bursts, and he radiated a black and smelly blood.

It is only that with the continuous lasing of this blood, the originally black blood gradually fades, and eventually turns into the blood red of normal people, instead of the translucent blood caused by the fusion of alien genes like Chu Xun.

As Chu Xun's blood turned red, his wounds began to heal quickly, and a layer of silver exoskeleton armor instantly covered his body surface. It's just different from the previous one. The exoskeleton armor changed this time, whether it is the sharp thorns in the joints, his alien long tail, or his sharp claws, etc., the ends have become black. And exuding a faint smell.

Until all these changes were completely ended, Chu Xun's pain in his body receded like a tide, and at the same time he felt a weakness in his body and sat weakly on the ground.

"How is this going……"

Thinking back to what just happened, Chu Xun could not help frowning, at the same time stretched the long tail in front of himself, and then stroked the dark and sharp end on the ground.


Suddenly, the ground seemed to have been corroded by strong acid and poisonous, and quickly turned into a dark color, and quickly subsided, and it also exuded a stinky smell from it.

"So toxic!"

Seeing this, Chu Xun's pupils suddenly shrank, exclaiming.

You know, his **** world has been strengthened many times, and the hardness of the ground is almost comparable to some so-called magic weapon. However, the hard ground now is like a light stroke of his alien tail. It melted as quickly as the plastic encountered a soldering iron.

Such corrosiveness and toxicity are really shocking!

"Host, congratulations on your restoration, and at the same time, you will be blessed by disaster and take you to the next level."

When Chu Xun's heart was full of shock and horror, the sound of the system sounded again from Chu Xun's mind: "The T virus in the host and the zombie king corpse were strengthened by the power of dreams to come true The product is extremely powerful and infinitely useful, and it can enhance the activity and fusion ability of the host gene, which is a pity. "

"So the system has just spent the last part of the power of dreams to come true, and borrows the power of the host itself and the power of faith in the kingdom of God to integrate these two genes with the host's original genes."

"The pain that the host just felt was actually caused by these genetic fusion mutations."

Speaking of which, there was a hint of excitement in the voice of the system: "More importantly, during this fusion process, some of the genetic forces in the host also mutated and became more powerful. As for the specific power, At any point, this requires the host to explore on its own in the future. "

"Even the T virus gene and the zombie king's corpse fused?"

Hearing the words of the system, Chu Xun also reacted immediately, then a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

If that's the case, the pain just now isn't in vain.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun can't wait to try this new power.

"Host, after you leave here, there is a chance to adapt to your new power, but before that, there are more important things to do."

However, before Chu Xun started testing, the sound of the system rang again from Chu Xun's mind.

"What's more important?"

After hearing the words of the system, Chu Xun suddenly froze.


But at this moment, a radiance suddenly shone from the front of Chu Xun. Later, he saw a bronze bell that was rusted by black gas and appeared rusty and fell in front of Chu Xun.

"Chaos Bell!"

Seeing this sudden chaotic clock, Chu Xun's face suddenly changed.

He had lost all his soul before, even the real spirit was incomplete, and he was in danger, so he put all his energy on restoring the true spirit and cultivation. Knowing that the Chaos Bell was once again Chu Xun at this moment, he remembered that there was still a Chaos Bell in his divine realm, and the Pangu 幡, which was suppressed by the Chaos Bell, but was in danger, and might break out of the seal at any time!

After all, it is different from the past. This time Pan Guzheng, but it is fully integrated with the spirit!

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