Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2322: Out of the Underworld!

Killing sword energy is the strongest murderous move of anger, which contains the anger's full understanding of the avenue of killing. If you only talk about the pure lethality in the same realm, even if you look at the whole world, there are not many tactics that can match this. One move is comparable.

And this time, with the power of the soul in the yin and yang world, anger was finally able to spur the power of this move to the extreme, even more than three points more than the killing sword energy he had condensed before!


In the face of this killing sword energy that contains the ultimate killing power, the book that had gradually withstood the pressure with the help of the two Lords of the Underworld, was like the last straw that crushed the camel, Finally unable to support, directly in a dull tearing sound, was penetrated by this sharp black sword gas, and the golden light blooming suddenly suddenly darkened.

The book of people in this underworld seal is not the body of the book of people, but just a projection containing the power of the Emperor of the Capital, Hades, and the book of human power, so the power contained in it is the soul of the yin to chill force.

This kind of ghost power is not only powerful, but it can even devour various forces. It can be called a nemesis of many elemental powers. In addition, he has no entity itself, so he is almost immune to physical attacks. The power of this ghost force is actually very rare.

Coincidentally, the killing power is one of them!


I saw that with the killing sword gas penetrating the book, the killing sword gas also seemed to be a soldering iron inserted into the ice cube, and in a moment of snoring, it began to quickly erode the book, making the book dim. , And the billowing black smoke appeared very strange.

But even more incredible is still behind!

The next moment, I saw that the killing sword gas melted quickly, and then it turned into a black gas and fell into the man's book. And with the integration of these black gas, the crack on that person's book seemed to be motivated by some force, and it began to expand rapidly in the tumbling of black smoke, as if there was something in the crack. The horrible demons are about to emerge from the trap!


Finally, when the cracks spread throughout the book, the book burst out in a fierce roar, and the broken pieces were swallowed up by the billowing black smoke, leaving nothing left.

Seeing this scene, the spirit of Chu Xun and others also revived.

Renshu is finally ruined!


With the destruction of Renshu's eyes, the black dragons that had been constantly bombarding the old monsters in Montenegro also became stiff, and then, like Renshu, numerous cracks appeared in the whole body, which eventually burst open. The underworld channel, which has been blocked for thousands of years, is finally reopened!


"Trapped for thousands of years, this seat can finally see it again today!"

Seeing that the underworld passage was reopened, the body had been destroyed by two-thirds, but the old monstrous Heishan demon who could not help but laugh and finally laughed.

For him, although this degree of injury is troublesome, it is not fatal, and if he is given enough souls and ghosts as "nutrition", he will be able to recover completely in no time!

"It's finally done!"

At the same time, the exhausted Chu Xun and others were also relieved.

In order to break the seal of the underworld, each of them has gone all out, especially the anger, although with the strength of those souls, the armed force of the angel killing has been enhanced, and the armed force of the angel killing has been used to offset the killing sword The part of qi backwashed, so that he would not kill the enemy one thousand and damage 800 as he did last time, but for this he killed the three major spirits in the angelic armies, that is, the third son of doom was also in this killing force. The wounds are not shallow under counter-bite, it takes a lot of time and strength to go to Wenyang before they can be restored again.

In any case, the seal was broken after all!

"Let ’s go without delay, and immediately head to the underworld!"

After a long sigh of relief, Chu Xun and others were immediately ready to leave for the underworld.


But the moment they left, a black stone pillar suddenly stopped in front of them.

"Old Montenegrin?"

Seeing that the old demon in Montenegro stopped himself and others, Chu Xun's eyes were instantly frozen, and Chu Xun also said in a deep voice: "Why stop us?"

At the same time, Chu Xun and others also clenched their weapons and became fully alert.

Although they signed the Tiandao Blood Oath with the Old Monte demon, who knows if there is any way for the old monsters like the Black Mountain Old Demon to avoid the punishment of the Tiandao Blood Oath like Constantine, so just in case, they should be careful.

"Rest assured, I'm not malicious to you, I just don't want you to die."

Looking at the alertness of Chu Xun and others, there was also a surge of black light on the black stone turned by the old monk in Montenegro, and then he condensed into the appearance of the old monk in Montenegro. That ’s right, now the underworld seal is opened, but our destruction of the book projection of this person is equivalent to indirectly damaging the reincarnation wheel and reincarnation door of that person's book fragments. "

"And these two treasures are now integrated with the underworld, so once they are severely damaged, then whether it is the Yincao Difu or the death world, there will be chaos in the world. At this time, if you rush into this underworld channel, It is likely that because of the turmoil of the underworld, they will be involved in the chaos of time and space, and what will happen then, no one will know. "

Having said that, the old demon of Montenegro paused slightly, and then continued: "Besides, the seal of the underworld was broken by us, and it is bound to attract the attention of Emperor Badu and Hades, even if I If you are right, they are likely to have gone to the exit of the channel to check the situation in person. "

"In this case, if you rush into the underworld channel, then you have good luck and successfully reached the underworld, I'm afraid that you may not be able to get a good deal from the Nadu Emperor and Hades, the Hades!"

"After all, even if you are from heaven, but the exit from the yin and yang world to the yin world is at the junction of the two worlds. So if Hades, the Hades, tried to kill you hard, it would be considered the Emperor of Dudu. May not be able to hold you. "

The old monster in Montenegro has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and it has also swallowed the memory of countless remnants. It is well-informed and well-thought-out, so even though he is the most excited of all, he has remained calm in the end. No recklessness.

"so close……"

Hearing the words of the old monster in Montenegro, Chu Xun and others suddenly felt scared for a while.

Fortunately, they persuaded the old demon of Heishan and let the old demon of Heishan decide to belong to heaven. Moreover, without these key middlemen, the land government was afraid that they would not believe in the surrender of the Heishan Laoyao. This allowed the Heishan Laoyao to fully protect their lives and prevent their reckless actions.

Otherwise, if they really dig into the passage leading to the underworld, then what will happen next is life or death, I'm afraid they won't be sure.

"so what should I do now?"

Thinking of this, Chu Xun couldn't help asking curiously.


After hearing Chu Xun's words, the old demon of Montenegro said categorically: "The war between Yin Cao Di Fu and the Death God Realm has been going on for ten million years. How could it be ended in just a few days or ten days. So you do n’t have to be too Anxious, wait here for the underworld to recover from the turmoil, and then wait for me to recover some strength. At that time, with the help of the soul-hunting army of me and my subordinates, even Hades, the Pluto, will take the shot himself and want to kill you. not easy."

Having said that, the old demon of Montenegro suddenly laughed: "Hey hey, this way, your safety is also guaranteed, and maybe at that time, I can join Hades, the capital of the capital of Yindu, the Hades. It's a vote! "

"That being the case, listen to you."

Hearing the words of the Heishan old demon, Chu Xun hesitated, then looked at him with anger and others, finally nodded, and agreed to the request of the old demon of Heishan.

But at the same time, Chu Xun couldn't help but asked curiously: "Yes, you said that the exit to the underworld was at the junction of the two underworlds. I don't know where it is?"

"Where the exit is, if you have been to the underworld, then you should know."

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the old demon in Montenegro smiled and said, "Infernal Purgatory, this place, should you have heard of it?"

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