Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2292: Red Queen!

Along with the sharp and angry sound, the red light radiated from the bear child's body finally condensed and formed into a woman.

Well, a strange woman!

Seriously, Chu Xun and others can be considered as well-informed. After experiencing many worlds and dealing with countless races, it can be said that they have a strong heart, but when they saw this woman transformed by red light, they still couldn't help shrinking their pupils. Jumped in my heart.

Because this woman is so strange!

This woman looks only about 1.4 to 1.5 meters, is quite short, she is wearing a gorgeous red western-style court costume, and from the perspective of the design of the costume, the person who owns the costume must have a high status noble.

It's just shocking that this woman, who is only about 1.4 meters in size and has a slender figure, has a huge head like a pumpkin, plus the thick makeup on his face, like a thick layer of hoarfrost. The dress, as well as the bulging red curls, and the golden crown on the curls, all this makes this woman look so weird!


The more weird is still behind. With the appearance of this red-haired woman, two suckling pigs appeared inexplicably under his feet, like a cushion, allowing him to step on the two suckling pigs!

In short, the weird style of this painting is as strange as it is strange.

As if this was a woman who should not have appeared in the world!

"I Cao, He Fang is evil!"

Because this woman appeared extremely abruptly, and looked strange, plus she appeared directly next to the bear child, and was very close to Zhao Yu, so at this moment, Zhao Yu was also startled and drank instinctively. .


"You dare to insult me, I will cut off your head, cut off!"

Hearing Zhao Yu's exclamation, the woman's face suddenly showed a trace of anger, and then scolded with a sharp voice.


And almost at the same time as the woman's scolding sounded, a weird black execution platform also appeared directly in front of Zhao Yu. At the same time, a black chain was blasted on the execution platform, winding around Zhao at an alarming speed. Yu's body, and pulled suddenly, pulling Zhao Yu on the execution platform!

At the same time, the extremely sharp beheading blade above the execution platform also slipped, and chopped towards Zhao Yu's head!

"Fuck, break me!"

Somehow was tied to the execution platform, and the sharp blade was about to beheaded. Then Zhao Yu's face changed suddenly, and then he roared, slamming the blazing flame, hitting the execution platform severely, trying to The execution platform was completely smashed and escaped the day of birth!

Boom boom boom boom!

But it is unbelievable that with Zhao Yu's current master level cultivation, the fire force that was fully promoted turned out to be red after being bombarded on the execution platform, but failed to Smash the execution platform as he wished!

And because of this delay, the beheading blade has also approached Zhao Yu!

"I Cao!"

Seeing this scene, the bear child's face changed, and he waved his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "Time is stagnant!"


With the fall of the bear child's voice, a white light suddenly radiated from his right hand at a very fast speed, shrouded over the falling beheading blade, so that the beheading blade hovered only a few feet away from Zhao Yu's neck. Centimeters place!

Even at this moment, Zhao Yu can feel the sharp touch brought by that sharp blade!

"Red Queen, these people are my brothers!"

After settling on the execution stand, the bear child immediately called to the big-headed woman: "You can't hurt them!"

"It's more frightening than advocating!"

Hearing the words of the bear child, the big-headed woman suddenly called out with a sharp voice: "If you want them to be obedient, you have to make them fear you, and the disobedient people beheaded all!"

"I Cao, what logic is this ..."

After hearing the big head woman's words, Chu Xun's face changed.

Only anger touched his chin, nodded, and said, "I think it makes sense ..."


At the same time, the bear child took a deep breath and shouted at the big-headed woman: "They are my friends, brothers, just like the relationship between White Queen and you!"

"Then they should cut off their heads!"

Hearing the name "White Queen", the big-headed woman's eyes flashed with a complex color, and then the innermost was still awkward, but the killing in her eyes had disappeared.

Then the big-headed woman said again, "You need to know that to be king, you have to make people feel scared, just like I used to!"

Having said that, the big-headed woman looked at the unpleasant expression on the bear child's face, and only shook her head, and then her voice became softer: "But it doesn't matter, I can not care about these now, because I have you……"


Watching such a weird woman with a big head to the bear child you Lennon Lennon confession, everyone suddenly felt the stomach rolling.

"Rest assured, I will find a way to change you back!"

However, Chu Xun and others expected that when hearing the words of the Red Queen, the bear's eyes flashed a gentle color, and then smiled, and said, "There is me, there is my brother, and they Now, you can definitely change back to the original look, and even become more beautiful than White Queen! "

"I believe you!"

Hearing the words of the bear child, the red queen nodded, then laughed: "My king!"


Watching the communication between the red queen and the bear child, Chu Xun and others were silent for a while, and then Chu Xun couldn't help asking: "Shiyu, what is going on?"

"It also starts from the space of your main god."

After hearing Chu Xun's words, the bear child took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "At the time, I forced the time to break that guy's defense, but I also suffered a huge backlash. At that time, I thought I would die. , I didn't expect to wake up, but found myself in a strange place ... "

Having said that, the bear child paused slightly, and then continued: "Later, I learned that it turned out to be a virtual world called" Xuanyuan Sword ", which is wrong, or should be said to be a virtual one, but The real world created by the Lord God! "

"Xuanyuan sword? Isn't that your sword?"

Hearing the words of the bear child, the sky that had been recovered a little for a moment, asked curiously, "And what is that main god?"

"This, let me explain. Anyway, now that the day punishment has come, there is nothing to hide."

Hearing the words of the sky, before waiting for the bear child to answer, Chu Xun on the side said, "And this is why we are causing the day punishment today ..."

"and many more!"

However, at this moment, the anger suddenly interrupted Chu Xun's words, and then he waved his right hand and said, "Go!"


Along with the voice of anger falling down, the Bodhi ancestors and white monks who had been with them in the Zhou Tianxing array were also directly expelled from the Zhou Tianxing array by the anger.

Not only that, but the sword of anger in the hands of anger turned into a black sword light again at this moment, and was incorporated into everyone's body at a very fast speed, and even Constantine was no exception.

"what are you doing?"

Constantine was heavily damaged before resisting the penalty, so at this moment, he could not resist the slain sword gas coming from the laser, and was directly absorbed into the body by that sword gas.

And when I felt that the sword was in my body, I could threaten my life at any time. Constantine's face suddenly became extremely difficult to look, and then he clenched his teeth and yelled at the angry voice: "If you don't want me to know Secret, then you can drive me out like the Bodhi ancestors. Why put a sword into me? "

"Because I can't believe you?"

Hearing Constantine's words, he smiled angrily and said, "And from your past performance, you obviously know more about Olympus and Tiandao than others. In this case, the matter involves Heaven and punishment, naturally I will leave you here for reference. "

Having said that, the anger was too lazy to talk non-stop with Constantine, and directly re-focused on Chu Xun, saying, "Okay, now I can talk, I also want to know what the so-called Lord God is. Then. "

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