Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2285: Unexpected punishment!

"These guys ..."

Looking at Chu Xun and others who were suspended in the midst of the air and exuding a faint silver glow, the faces of the ancestors of Bodhi and the monks in white could not help showing a hint of surprise.

Because at this moment, not only did they feel a strong breath of power from Chu Xun and others, but also in this breath of power, there was a majestic atmosphere like the endless vitality!

This is also one of the biggest functions of Pangu Lingchi-blood veins transformation!

As we all know, the marrow can make blood, and the water in this Panguling pond is actually transformed by the spinal cord of Pangu. Therefore, after undergoing blood exchange and marrow replacement, the body of Chu Xun and others is also essentially transformed. .

Although they do not seem to be much different from before, in fact, they already have a certain Pangu blood in their bodies.

This kind of Pangu blood can not only greatly improve their strength and recovery ability, but can even further enhance their affinity for the energy of various elements in this universe, making them more handy when using elemental power. .

After all, everything in this world, and even these elemental powers, were once part of Pangu's power, so for those who have the blood of Pangu, their affinity is naturally higher.

All in all, this time after the baptism of Pangu Lingchi, although Chu Xun and others' current strength has not been improved by leaps and bounds, their potential is quite different from before. Regardless of the strength of the elements or the strengthening of the flesh, their future will be limitless!

It is not even an exaggeration to say that as long as Chu Xun and others did not die unexpectedly, then with their deep foundation and amazing potential, breaking through the realm of beheading three corpses is almost a matter of course.

Because of this, Patriarch Bodhi and the white monk even wanted to stop Chu Xun and others from going to the underworld.

After all, even in the underworld, Chu Xun and others will encounter a lot of dangers. If they can be left behind to protect and help them practice, then in the future, the heavenly courts will be equal to more than a dozen. Strong hand of the corpse realm!

Such a force has even been able to reverse the situation of the entire war!

However, this idea was quickly dispelled by the Bodhisattva prince and the white monk. After all, Chu Xun and others have now been stared at by the three goddesses of destiny incarnation that day, plus they learned of the Tao from the demon. Secret, it can be said that they are now Olympus, and even the people who want to eradicate the whole heaven.

In this case, even if they stay in heaven, heaven may not be able to guarantee their safety.

Do n’t forget, that Odin and Zeus had already been killed in the court of heaven, and even broke the Nantianmen. In this case, who can guarantee that there are no other ghosts of Olympus in the court of heaven? ?

Therefore, the Bodhisattva prince and the white monk finally decided to follow the previous plan, and after that, they sent Chu Xun and others to the prefecture to avoid the limelight.

In this way, even if they encounter a strong enemy in the land government, the enemy is at least in the bright place. With their current strength, as long as they are prepared, then there are very few people who can threaten them in the world.

"Okay, guys, now that the strengthening has been completed, it should be time for us to leave this Sumiyama, right?"

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Bodhi suddenly flashed a faint flash of light, and then said to Chu Xun and others, "Don't forget that Olympus is still looking for you. The longer you stay in heaven, the more dangerous you will be."

"it is good!"

After hearing the words of the Bodhi ancestor, Chu Xun and others looked at each other, then nodded.

Now the power in the Pangu Lingchi has been almost drained by them, and Mo Qilin has been taken into the divine realm by Yin Hu. It can be said that the purpose of their trip has been achieved, and naturally there is no need to stay in this ghost place.

"That being the case, let's go back to heaven first."

Seeing that there was no objection from Chu Xun and others, the white monk nodded, took a deep breath, took out a blue charm, waved his right hand, threw the charm toward Pangu Lingchi, and drank in a deep voice. : "Reversal of the Lingchi, heaven and earth move!"


Along with the sound of the monk in white, the spell that flashed a faint blue light burst out, and then turned into a bright and huge blue mask, Chu Xun and others in Pangu Lingchi, and the Bodhi by the pool The ancestor and the white monk were enveloped.


Under the shroud of this blue light, the water of the Lingchi pond that had become transparent in Pangu Lingchi suddenly began to spin up, emit a little blue light, and finally rose into the sky into a huge blue water vortex. And it exudes an amazing amount of suction.

"Don't resist, go!"

Feeling the amazing suction coming out of the blue vortex, Chu Xun and others wanted to resist, but at that moment, the Bodhisattva master gave a cold drink, then stood up with the white monk, and finally flew. In the vortex, it disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the Bodhi ancestor and the white monk took the lead in the vortex, Chu Xun and others no longer resisted that suction, and let the suction **** themselves into the blue vortex.

Then, a sense of heaven and earth swept through, and when this feeling dissipated, Chu Xun and others had returned to a vast world. And not far ahead of them was the only entrance to the heavenly court-Nantianmen!

"Hoo finally came back ..."

Looking at Nantianmen in front of her, Chu Xun and others suddenly felt relieved.

Although their trip to Sumiyama only lasted for about ten days, the ten days gave them the impression that they had passed away.

In these ten days, they encountered unprecedented powerful enemies, putting them on the brink of extinction, and even the bear child almost died.

But again, in these ten days, they also got unprecedented adventures, so that they have almost reborn, and their future growth path has become brighter and has almost unlimited potential.

The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. Sure enough, this sentence is true!

However, Chu Xun and others did not realize that the real danger had just arrived!


I saw that Chu Xun and others were relieved, ready to enter Nantianmen, and then find a chance to enter the prefecture to avoid the wind, and by the way to support the lower prefecture, the cloudless sky above them suddenly sounded. There was a loud roar.

Not only that, with the sound of this roar, it is indescribable, extremely powerful, and terrifying, as if it can destroy the whole world, filled with a sense of oppression and majesty, and even makes people unable to raise the slightest resistance to terror It also appeared, making Chu Xun and others feel as if they were carrying a Sumi mountain, their bodies and hearts sank suddenly, their faces even changed!

"This, what's going on!"

"Where does this coercion come from!"

Like Chu Xun and others, the Bodhi ancestors and monks in white also felt this terrifying coercion, and their faces changed at the same time!

They really did not understand where such terrible coercion came from. You know, even when confronted with such strong hybrids as Sanqing Daozu, they have never felt such terrible pressure!

This feeling is like the whole sky has fallen down, and then crushed heavily on your body, so that you can't resist at all, you can only be crushed to death.

If you want to describe it, then there are only two words ... God penalty!

"This breath ... is it ... the will of heaven has come?"

But at this moment, Constantine seemed to be aware of something, and then exclaimed incredibly: "How is it possible that even if we learn the secrets of heaven, it will not directly lead to the will of heaven, Come down!

At this point, Constantine's face also became more difficult to look at, and shouted loudly at Chu Xun and others: "Damn, what the **** is going on? Even the heavenly punishment that is rare every year is met by Lao Tzu Arrived!"

"I really have blood mold!"

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