Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2223: Ancient Demon vs. Purgatory Demon!


In terms of strength, even if the sky has made rapid progress during this time, there is still a certain gap compared with the old strong like the Emperor.

So almost in the blink of an eye, the ice thunder shield condensed by the sky meteorite was broken by the demon sword in a fierce roar. However, at the same time, the extreme cold and powerful lightning power surged by the explosion of the ice thunder shield also swept away along the sword of the emperor towards the emperor, not only making the emperor's sword a little frost, It also caused the Emperor's body to provoke an electric arc, which caused a slight pause.

The extreme cold and powerful lightning power not only has a strong destructive power, but also paralyzes and freezes the enemy!

Even if only for a moment!

"A little Hanmang arrived first, and then shot like a dragon!"

At the moment when the emperor was blocked by the sky, a sharp drink suddenly sounded, and then a firelight broke through the void, blasted into the emperor's front at a very fast speed, and then burst into a burst and turned into a raging The flames swept away towards the demon emperor.


At the same time that the raging flames swept over the Demon Emperor, a whole body was burning with a fiery flame, and the general flame spear cast from the crystal suddenly appeared from the flame, and along with the raging flame, it was facing the Demon Emperor. Stubbornly!


The Emperor has just been stopped by the sky. It is precisely when the old force has been exhausted and the new force is not born. Therefore, at this moment, in the face of this raging flame and the spear contained in the flame, the emperor's eyes are instantly frozen. Then, when the long sword was waved, the black mang on the sword rose suddenly, turned into a raging blackbird, and ushered forward.


After such a long period of fighting and hard work, Zhao Yu's strength has long been the same as it was before. In addition, this magical firearm gun he got from the court of heaven makes the strength even better.

So the next moment, I saw that with the violent roar, the hurried demon emperor was repelled by Zhao Yu for dozens of meters, but at the same time Zhao Yu himself was like a cannonball. Speed ​​backwards and flew out.

Not only that, in the process of flying backwards, Zhao Yu's body was shrouded in flames of burning black flames, apparently being suppressed by the power of the Emperor!

"Look for the dead!"

Looking at Zhao Yu who was struck by himself, but also covered by the blackbird, a cruel smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Emperor.

His blackbird is not an ordinary fire, but a devouring fire of one of the top ten true fires. Not only is it extremely destructive, but it can also devour all vitality and energy as energy, letting himself burn more and more. Burn the target completely into the ash machine!

It can be said that this energy is very similar to Chu Xun's annihilation. It is an extremely vicious and terrible flame.

At the moment, in the view of the Emperor, since Zhao Yu has hit his energy-consuming magic fire, even if Zhao Yu is not dead, he will only be able to fully resist the erosion of his magic fire within a short period of time, and he will not be able to exert much combat power.

"Come again!"

However, when the Emperor thought that Zhao Yu was dead, that Zhao Yu was in the air, and then he drank aloud, and the flames rekindled, rushing towards the Emperor at a fast speed!

While rushing forward, the black flame on Zhao Yu's body seemed to have been swallowed up by some force, and it started to get smaller and smaller, eventually annihilated completely and disappeared.

His Devouring Demon Fire was so directly destroyed!

Seeing this scene, the magic emperor's face suddenly appeared an incredible look.

"It looks like the five-element worm gene works really well ..."

Seeing this scene, Chu Xun's eyes flashed a flash of brilliance.

Although he was repressed, his perception and realm were both there, and he could naturally feel the weirdness of the weird and dark.

But now the black cricket has just been attached to Zhao Yu and it has been completely extinguished within a short time. Want to come here, in addition to Zhao Yu himself is also good at fire power and has strong resistance to fire power, more because of him Incorporating the five-element worm genes into Zhao Yu allowed Zhao Yu to easily fight against various forces in the five elements.

"You two deal with the demons, I'll go against the other demons!"

Seeing Zhao Yu and Tian Mee fighting with the demon emperor with the two enemies, the black demon on the side also gave up the idea of ​​helping them, just sipped coldly, turned and rushed towards the other demons.

"The devil is real!"

As he rushed forward, the black demon roused a black light, and then his body quickly expanded under the black light's turbulence, and finally turned into the demon form of Mephitos, killing it at an amazing speed. In front of a lord demon clan, a wave of his hands, a black mourning wand, and a **** soul-calling maggot also appeared in his hands!

"Demon Soul Eater!"

The next moment, I saw that the black demon suddenly waved the scarlet soul-catcher, and then the soul-catcher also shot out a lot of solidity, like a real body, but with blue-faced fangs, a huge terrible demon, and at extremely fast speed, With a burst of ghost crying and shouting, he rushed towards the burly ancient demons.

This blood-souled soul-calling nickname "Tiangui" is a treasure that the black devil obtained from the heavens, but a magic weapon found in the ruins of the ancient demons. Not only is it amazing in its own power, but it can also kill people. Divine spirits are trapped in this "Ghost Demon", refining it into an existence like instrumental spirits, and the more souls they swallow, the stronger these instrumental spirits can even be, and they can even form a "Ghostly Spirit Devouring Array" , Can be called infinite power.

"Magic Horcrux?"

The demons that the black demon finds itself are the ancient demons, and they inherited the ancient demon road, so they are not unfamiliar with the "sky ghost" that the black devil uses at this moment. Looking at the countless demons that erupted from the "Ghost Demon" species, the eyes of the ancient demons suddenly calmed, then took a deep breath, stared at those horrible monsters, and drank loudly: "Bite Evil Eye! "

Jiong, Jiong, Jiong!

Suddenly, I saw the Liquor accompanied by the ancient demons, and a flash of blood radiated from his eyes instantly, just like the laser weapon, with amazing speed and extremely accurate bombardment on those A giant monster blasted from the "Ghost Demon".

These blood-colored radiances obviously contain extremely strong destructive power, and they also seem to have a certain restraint ability to the energy body. Therefore, with the violent roaring sounds, those monsters that came from the extremely rapid lasing even connected with this ancient time. The Devil's body could not be approached, and it was continuously bombarded, turning into a black mist and returning to the "Ghost Demon".

"Two hits!"

Seeing the "Ghost Demon" couldn't help this ancient demons, the dark demon's eyes flashed a icy killing, and then the black mourning stick in the other hand was grasped, stood up, and followed those "Ghosts" towards The ancient demons rushed away.

"Dead to me, Devourer!"

Seeing the black demon rushing forward, the eyes of the ancient demon group also became more blood red, and then the blood emitted by the laser was gathered together at a very fast speed, turning into a blood column, toward the black demon at an amazing speed. Bombard.


However, in the face of this blood-colored beam of light, the black devil was indignant, but injected his whole body power into the black mourning stick, slammed it, and waved the black mourning stick that had stirred up a black light. Hit it fiercely towards that blood.

Boom boom boom boom!

The next moment, I saw a violent roar rang, and the **** beam of light containing the terrible destruction power in front of this black mourning stick turned out to be like a nemesis, directly in a blast of violent roar Destroyed by the black mourning stick, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the black demon also rushed to the ancient demons in front of the speed, waved the mourning stick in his hand, and smashed into the head of the ancient demons.


Obviously, the ancient demons did not expect that his killing moves could be easily cracked by the other party, so his face changed instantly in the face of the black crying wand, and then he waved his left hand. Welcomed towards the mourning stick.

What is weird is that with the flash of black light, the right hand of the ancient demons changed rapidly, and finally turned into a sharp sharp blade, which was directly cut on the smashing mourning stick.

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