Infinite Evolution

Chapter 2219: Devil and Lord!

No one found abnormalities in Chu Xun's eyes, including Chu Xun himself.

At this moment, under the leadership of the two glamorous women, they had been boarded by a bat-like, but slender flying beast, and shuttled through this paradise at a fast speed.

In the process, Chu Xun's eyes have been on Constantine and the two glamorous women.

He found that from the beginning to the end, Constantine and the two women maintained a fairly normal way of communicating. The two women did not see any way of being controlled, but why the obvious flaws just like Constantine's Ignored by these two glamorous women?

What's more, they only entered the city with their front feet and left the city with their hind feet. As long as they are not idiots, they will know that they must have a problem!

But these two women did not have any doubts, but instead they chatted with Constantine very much, a traitor **, oh no, it should be said that they are affectionate.

In short, there's no problem in it.

"Dark Devil, Skyfall, have you heard of the potions of magic words?"

Thinking of this, Chu Xun asked suddenly to the black demon and the weathered voice.

As the reincarnation of the demon god, the black demon and the sky fall are the people who are most likely to know the potion of the magic word.

As for Zhao Yu, who was obsessed with the game from day to night, and even recruited a group of people to be the second goods in the game, he didn't report any hope.

However, unexpectedly, Chu Xun expected that no matter whether it was the Skyfall or the Black Demon, the potions of this magic word were unheard of.

"I've heard of this thing."

But at this moment, the sound of pride suddenly rang from the minds of Chu Xun and others.

Since the achievement of the master of the world, Chu Xun and others have linked their respective spiritual forces together through a subtle mysticism taught by desire, forming a special spiritual sharing network. In this spiritual sharing network, the spiritual transmissions of Chu Xun and others can be heard by each other, and it is most convenient to use them for communication.

Of course, if there is something secretive, you can also actively disconnect the public network and conduct one-to-one spiritual communication.

In simple terms, this is like a chat system in the game, except that one is a public screen chat and the other is a private chat.

Because of this, Pride can "hear" the communication between Chu Xun, the Black Demon, and the Skyfall at this moment, and has inserted into their communication.

"If I remember correctly, this magic word potion is a product of heaven."

After a slight pause, pride seemed to think of something long-distance, and then a glimmer of coldness flashed in his eyes, saying: "This is the paradise in order to expand the sphere of influence, and also to persuade the so-called" heretics " The special medicine that has been refined. This medicine not only contains various special materials, but also has the blessing of the power of my lie. Once you take it, then in a period of time, every sentence you say Words come with a certain power of lies, and even the simplest lies can be believed. "

Speaking of this, pride could not help frowning: "But this medicine was not produced much that year, and I was only responsible for condensing some of the power crystals, I do n’t know too much about it, so I just heard the name. I just felt a little familiar and didn't really remember it until now. "

This magic word potion was nothing at all to the proud past life, so there were few impressions, and with some influence during reincarnation, they can now remember the origin of this magic word potion.

"Special Elixir of Heaven?"

After hearing the words of pride, Chu Xun and others finally understood, but they couldn't help feeling a little confused.

Since there is not much of this medicine, and it is a long time away, why is it falling on Constantine's hand?

However, no matter why, from the magic potion and the magic carpet in Constantine's hand, Constantine did make a lot of preparations for this trip to Sumiyama.


But at this moment, Chu Xun's heart suddenly beat inexplicably twice, and at the same time, a strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

It feels like there is a huge danger coming soon!

On the other side, just at the end of the corner of the road in front of Chu Xun and others, the black light blooming on the black crystal statue at the top of the high-rise building on the central square has become more and more bright, and the speed of shining has become faster and faster.

These abnormalities finally shocked the person who lives on the top floor of the tall building!


Feeling the energy fluctuations from the statue on the top floor, the eyes of the black armored man living on the top floor of the high-rise building flashed a fascination, and then his body moved and disappeared from the room instantly.

The next moment, his figure also appeared directly on the void, looking at the statue that was constantly flashing, a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes, and he muttered to himself, "What is the matter, Lord?"


With the appearance of this man, nine black shadows appeared instantly beside him, and he knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison: "Master Lord!"

It is self-evident that it is possible to have his own room in the most central and highest place of this paradise!

That's right, he is the master of this blissful land, the Emperor!

"Help me check if any special people have entered the city of Bliss during this time!"

Facing the nine black shadows appearing beside him, the demon emperor didn't even turn his head, but just kept his eyes fixed on the statue, and then said in a deep voice: "Also, start me Tianmo Front, block the bliss, don't let me go alone. "

"But my lord, your heavenly blood oath ..."

Hearing one of the shadows, he asked, after hearing the words of the Demon Emperor.

"It's okay. My blood vow just said that I wouldn't take the initiative to provoke war between the two races of shemales and monsters. Now I'm just closing the city and not firing on others. It's not an oath."

Hearing the words "Tao Dao Blood Oath", the Emperor hesitated, then shook his head, and said, "Do as I say, remember, no matter who you are, you can't let him leave this paradise!"

Although the emperor also knows that he may be able to withstand part of the backlash of Tiandao blood oath if he gives the same order of rubbing the ball, but for him, the change of the statue in front of him is undoubtedly more important than the backlash of Tiandao blood oath. !!

After all, this is related to that deity!


Hearing the words of the Emperor, the twelve figures no longer hesitated, and they turned into twelve streamers, blasting to the top of the twelve buildings located in the most prosperous area of ​​this paradise at a fast speed, and at the same time Stimulate your own power and start the so-called "Sky Devils"!

Buzz Buzz!

The next moment, I saw the twelve black lights suddenly radiating from all parts of this paradise at a very fast speed, and finally converged in the black crystal statue in front of the demon emperor. Then the black crystal statue was also a masterpiece of light. From it, a beam of light like a black crystal soared into the sky and plunged into the thick magic cloud above the sky.


The immersion of this black crystal beam of light seems to have completely detonated the power in the thick magic cloud. In an instant, there was a sound of violent roar, which was originally filled between heaven and earth, especially condensed on the sky The endless magic of a thick magic cloud also began to surge towards the sky at a fast speed, and finally made the magic cloud spin quickly, turning into a huge black vortex.

At the same time, black lightnings began to radiate from the black magic cloud at an alarming speed, and finally, like a fence, bombarded the edge of this paradise, and each other The endless black electric chain was excited, forming a huge black thunderbolt mask, which completely blocked this paradise.

"How could this be?!"

Seeing the abnormal changes above the sky and the black electric mask that blocked the whole world, Chu Xun and others' faces suddenly changed. Obviously, no such thing would happen.

At the same time, Chu Xun's ominous premonition began to grow stronger!

His gut tells him that all of this is just related to him!

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