The lions spread out and formed a large circle, surrounding the Mazu herd.

The Mazu elephants are leaning back to back, which is obviously the accumulated experience from years of fighting with lions.

Lions like to pounce on their prey from behind, and it was obvious that the Mazu herd did not want to give the lions this opportunity.

The encirclement began to shrink. Uncharacteristically, the Mazu elephants did not escape and adopted a defensive posture. This situation made the lions find it very difficult.

The Mazu elephant group subconsciously pushed Chu Yuanwu behind them, protecting Chu Yuanwu like a baby elephant. This made Chu Yuanwu dumbfounded. He was obviously the one who should take the lead, but now he became the target of protection.

"You don't need to take action, I am enough." Chu Yuanwu squeezed out from the elephant group and walked towards the Lion King.

The Mazu elephants that were subdued by Chu Yuanwu absolutely obeyed Chu Yuanwu's words. Although he was a little worried, he didn't step forward privately.

The Lion King looked at Chu Yuanwu who was walking straight towards him, his body low, his claws dug into the grass, and low roars kept coming from his throat.

"Submit to me. From now on, I will be your king." Chu Yuanwu walked up to the Lion King and said directly.

Chu Yuanwu's answer was the lion's claw grabbing Chu Yuanwu's head.

Chu Yuanwu did not dodge or dodge, he just stood on the spot and forcefully ate the lion king's claw.

Several deep wounds immediately appeared on his forehead, but they began to heal before the blood flowed out of them. In the blink of an eye, Chu Yuanwu's forehead had returned to its original state. After using the blood of Lan Kui's alien beast to increase his own activity, Chu Yuanwu's self-healing ability reached an abnormal level.

Even an injury like a broken arm or leg can be restored to its original state in less than an hour.

The Lion King looked at Chu Yuanwu in surprise, as if he didn't understand why his attack didn't have the corresponding effect.

Just when the Lion King was stunned, Chu Yuanwu whipped the Lion King away with his tail.

Chu Yuanwu didn't retain too much force with this blow, and directly knocked the lion king backwards and flew ten meters away, leaving a small hole in his waist that was as big as the mouth of a bowl.

Chu Yuanwu walked towards the Lion King. The two male lions pounced on Chu Yuanwu at the same time, but Chu Yuanwu casually smashed their heads.

The body of the headless lion fell to the ground, and the green grass was dyed red with blood.

The lion king struggled to stand up and roared at Chu Yuanwu. The lions surrounding the Mazu elephant group in the distance saw that something was wrong and hurried to the lion king's position to support the lion king.

The Mazu elephant raised its trunk and roared loudly, then used its long trunk as a whip and knocked over a group of male lions.

Facing the lion king who jumped at him, Chu Yuanwu's body grew to the size of 15 meters, opened his mouth wide, and bit the lion king who was caught off guard in one bite.

Half of the lion king's body fell into Chu Yuanwu's mouth. The sharp teeth pressed against the lion king's soft body. With just one bite, the lion king would break into two halves.

Chu Yuanwu bit the lion king, shook his head, and spit out the lion king.

"Submit!" Chu Yuanwu roared.

The lion king was reborn with dozens of blood holes on his body, all of which were wounds left by Chu Yuanwu's teeth.

The lion king's eyes were fierce and he bit Chu Yuanwu's huge body.

The relatively weak flesh was bitten by the lion king, its fangs pierced Chu Yuanwu's flesh and blood, he shook his head hard, and with one tear, he brought out a bloody piece of meat.

Chu Yuanwu's body was in pain, so he raised his paw and slapped the Lion King.

The lion king held Chu Yuanwu's meat in his mouth and jumped back, trying to avoid Chu Yuanwu's claws. However, due to the injuries on his body, his movements were too slow and he was directly swatted away by Chu Yuanwu's claws.

The chest, leg bones, and nearly half of the bones in the body were broken.

"Submit! Or die!" Chu Yuanwu had murderous intentions. As long as the lion king dared to resist, he would let the lion group change to another lion king.

The Lion King fell to the ground, blood foam continuously pouring out of his mouth. Looking at Chu Yuanwu, whose size and combat power were greatly different from his own, he finally gave up resistance and chose to surrender.

With the Lion King taking the lead, most of the remaining lions joined Chu Yuanwu, numbering thirty-four.

As for the lions that refused to surrender, Chu Yuanwu let them die.

As the lions were conquered by Chu Yuanwu, the territory occupied by the lions naturally fell into Chu Yuanwu's territory.

Chu Yuanwu called Jiao Wenmang and asked Jiao Wenmang to take the seriously injured Lion King back to Lingquan to treat his injuries.

The Zuma elephant herd and the lion herd were integrated together, and they set off towards the next area with Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu, who was running on the grassland with two groups of strange beasts, suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.

The corpse of a weaver bird fell from a high altitude. The sound of birdsong resounded through the sky. Countless feathers mixed with blood fell from the sky. From time to time, bird corpses fell from the sky.

Four water blackbirds and some kind of raptors and beasts fought together in the high air. The water blackbirds whose number was twice that of the opponent joined forces, and they fought evenly.

Chu Yuanwu looked up and could see the battle scene of Shuixuanniao thousands of meters above the ground. It's just that Chu Yuanwu can't fly and has no long-range attack skills. After discovering that the water black bird didn't suffer, he stopped paying more attention to the battle in the sky.

Eleven days have passed since the first area was occupied. Many of the Weaver Birds sent out died, and two Water Blackbirds were seriously injured. They returned to the territory with a breath and fell under the spiritual spring. It takes eight days for the wound to heal.

During this period, the Weaver Bird could not find many places with blooming flowers. After marking the spots, the Amethyst Bee Queen sent sentinel bees, escorted by the Short-tailed Bear, to the marked spots to check the flowers that the Weaver Bird had found. Whether the source is capable of brewing honey.

About one-tenth of the flower source areas are qualified. For qualified flower sources, the short-tailed bears and hammerheads cooperate with each other to bring the flower sources and the turf back to the hive.

The low tree found in the green ape's territory has been successfully planted near the beehive, but most of the white flowers on the tree have fallen off.

The nectar needed for the growth of six hundred worker bees was originally collected, but now it has been reduced to two hundred.

Chu Yuanwu led two groups of alien beasts and quickly occupied the next area. After leaving four Mazu elephants to guard this area, Chu Yuanwu took the remaining alien beasts to the next area.

Just when Chu Yuanwu wanted to continue rushing to the next area, he suddenly received news of the death of the little snake.

Three breaths disappeared in Chu Yuanwu's induction, and the remaining little snake, which was still alive, kept sending out signals for help towards Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu immediately changed his itinerary and rushed in the direction of the snakes.

After an eagle attack in the early years, the snake population was reduced to twenty-five.

Baby snakes grow very slowly. In the wild, it takes at least fifteen years to reach adulthood.

The group of venomous snakes that had never been put to any use were sent by Chu Yuanwu to Fangchi to warm up their poison after they gained the ability to protect themselves.

Thinking about it now, Chu Yuanwu seemed to have not seen a group of snakes for many years.

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