Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 85 Killing the Flame Crystal Giant

The wall shook, and a tall figure emerged from the wall. A four-meter-high stone giant composed of spar and rocks came out.

"Fire crystal giant, level: 109"

"Combat strength: 1,900,000"

Chu Yuanwu, who accidentally entered this place a few years ago, is more than three meters long. Chu Yuanwu, who came here for the second time, was also more than three meters long, but his strength had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Chu Yuanwu jumped into the cave, stepped on the exposed crystal with his claws, and rushed towards the Flame Crystal Giant.

A wave of hostility locked onto Chu Yuanwu's body, and the Flame Crystal Giant clenched his fist and struck Chu Yuanwu on the head.

The powerful and heavy punch was dodged by Chu Yuanwu sideways, and his fist landed on the ground, causing spiderweb-like cracks to appear on the spar floor.

Chu Yuanwu looked distressedly at the place where the giant flame crystal dropped his fist, and many of the smashed crystal fragments turned into powder. For Chu Yuanwu, who had long regarded this place as his own, the Flame Crystal Giant's actions were blatant destruction of his own property.

How could the Flame Crystal Giant care about Chu Yuanwu's feelings? His fists rained down on Chu Yuanwu.

The cave trembled and roared.

The flame crystal giant's punch speed was much faster than Chu Yuanwu imagined.

It's hard to imagine that such a bulky body can punch so fast.

The fist pulled out dozens of fist shadows, and the stone hole it made on the ground shook continuously, making people worry that this place would be hit by the giant flame crystal and collapse.

Military general Chu Yuan had used his speed to the limit, and now he just wished that he couldn't shrink his body a little more.

With a body length of more than three meters, it is really difficult to avoid all the attacks of the Flame Crystal Giant.

After struggling to avoid dozens of punches from the Flame Crystal Giant, Chu Yuanwu saw the opportunity and took advantage of the gap between the Flame Crystal Giant's fists to land and raise his fists to pounce towards the Flame Crystal Giant's body, opening his big mouth and trying to Take a few bites.

The fangs and sharp teeth that can easily bite crystal stones fall on the Flame Crystal Giant. There is no doubt that they can directly reduce part of the Flame Crystal Giant's body.

Just when Chu Yuanwu was about to bite the body of the Flame Crystal Giant, there was a sound of wind above his head, and the Flame Crystal Giant hit Chu Yuanwu's head hard with his head.

With a muffled sound of 'bang', Chu Yuanwu was directly knocked to the ground.

The flame crystal giant raised its feet high and stepped on Chu Yuanwu.

The body of Chu Yuanwu who was lying on the ground quickly grew in size, and the kick he stepped on Chu Yuanwu's head hit Chu Yuanwu's back.

Chu Yuanwu's body, which had grown to a size of 15 meters, filled a quarter of the cave space. The flame crystal giant, which was only four meters tall, looked like a toy in front of Chu Yuanwu.

The flame crystal giant's feet were propped up by Chu Yuanwu's body. His feet were unstable, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Chu Yuanwu swung his head and violently pushed the flame crystal giant that fell to the ground into the air, hitting the wall hard with a loud "bang" sound.

Chu Yuanwu refused to give in, swung his tail, and wanted to hit the flame crystal giant. However, due to the space limitations of the stone cave, he was unable to swing his tail to attack.

Several wide cracks appeared on the surface of the flame crystal giant's body, and the rock covering the body peeled off, revealing a body entirely composed of crystal stones inside.

Chu Yuanwu almost knocked the Flame Crystal Giant to pieces with one strike.

The Flame Crystal Giant, whose body had shrunk by a circle, stood up again, and ran towards Chu Yuanwu without knowing the pain or fatigue.

Chu Yuanwu shrank his body back to more than three meters in length, and faced the Flame Crystal Giant head-on, with no intention of avoiding the sharp edge.

The flame crystal giant's body was covered with cracks, its attacks were no longer as ferocious as before, and its punches were much slower than before.

Chu Yuanwu swung his tail and struck head-on with the flame crystal giant's fist.

The terrifying power rushed through the whole body along the fist of the flame crystal giant. There was a slight clicking sound in the cracks on the body that were originally hit by Chu Yuanwu. The cracks began to expand and finally collapsed.

One of the flame crystal giant's arms was broken and fell to the ground.

Chu Yuanwu roared and rushed forward. The flame crystal giant with one arm broken was no match for Chu Yuanwu, and it was difficult to withstand Chu Yuanwu's crazy attack.

In just a short moment, the Flame Crystal Giant was reduced to a pile of rubble by Chu Yuanwu.

The hostility that had always locked onto Chu Yuanwu completely dissipated.

In the blind spot of Chu Yuanwu's sight, a bright green ball of light fell out of the flame crystal giant's body and merged quietly into the crystal veins.

The crystals that make up the body of the Flame Crystal Giant are crystals of higher purity, which are harder and more condensed than ordinary crystals. The energy contained in it is also greater.

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head to bite a crystal fragment, raised his head and swallowed it.

Energy points +770000

If the pile of crystal fragments in front of him were all swallowed, it would probably increase Chu Yuanwu's energy points by more than nine million points.

Chu Yuanwu no longer hesitated and began to swallow the crystal fragments.

The bright green light ball swims in the crystal veins, like a fish swimming in the water. In addition, its color is almost the same as that of the crystal, making it almost difficult to distinguish the traces.

The crystal stone was melted by the bright green light ball, condensed and refined again, and the space of the cave expanded slightly.

Ten minutes later, Chu Yuanwu swallowed up all the crystal fragments on the ground, and took a bite of the crystal exposed on the surface.

Energy points +237500

Level increased to level 76

After upgrading, Chu Yuanwu looked at the crystal veins in the cave. If he swallowed them all, he would probably be able to upgrade them to level 80.

Chu Yuanwu lay directly on the crystal stone in the cave, hugged it and started chewing it wildly.

A large number of crystals were swallowed by Chu Yuanwu, and his energy points increased rapidly.

At this moment, the cave shook imperceptibly, and then, a three-meter-tall flame crystal giant emerged from the underground crystal veins.

"Fire crystal giant, level: 90"

"Combat strength: 1,000,000"

Chu Yuanwu was startled. He didn't expect that there was a flame crystal giant hidden here.

It's just that the level and combat power of the newly appeared Flame Crystal Giant are far inferior to the Flame Crystal Giant they met for the first time.

A wave of hostility targeted Chu Yuanwu from afar, and the Flame Crystal Giant strode toward Chu Yuanwu with great strides.

Chu Yuanwu turned around and faced the Flame Crystal Giant, revealing his fangs. Just when Chu Yuanwu was about to pounce on the Flame Crystal Giant, a slightly shrill voice sounded behind Chu Yuanwu.

"Hurry! Hurry! The fight is about to begin!"

Chu Yuanwu looked back and saw more than forty mastodon moles running over in groups. The leader of the group was the nagging mastodon mole who had chatted a lot of nonsense with Chu Yuanwu before.

"Hi! Friend! I'm here to help you!" The chatty mastodon excitedly waved his claws at Chu Yuanwu, and ran over with a large group of mastodon moles.

In this group of mastodon moles, the highest levels are 53 and 54, and the lowest level is even 38.

Let Chu Yuanwu's head be as big as a fight.

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