Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 72 The tattooed dragon beast returns to the forest

Chu Yuanwu has never encountered a suitable exotic beast, so the Beast Taming Pill has never been put to use.

Chu Yuanwu came to the hive with the Beast Taming Pill and called out the Amethyst Bee Queen.

"I'm here for the first time, so I don't have anything to give you. I'll give you this. It'll help you a lot." Chu Yuanwu handed the Beast Taming Pill to the Amethyst Bee Queen, and watched the Amethyst Bee Queen eat the Beast Taming Pill with some anticipation. Dan.

The Amethyst Bee Queen first glanced at Chu Yuanwu, who was looking at her expectantly, and then at the Beast Taming Pill. She walked forward, opened her upper jaw and was about to bite it, while she kept looking at Chu Yuanwu's face with the corner of her eye. The Amethyst Bee Queen vaguely felt something was wrong.

Seeing that the Amethyst Bee Queen was about to eat the Beast Taming Pill, Chu Yuanwu couldn't help but become nervous, fearing that the Beast Taming Pill would not work on an insect-like beast like the Amethyst Bee Queen.

The Amethyst Bee Queen had just touched the Beast Taming Pill on her upper jaw when she suddenly stopped and said calmly to Chu Yuanwu: "Thank you, but I'm not used to eating in front of others, so I will take it back to the hive." Enjoy it.”

Who knows what Chu Yuanwu is planning. When he brings it back to the hive, he will let the worker bees come up to test the poison to see how they will react after eating this thing. The Amethyst Bee Queen made up her mind, biting the Beast Taming Pill and prepared to return to the hive.

Chu Yuanwu narrowed his eyes and stopped the Amethyst Bee Queen. Where can exotic beasts still have this kind of exquisiteness? It was probably because he was too hasty and the Amethyst Bee Queen noticed something was wrong.

"This is a good thing. I'm not willing to eat it. I took it out because I wanted to trade it with you for honey. If you don't want it, I'll take it." Chu Yuanwu made a gesture to get the beast-taming pill back.

The Amethyst Bee Queen hesitated and looked at Chu Yuanwu doubtfully, as if thinking about the credibility of Chu Yuanwu's words.

When Chu Yuanwu saw this, he knew that it was impossible for the Amethyst Bee Queen to eat the Beast Taming Pill directly. He snatched the Beast Taming Pill back and pretended to be distressed and muttered: "Don't pull me down, I'm just like this I decided to give it to you after hesitating for a long time."

After saying that, Chu Yuanwu threw the beast-taming pill into his mouth, shook his head, and walked away.

The Amethyst Bee Queen looked at Chu Yuanwu suspiciously, was she really suspicious?

With the Amethyst Bees guarding the vines, there is no need for the little hammerheads to stay here. In addition, Chu Yuanwu was worried that the Amethyst Bee would be hostile to the strange beasts around the hive and attack the little hammerhead, so he took the little hammerhead back to the animal pen and told the Rock Bone Frog King to keep it away from here.

After all, the Amethyst Bee Queen has not been completely conquered, which is a big threat to other beasts in the territory.

Chu Yuanwu asked Zhiwa to temporarily cultivate the Guhou beast and keep the mature living grass for his own use.

In the next few days, Chu Yuanwu first returned to the animal pen, spit out the animal taming pill hidden in his mouth, then checked the injuries of the mane horse leader and horn pattern mang, and then returned to the vicinity of the beehive. Observing the living habits of the hive.

Under the restraint of the Amethyst Bee Queen, the worker bees will not attack Chu Yuanwu, and both parties are considered to be in peace.

The reason why worker bees collect nectar is to feed the worker bee larvae. The worker bees themselves also eat honey as their main food, and occasionally eat some meat.

As for the male bees and the amethyst queen bees, they mainly eat meat.

Male bees cannot eat honey. Once a male bee is found stealing honey, he will be killed mercilessly, and the body will be dragged out of the hive and thrown aside.

Honey contains a lot of nutrients and can promote the growth and development of worker bee larvae.

Chu Yuanwu asked for some honey from the Amethyst Bee Queen and tasted it.

A layer of honey can add 860,000 energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

This made Chu Yuanwu couldn't help but sigh, this thing is really a good thing.

Honey also has a growth-promoting effect on other exotic animals. For example, the short-tailed bear who often eats honey becomes stronger and stronger.

Half a month passed by, and the Amethyst Bee Queen gradually let down her guard against Chu Yuanwu. The worker bees also became familiar with Chu Yuanwu's existence. Even if there is no order from the Amethyst Bee Queen, they will not take the initiative against Chu Yuanwu. Launch an attack.

The sixteen seeds planted have already sprouted and are growing vigorously. It will take another year for it to bear fruit.

Chu Yuanwu returned to the animal pen, and the mane horse leader had become lively and energetic again. It seemed that after dying once, the mane horse leader became more and more lively, and often led the mane horse group to run around in the territory.

On the contrary, the tattooed dragon beast became more and more silent. It often nestled on the mountainside of Lieqing Peak, staring at the sky in the distance in a daze.

Just today, after half a month of training, Jiao Wenmang's body finally recovered.

The purpose of Chu Yuanwu going to the animal pen was to take away Jiao Wenmang.

The aura of high-level alien beasts on Jiao Wenmang's body has a great influence on other alien beasts in the animal pen.

The sand foxes, in particular, lived in fear every day, especially in the past few days, when Jiao Wenmang, who had recovered, would often raise his upper body to move around, scaring the sand foxes into hiding in the cave and not daring to come out.

Chu Yuanwu took Jiao Wenmang with him and planned to find a quiet place near the animal pen for Jiao Wenmang to stay.

The tattooed dragon beast suddenly found Chu Yuanwu and said, "I want to leave here temporarily."

When Chu Yuanwu heard this, his first reaction was to ask the system to call up the loyalty of the tattooed dragon beast to see if it was about to rebel.

However, they found that the possibility of defecting from the tattooed dragon beast did not increase, but actually decreased.

"Why?" King Chu Yuan asked.

"I want to become stronger and more powerful." The tattooed dragon beast said without hesitation.

These days, it has been thinking about this matter. It has stayed in the prairie for a long time, and there are no strange beasts that can threaten the dragon beast. As a result, the dragon beast gradually becomes lazy and its combat power declines.

Finally, the tattooed dragon beast made a decision and was ready to go back to the forest to sharpen himself.

Chu Yuanwu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Would you like me to let Chi Huxiao accompany you?"

Chihuxiao is now stronger than the Patterned Dragon Beast. The two beasts take care of each other, so life in the forest can be better.

The tattooed dragon beast refused and headed towards the forest resolutely.

In the future, either the tattooed dragon beast will come out of the forest, or the tattooed dragon beast will die in the forest.

Chu Yuanwu watched the tattooed dragon beast leave, and watched the patterned dragon beast's figure disappear into the distance.

After that, Chu Yuanwu went to the Lizard Valley and took away all the mature living grass. He also soaked the blood of the Lan Kui beast to increase his body's activity to 320%.

Chu Yuanwu hid the beast-taming pill on his body, took the living grass to the hive, and called out the Amethyst Bee Queen.

"I have discovered a herbal elixir that can accelerate the growth of larvae. Why don't you try it?" Chu Yuanwu brought more than 5,000 living grasses, piled them in a pile, and placed them in front of the Amethyst Bee Queen.

The Amethyst Bee Queen glanced at the Living Grass, which looked similar to ordinary grass, and refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but the larvae are fed special honey, which is enough."

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