Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 67 Upgrading the Spiritual Spring

Chu Yuanwu stopped struggling. The Weaver Bird, which had been hovering anxiously in the air, gradually calmed down and flew to the top of the tree dozens of meters high. He tilted his head and looked at the horned pattern under the tree.

Jiao Wenmang still clung to Chu Yuanwu's body and refused to let go.

Ten minutes later, Jiao Wenmang finally began to loosen his grip around Chu Yuanwu's body, opened his big mouth, and began to devour Chu Yuanwu's body.

With his mouth wide open to the extreme, Jiao Wenmang could easily swallow Chu Yuanwu's head, and then his body. When swallowing Chu Yuanwu's two forelimbs, Jiao Wenmang obviously had some difficulty.

The snake's head kept swinging on the ground, pushing Chu Yuanwu's body into his belly bit by bit.

The devouring lasted for half an hour before Chu Yuanwu's body was completely swallowed. The already fat body looked even more bloated.

Just when the satisfied Jiao Wenmang was about to leave, Chu Yuanwu, who should have been dead for a long time, suddenly moved.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yuanwu's body began to grow in size after waking up from the state of suspended animation. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to a size of more than ten meters, bursting through Jiao Mang's abdomen, and got out.

Chu Yuanwu, who emerged from Jiao Wenmang's abdomen, shook his head vigorously. His body was covered with green digestive fluid, and the skin in many places showed signs of melting.

Jiao Wenmang, who had a big hole in his stomach, was not completely dead yet. He fell to the ground helplessly. The eyes of the Triangle Snake were filled with disbelief. His body rolled in pain on the ground, struggling to escape back to the forest.

Chu Yuanwu roared, rushed to Jiao Wenmang's side in a few steps, raised a front paw, pressed Jiao Wenmang's neck tightly, opened his big mouth, and was about to bite Jiao Wenmang.

"King! The leader of the tattooed dragon beast and the maned horse has been rescued!"

Little Shahu's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Yuanwu's heart. Chu Yuanwu was startled and felt a sense of relief.

Chu Yuanwu, who breathed a sigh of relief, used his mind to contact Little Shahu and asked him what was going on.

Little Shahu told Chu Yuanwu exactly what happened.

"A divine stone that can heal any injury?" Chu Yuanwu said in surprise. The seriously injured and dying Jiao Wenmang was still struggling in Chu Yuanwu's claws. Even if it still had a breath, it was unwilling to give up the chance of survival.

Chu Yuanwu glanced sideways at Jiao Wenmang. Chu Yuanwu, who was in a good mood, suddenly changed his mind and said to Jiao Wenmang: "Submit to me and I will let you live."

After hearing Chu Yuanwu's words, Jiao Wenmang's body trembled obviously, and his eyes looking at Chu Yuanwu showed a little more desire for life.

"Ding! There is a new temporary optional mission: Jiao Wenmang's redemption. Do you accept it?"

Temporary Optional Mission: The Redemption of Jiao Wenmang

Save the seriously injured and dying Jiao WenMang to gain Jiao WenMang's loyalty.

Time limit: six hours

Note: After the time is up, Jiao Wenmang will die.

Chu Yuanwu accepted this task without hesitation. Now Chu Yuanwu's location is two hours away from the animal pen. Can Jiao Wenmang, who was so seriously injured, survive the bumpy journey and return to the animal pen alive?

The answer is obvious, it's impossible.

Chu Yuanwu didn't have a good way to protect Jiao Wenmang's body from secondary damage, so he changed his mind and asked Weaver Bird to keep watch nearby, and prepared to go to the animal pen to bring the sacred stone to Jiao Wenmang. Pattern healing.

At the same time, the Rock Bone Frog King stayed in the animal pen, taking care of the striped dragon beast and the maned horse leader who were gradually calming down. The little sand fox led the sand fox group and ran towards Chu Yuanwu, carrying a sacred stone the size of a millstone.

In this way, a lot of time can be saved.

The mane horse leader was seriously injured and is still in a coma, unable to command the mane horse group. Otherwise, letting the mane horse carry the sacred stone would be faster.

The sacred stone was only the size of a millstone, but it was frighteningly heavy. The sand foxes carried the sacred stone as fast as a tortoise. They walked for more than ten minutes before walking a few hundred meters away.

Chi Huxiao, who had just applied the herbal medicine on himself, came over and growled at the little sand fox, indicating that he also wanted to help.

The little sand fox understood what Chi Huxiao meant, hesitated for a moment, and let one of the sand foxes carrying the sacred stone leave to make room for Chi Huxiao.

Chihuxiao stepped forward and took Shahu's place.

The sacred stone as heavy as a mountain pressed on Chi Huxiao's body. The pressure made Chi Huxiao's body sink, his legs crooked, and he almost fell.

Fortunately, Shahu, who was carrying the sacred stone together, had quick eyes and quick hands and shared most of the weight for Chi Huxiao, so that Chi Huxiao would not be crushed to the ground.

Chi Huxiao gave a grateful look to the sand foxes around him, struggled to carry the sacred stone, and walked forward.

The speed of the alien beasts has accelerated a lot.

The wounds on Chi Huxiao's body that had just recovered a little bit began to crack again after being put under heavy pressure, and became bloody and bloody.

Blood flowed along the fur, but Chi Huxiao gritted his teeth and refused to give up. He just carried the sacred stone and walked forward step by step.

The fragments from the sacred stone fell into Chi Huxiao's wound, and a magical scene happened.

Chi Huxiao's wounds began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few moments, the wounds on Chi Huxiao's back recovered as before.

A drop of water with three colors condensed on the surface of the sacred stone and penetrated into Chi Huxiao's body.

There was a little confusion on Chi Huxiao's face, and he felt that the sacred stone on his back seemed to be much lighter, and it was no longer difficult to carry it.

Chi Huxiao, who took the initiative to share most of the weight of the sacred stone, rushed forward carrying the sacred stone. The surrounding sand foxes looked at Chi Huxiao in surprise, wondering how Chihuxiao's strength had increased so much.

An hour and a half later, Chu Yuanwu's figure appeared in front of the alien beasts.

Chi Huxiao cheered and accelerated towards Chu Yuanwu.

By the time the beasts carried the sacred stone and placed it in front of Chu Yuanwu, they were already panting from exhaustion.

Chu Yuanwu, who was more than three meters in size, slowed down and stopped in front of the strange beasts. He looked at the three-color sacred stone in front of him and asked, "Is this what you are talking about?"

The little sand fox nodded heavily, stretched out its paws and gestured: "This stone is so magical. Scrape some powder from it and sprinkle it on the wound. The wound will heal quickly."

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head and bit the edge of the sacred stone, and the sound of the system's improvement suddenly sounded.

"Ding! The three-color sacred stone has been detected and can be integrated into the spiritual spring to upgrade."

"Tell me more about it." Chu Yuanwu asked the system.

This time, the system did not ignore Chu Yuanwu and gave an explanation.

"After the spiritual spring is upgraded, the three-color sacred stone disappears, and the water column sprayed has a healing effect, and the spiritual spring will never dry up. It is recommended to upgrade."

"Disadvantages, the healing effect of the spiritual spring is only one-tenth that of the three-color sacred stone."

Chu Yuanwu thought for a moment, then bit off a fist-sized sacred stone with force and held it in his mouth.

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