Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 62 The attack of the water black bird

With just a click, Chu Yuanwu bit off the wolf's claws and swallowed it directly into his belly.

The new alpha wolf was also a ruthless character. Even after his wolf claws were bitten off, he remained silent and bit Chu Yuanwu's head, preventing Chu Yuanwu from getting out to pursue the other Kuiyou wolves.

Even so, it couldn't stop Chu Yuanwu for long.

Several Kuiyou wolves that were entangled with Chu Yuanwu were slaughtered. When Chu Yuanwu was about to hunt down the other Kuiyou wolves, he received a cry for help from the little sand fox.

"Enemy attack!"

Red Tiger Xiao, who was covered in blood, stood guard in front of the cave. Next to it, the tattooed dragon beast fell in a pool of blood, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

An adult water black bird with a wingspan of fifteen meters is hovering in the sky, and may launch an attack on Chi Huxiao and other strange beasts staying in the animal pen at any time.

The mane horse leader, with his group of mane horses that has begun to take shape, is confronting the water black bird.

After several months of development, the number of maned horses in the herd reached more than sixty. However, these maned horses, which were only in their twenties and thirties, were simply vulnerable to the water black bird.

A large number of maned horses died tragically under the claws of the water black bird. The maned horse leader led the remaining maned horses to attack the water black bird without fear of death.

But the water black bird just flapped its wings, and the strong wind created caused the mane horse leader to lose his balance.

The little sand fox and the fox group, as well as other strange beasts in the animal pen, hid in the cave under the leadership of the black black spotted beast.

The young red-toothed crocodiles in the pond had no time to move, and a dozen of them were killed by the ferocious water blackbirds. The surviving young red-toothed crocodiles hid at the bottom of the pond, with their bodies hidden in the mud.

The black black-spotted beast stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the wind. His expression was surprisingly solemn, and he looked nervously at the water black bird fighting with the group of maned horses.

The roe deer, which had been teased by the Black Black Spotted Beast before, did not take this opportunity to escape. Instead, he took the initiative to walk to the Black Black Spotted Beast and trembled to protect one of the Black Black Spotted Beast's legs, as if this could give it enough comfort.

Seven little water blackbirds also hid in the cave, huddled together, shivering.

The casualties of the maned horse group continued to increase. The maned horse leader fought bloody battles, and the maned horses beside him kept stepping forward to block the maned horse leader's fatal injuries.

The tall maned horse was as fragile as paper under the claws of the adult water black bird, and was easily torn into pieces.

Broken limbs, broken bones, blood-stained grassland.

At the same time, a voice sounded in the hearts of all the alien beasts controlled by Chu Yuanwu.

"Made through two hours."

Chu Yuanwu, whose body had shrunk to the limit, ran all the way to the territory. The speed was so fast that the strange beasts along the way could not catch up. Even so, it took two hours to reach the animal pen.

Chihuxiao whined a few times and dragged the seriously injured tattooed dragon beast into the cave.

The mane horse leader retreated towards the cave under the cover of the mane horse group.

Ga! ! !

The water black bird erupted into a piercing cry, and its attack on the mane horses became more intense. Its huge bird claws used unrivaled momentum to tear apart the mane horses one after another.

The dying cry of the maned horse resounded across the earth, and the blood dyed the blue feathers of the water bird red.

There were only a dozen or so of the maned horses left in the group that suffered heavy casualties. The leader of the maned horses, who had been protected by the maned horses, neighed and ran towards the water black bird, asking the other maned horses to retreat into the cave. One of them could escape. One.

The water black bird swooped towards the leader of the horse, with no emotion in its cold eyes.

The mane horse leader stood up, raised his horse's hoof high, and kicked the water black bird.

The water black bird stretched out its claws from its abdomen and grabbed the mane horse leader's head.

Gua! !

A frog croaked, followed by a continuous croak. The rock-bone frog king led the rock-bone frogs in the wetland to the animal pen to drive away the water birds that invaded the animal pen.

Thousands of rock-bone frogs rushed over in an overwhelming manner, with an astonishing momentum that could not be seen to the end.

There was a hint of sluggishness in the movement of the water black bird. The nervous mane horse leader seized the opportunity and kicked the water black bird hard on the chest. The kicked water bird flew backwards and almost fell to the ground.

The water black bird made an angry bird call, flapped its wings, stabilized its body, flew upwards for a distance, and then turned towards the leader of the maned horse.

The group of rock-bone frogs were still some distance away from the maned horse leader, and there was no time to rush to the maned horse leader.

When the mane horse leader saw the appearance of the Rock Bone Frogs, the courage he had just raised disappeared, and his survival instinct took over.

He turned around and ran away, hoping that the Rock Bone Frog King would deal with the Water Black Bird.

However, the water black bird had no intention of letting go of the mane horse leader. It flew towards him, hooked its claws on the mane horse leader's buttocks, and lifted the mane horse leader into the air.

The water black bird quickly rose up and grabbed the leader of a large maned horse. It did not feel any difficulty at all. In the blink of an eye, it flew to an altitude of more than ten meters.

The mane horse leader struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the shackles of the water black bird.

If the height were increased, the mane horse leader would be mercilessly dropped from the sky by the water black bird and fall to death.

The claws of the water black bird were firmly hooked into the flesh and blood of the mane horse leader. No matter how hard the mane horse leader struggled, he could not escape from the water black bird's claws.

Not long after, the water black bird took the mane horse leader to an altitude of nearly a hundred meters, let go of the mane horse leader, and allowed the mane horse leader to fall freely in the air.

The leader of the maned horse kept screaming and waving his limbs feebly in the air. He looked extremely funny, but no one could laugh.

If you fall from this height, you will definitely die.

The group of rock-bone frogs still had some distance to go before they arrived, and the rock-bone frog king watched helplessly as the maned horse leader fell from the air.

The maned horses that had escaped some distance stopped when they heard the screams of the maned horse leader in the air. I don’t know who took the lead. These maned horses no longer ran away, but rushed towards the maned horse leader.

A few seconds before landing, the mane horse leader stopped struggling. His mind went blank, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


A muffled sound came from under the mane horse leader.

The mane horse leader did not die and was saved by the mane horses who drove back.

There were six maned horses lying on the ground blocking the flesh pads, saving the life of the maned horse leader, but they themselves did not survive.

The mane horse leader suffered fractures all over his body and fell into a coma.

The water blackbird flies at low altitude, looking for its young bird near the animal pen.

The surviving mane horses dragged the seriously injured and comatose leader of the mane horses into a cave.

The Rockbone Frogs arrived.

The rock-bone frogs are extremely capable of jumping and can jump more than ten meters in one leap.

The water blackbird flying close to the ground was only five or six meters away from the ground. Several times, it was almost jumped on its back by the rock-bone frog.

The disturbed water black bird became furious and vented its anger on the group of rock-bone frogs.

I saw the body of the water black bird rising to twenty meters in the air, its wings spread out, its light blue feathers standing upright, and flying towards the group of rock frogs below like a flying knife.

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