Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 53 Clearing the Hyena Base Camp

Chu Yuanwu was a little speechless. He didn't know where the Rock Bone Frog King's confidence came from, and said: "Okay, I will give it a chance to strengthen. When you reach level 40, I will strengthen it. Also , these enhanced elite young frogs are in your care, don’t let them die young.”

Frogs are important, and so is the King Rockbone Frog.

The greatly increased strength of the Gray Rock Bone Frog may kill the Rock Bone Frog King and dominate the wetland.

At that time, who will protect the lives of the little hammerheads and the elite rock-bone frogs?

The Rock Bone Frog King nodded somewhat disappointedly.

Chu Yuanwu looked towards the wetland.

The number of rock frogs in the wetland has increased to more than 1,200. The living space of water birds, water snakes and other exotic animals has been squeezed, and the number has begun to decrease.

In a few years, the rock-bone frog group will completely dominate the wetland.

After Chu Yuanwu came to the wetland, when he was about to take on the mission, he received a mental contact from the hyenas.

The meaning to be expressed is very simple, enemy attack.

Chu Yuanwu rushed in the direction of the hyena and found that the hyena was located at the edge of its territory, but strangely, Chu Yuanwu did not receive the alarm from the system.

Are you afraid of entering the territory due to hyenas? That shouldn't be such a powerful beast.

Chu Yuanwu originally wanted Chi Huxiao to go over, but in the end he gave up and decided to find out on his own.

Before he arrived at the hyena's location, Chu Yuanwu heard the loud barking of dogs, which seemed to be hundreds of hyenas barking wildly.

But aren’t there only six hyenas in my territory?

Chu Yuanwu stepped forward in confusion, only to find that several hyenas in his territory were quarreling with more than 80 hyenas outside the territory.

Even though there are only five hyenas on his side, their momentum is not inferior to the more than 80 hyenas on the opposite side.

Hyenas have a very strong sense of territory. Other meat-eating beasts, such as lions, leopards, and wolves, will not do anything to the hyena pack when these beasts come to the hyenas' territory to hunt and prey. But as long as hyenas from other families dare to step into their own territory, they will fight to the death.

More than eighty hyenas of level 20 or above are no less powerful than lions of level 40 or above. There have been hyena groups that have rounded up lone lions. After the hyena group sacrificed the lives of more than 30 hyenas, they successfully killed the lone lion that broke into the hyena's living area.

Even Chu Yuanwu, who was over level 30, had to stay away from such a large group of hyenas.

The hyenas on both sides were quarreling fiercely and very involved. The five hyenas didn't even know that Chu Yuanwu had arrived, and they barked tirelessly at the group of hyenas more than ten meters away.

Chu Yuanwu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Chi Huxiao was not allowed to come over to deal with the foreign enemies. Otherwise, the reckless Chihuxiao would definitely end up being torn into pieces by a group of hyenas.

Chu Yuanwu comforted his hyenas, crossed the border in one step, and walked towards them carelessly under the gazes of many hyenas.

The scene became quiet for a while. After seeing Chu Yuanwu, the hyenas wagged their tails, showing an even more excited look, and barked at the opposite group of hyenas from time to time.

The hyena group was eerily quiet, with more than eighty pairs of eyes staring straight at Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu seemed to have no feeling and walked towards the hyena group.

A strong hyena was the first to attack Chu Yuanwu, followed by the second and third

The hyenas swarmed up, jumped on Chu Yuanwu's huge body, and gnawed at him.

Chu Yuanwu's body gradually grew to more than six meters long, while the hyena's body was short, less than one meter long. Soon Chu Yuanwu had seven or eight hyenas lying on him.

The surrounding hyenas were still squeezing in the direction of Chu Yuanwu, even though Chu Yuanwu now had no place to bite.

The hyena's sharp canine teeth could only leave a few moderately deep wounds on Chu Yuanwu's skin, but could not bite Chu Yuanwu's skin open at all.

Chu Yuanwu's skin was smooth, hairless and phosphorus-free. There was no point where the hyena could exert force when biting on it, and most of its strength was removed. It was unable to cause any objective wounds to Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu shook off all the hyenas from his body.

The hyenas' claws couldn't scratch Chu Yuanwu's skin at all. The hyenas tried their best, but they could only leave a few shallow white marks on Chu Yuanwu's skin.

Chu Yuanwu looked at the hyenas surrounding him relentlessly, and bit one of the hyenas like lightning. The terrifying bite force directly bit the hyena's body into two pieces.

Raise your head and swallow.

Energy points +3450

Chu Yuanwu began to kill, swung his tail, and whipped at the surrounding hyenas.

The hyena that touched Chu Yuanwu's tail would have its bones broken, or explode into a ball of blood and mud.

Flick, pounce, bite.

In just a few moments, more than twenty hyenas were killed or injured.

The remaining hyenas were still attacking Chu Yuanwu without fear of death until they were all killed.

Chu Yuanwu's body was covered in blood, and there were stumps and pieces of meat around his feet. Almost no hyena's body was complete.

Chu Yuanwu took a few mouthfuls of flesh and blood on the ground, but the energy points given to him were too few. A complete hyena only had more than 4,000 energy points.

After eating all the flesh and blood he could find, he gained a total of more than 200,000 energy points, and many of them were wasted.

The sky started to get dark, and the fight between Chu Yuanwu and the hyena group lasted for an hour.

Chu Yuanwu asked five hyenas to find the base camp of the hyena group and prepare to cook a pot.

The smell of blood around him was too strong, covering up other smells. Chu Yuanwu rummaged on the ground for a while before he found a piece of hyena skin.

Throw it to five hyenas, and let the five hyenas look for the smell to find other hyenas.

The hyenas ran forward with Chu Yuanwu, and their figures gradually disappeared into the night.

A night of searching.

Chu Yuanwu walked through the early morning dew and arrived at the hyena base camp.

There are more than 200 members of this hyena family, and many members are still out hunting and have not returned. Including the hyenas eaten by Chu Yuanwu, there are less than a hundred hyenas left in the hyena base camp.

Most of the adult hyenas are female hyenas, and a small number are half-grown hyenas, totaling more than sixty.

The remaining thirty or so are all hyena cubs.

When the hyena responsible for guarding made a short cry, all the hyenas woke up from their sleep and looked at the uninvited guest Chu Yuanwu, showing their fangs.

Another one-sided massacre.

Almost all the adult hyenas were bitten to death by Chu Yuanwu, and more than twenty frightened adult hyenas abandoned their cubs and ran away.

Among the half-grown hyenas, Chu Yuanwu kept two young female hyenas and two young male hyenas, and killed the rest.

Most of the hyena cubs were unweaned puppies. They were brought back to the territory by Chu Yuanwu and his female hyena became a stepmother.

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