Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 49 Collecting ivory

The elephant's hoof struck Chu Yuanwu's body like a hammer, directly denting Chu Yuanwu's back body.

The intense pain stimulated Chu Yuanwu's brain, causing Chu Yuanwu to cry out in pain, and the system's voice asking whether to use the body repair card kept ringing.

At this time, Chu Yuanwu's lower body was flat, as if dough had been stepped on and turned into a pie.


The hill of bones collapsed, and more than a dozen elephant bones smashed into Chu Yuanwu and Lao Xiang, burying the two strange beasts under the bones.

Dust rose and slowly dissipated.

The twilight old elephant fell into an eternal sleep with the satisfaction of killing the reptile that insulted the elephant's bones.

Chu Yuanwu, whose body was pierced by the broken elephant bone, opened his eyes and used the body repair card regardless of the fact that the elephant bone was still stuck in his body.

A flash of green light quickly lit up all over Chu Yuanwu's body, and then disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yuanwu's body became intact as before.

As the body repairs, the broken bones that were pierced into the body are pushed out of the body.

The collapsed elephant bones supported each other, leaving enough room for Chu Yuanwu's head to move.

Chu Yuanwu shook his head and began to gnaw at the surrounding elephant bones, bit by bit clearing enough space for body movement.

An hour and a half later, Chu Yuanwu escaped from under the elephant bone.

The old elephant was crushed to death by the collapsed elephant bones, and the corpse was crushed by the bones.

Chu Yuanwu began to clean the elephant bones. After eating the elephant bones that were pressed on the old elephant, he began to devour the old elephant's body.

Energy points increased by 1.15 million in total

The vulture was circling in the sky, seemingly unwilling to have the meat in its mouth snatched away by Chu Yuanwu. It flew towards Chu Yuanwu several times, trying to drive away the big black reptile.

However, Chu Yuanwu jumped up and bit several vultures to death.

The group of vultures left a string of piercing calls in the air that refused to disperse for a long time.

Chu Yuanwu left a skeleton with flesh for the vulture group, and called the sand fox group and maned horse group in the current territory to the elephant grave.

The group of vultures ate half full, flapped their wings and left with satisfaction.

Chu Yuanwu searched everywhere in the elephant mound and devoured the tusks.

It was approaching evening, and the group of sand foxes lying on the backs of maned horses arrived at the elephant graveyard.

Chu Yuanwu went to the mouth of the valley and brought two groups of exotic animals into the elephant tomb and asked them to start collecting ivory.

Under the command of the leader of the mane horse, the group of mane horses with low IQs worked hard and without complaint.

During the days when the sand foxes settled in the cave, they also knew who was the lord of this land, and they also started working without any complaints.

Since the sand foxes moved from the fox hills to the caves, they have been living a life without worries about food and accommodation. They don't have to worry about not being able to catch food and being hungry, or being attacked by powerful beasts. Some female sand foxes in the sand fox group are already pregnant. In a few years, the number of sand foxes in the sand fox group will be restored to hundreds.

The elephant mound is very big. If Chu Yuanwu had to collect ivory by himself, he would not be able to find all the ivory in just a few months.

A group of strange beasts worked in the elephant mound for four days and found more than a thousand ivory tusks.

After Chu Yuanwu devoured them all, his level was raised to level 59.

The leader of the mane horse dragged an antelope and ran towards the mouth of the valley. The group of sand foxes that had been busy for a long time swarmed up and began to enjoy the food.

Chu Yuanwu asked the mane horses to go out of the valley mouth to look for food and take a short rest.

"King." The mane horse leader hesitated for a moment, then said: "I think you need to go back. Chihuxiao and Hyena caught many strange beasts and threw them over there in the animal pen. If it weren't for Black Black Spot Looking at the beasts and dragon beasts, I am afraid that many of the strange beast cubs are dead.”

Chu Yuanwu paused while devouring the ivory and said, "I know, I'll go back and you take them with you to continue collecting ivory."

The leader of the maned horses ate grass together with the group of maned horses. Chu Yuanwu ate all the ivory piled on the ground and returned to the animal pen.

At the animal pen.

Strange beasts of all sizes were scurrying around the animal pens, causing a lot of panic.

Chi Huxiao and the hyenas were guarding not far away. Once a strange beast tried to escape from the animal pen, they would be driven to the animal pen by Chihuxiao and the hyenas.

The Black Black Spotted Beast and the Patterned Dragon Beast guarded the animal pen to prevent these strange beasts from breaking into the animal pen.

The newly born water black bird and other strange beast cubs have no attack power yet and cannot protect their own safety well. They are trembling with fear and are in the corner of the animal pen.

Especially the few water blackbirds that have not yet grown their feathers, their cries are more miserable than the last.

"Stop rushing!" The tattooed dragon beast yelled helplessly, but Chi Huxiao couldn't understand what the tattooed dragon beast was calling.

Seeing the tattooed dragon beast roaring at him, Chi Huxiao became even more proud, and worked hard to drive back the strange beast that wanted to escape from the animal pen.

Both the tattooed dragon beast and the red tiger Xiao are at level 42, but if the two beasts really fight, the one who will die will definitely be the tattooed dragon beast.

The black black-spotted beast was also squeaking beside him, guarding the roe deer in his arms, and fought back all the strange beasts that fled towards him in a hurry.

"What are you doing!" Chu Yuanwu appeared in the animal pen, and his roar echoed throughout the animal pen.

All the beasts were stunned at the same time, stopped their movements, and looked at Chu Yuanwu, whose head was about to grow big.

The alien beast captured by the hyena and Chi Huxiao took the opportunity to escape.

Porcupine, spotted deer, ostrich

There were about thirty odd beasts, and all of them escaped.

Chi Huxiao looked at the escaped beasts eagerly, wanting to catch them back, but was afraid of Chu Yuanwu and did not dare to move.


Chu Yuanwu looked at Chi Huxiao, who was two meters long and mighty. His IQ was not as good as that of a seven-year-old child. Since he went out with the hyena to catch exotic animals, his actions and behavior became more and more like a hyena, and even his barks changed. It became woof woof woof.

"For the sake of our safety, I hope the owner can keep Chihuxiao and the hyenas away from us."

The wise frog emerged from the turf, dusted off the dirt on his body, and said solemnly to Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu, who was still having a headache from Chihuxiao, was stunned, looked at the wise frog walking upright like a human, and asked: "Why did you call me master?"

The hyenas, maned horse leaders and other exotic beasts that were subdued by Chu Yuanwu all called Chu Yuanwu king. The strange beasts that came out of the animal pen did not have a fixed name for Chu Yuanwu. After all, they could communicate with Chu Yuanwu directly through their minds.

"You are my master, that's why I call you that. Doesn't the master like this title? Then I can call the master whatever he wants," said the wise frog.

Chu Yuanwu let out a sigh, looked at the wise frog curiously, and said jokingly: "Then call me daddy."

"Dad." Intelligent Frog called out without hesitation.

Chu Yuanwu couldn't help but laugh, shook his head repeatedly, and said: "Don't take it seriously, you can shout whatever you want, I don't have any special requirements on the name."

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