Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 41 Return to the Territory

Chu Yuanwu stood in the bird's nest and looked around cautiously. After confirming that the water bird would not return to the nest in a short time, he opened his mouth wide and lowered his head to bite an egg.

Holding the egg in his mouth, he carefully climbed down from the tree.

Chu Yuanwu's mouth was so big that he could easily hold a bird egg. After seven trips, Chu Yuanwu brought down all the eggs and placed them in a row under the tree.

Looking at the eggs under the tree, Chu Yuanwu felt a little worried. How would he bring these eggs back to his territory?

Move them one by one?

I'm afraid I only had time to move one in before the water blackbird returned to the nest, right?

What's more, even if the water black bird is not there, there is no guarantee that other strange beasts will not come to steal the eggs.

"System? Is the system here?" Chu Yuanwu asked in a low voice.

no respond.

Chu Yuanwu didn't give up and continued to ask: "Do you have room in the system? Can you help me pack two eggs?"

Still no response.

Chu Yuanwu sighed. The system has been like this for the past few years. Except for some noises when issuing tasks, Chu Yuanwu has never been ignored.

Chu Yuanwu thought for a moment and came up with an idea that was not an idea.

A passage was dug from the forest to the grassland.

As soon as he said it, Chu Yuanwu started digging a hole.

Claws dig, mouth gnaws.

Chu Yuanwu quickly dug a pit several meters deep.

Forced by the water blackbird who didn't know when it would return to its nest, Chu Yuanwu dug the hole as fast as he could, and in a short time, he dug a pit more than ten meters deep.

Chu Yuanwu got out of the pit, moved the eggs into the pit, pulled out some soil, and blocked the front few meters of the pit with dirt.

The leader of the mane horse returned the seriously injured little sand fox Tuo to the animal pen and gently placed it on the ground.

The Black Black Spotted Beast who was teasing the roe deer at the side immediately became furious when he saw the little sand fox covered in blood. He rushed over in a few steps, chattering without knowing what he was saying.

The leader of the mane horse just glanced at the bluffing black black spotted beast and ignored it. He went to the cave to find some herbs to stop bleeding, chewed them up and spit them on the little sand fox.

Seeing that the leader of the maned horse ignored him, the black black spotted beast became more and more angry and danced around. However, the black black spotted beast also understood the importance and jumped up to the little sand fox and spread the chewed herbs evenly by the maned horse leader. Apply to the wounds of the little fox.

Many strange beasts have the ability to distinguish between ordinary grass and herbs that can stop bleeding and heal injuries. This is an instinct passed down from generation to generation and engraved in their bones.

Many times, this instinct can save one's life.

The leader of the mane horse on the side snorted. The task assigned to it by Chu Yuanwu had been completed, and he ignored the little sand fox and the black black spotted beast. After reporting the little sand fox's injury to Chu Yuanwu, he turned around and went to the animal enclosure.

What the mane horse leader looks forward to most every day now is to see a new mane horse appear in the animal pen and then be conquered by him.

What the mane horse leader enjoys most is the process of conquering other mane horses.

The six hyenas are not here. Five of them are looking for strange cubs in the territory, and one is following the horned bull who was violently surrendered by Chu Yuanwu. The purpose of surveillance is clearly revealed.

The horned ox doesn't care about the hyenas following behind it. It eats and drinks every day. The only fixed activity is to run up and down the hundreds of meters high Lieqing Peak.

He ran from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, then ran from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and then stabbed the air with his sharp horns.

At the foot of Lieqingfeng Mountain, there are fifteen animal pens. The little snakes usually look for food in the animal pens. If the sun is too strong, they will hide in caves.

As the little snake grows bigger, it spends less and less time in the animal pen. More often, it likes to hide under rocks, in the grass, and in caves.

The little snake's food is still torn strips of meat. When the little sand fox is away, the leader of the mane horse takes care of it.

One feeding requires meat the size of two antelope legs, which can last for a day.

The roe deer, who was captured back to the territory by the Black Black Spotted Beast, looked at the Black Black Spotted Beast's back shiveringly. After waiting for a long time, he found that the Black Black Spotted Beast had no time to pay attention to him. He had the idea of ​​​​escape, and turned around. Run, trying to escape from the clutches of the Black Black Spotted Beast.

Unexpectedly, the black-spotted beast seemed to have eyes on its back. When the roe deer had just escaped a few steps, it immediately chased after it.

The roe deer was so frightened that it ran around, first knocking away the two little hedgehogs huddled near the spiritual spring, and then broke into the animal pen and ran all the way towards the animal pen.

The Black Black Spotted Beast followed closely behind, chasing after him relentlessly.

The mane horse leader is fighting with an adult mane horse in the animal pen. The loser will surrender to the winner.

The panicked roe deer rushed straight into the animal enclosure, and the black black spotted beast followed directly without thinking.

The roe deer is small in stature and has a flexible body. It can sneak in and out of the hooves of the alien beasts in the animal enclosure. The black black spotted beast is different. The black black spotted beast breaks into the animal enclosure and arbitrarily hits the alien beast in front of it. Fly, trying to catch the escaping roe deer.

The mane horse leader who was fighting with the adult mane horse was startled and almost trampled to death the roe deer that ran under his feet. After barely avoiding the scurrying roe deer, the mane horse leader was followed closely by the black black spotted beast. Knocked down.

The black black spotted beast showed no apology at all and jumped over the mane horse leader who fell to the ground and continued to chase the roe deer.

The adult mane horse who was fighting with the mane horse leader had no martial ethics at all. When the mane horse leader was knocked to the ground by the black black spotted beast, he raised his hoof and stepped on it.

Fortunately, the leader of the mane horse was not trampled on and his neck was broken.

The leader of the mane horse struggled to get up, and instead of thinking about playing, he directly struck hard, knocked the adult mane horse down, and then stopped the black black spotted beast.

The mane horse leader who was standing in front of the Black Black Spotted Beast snorted heavily, with a very unkind look in his eyes. The Black Black Spotted Beast squeaked and gestured at the Mane Horse Leader, and found that the Mane Horse Leader would not give way.

The two strange beasts, who originally disliked each other, immediately became filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The roe deer ran around for a while, accidentally running back to the Black Black Spotted Beast, and was caught in the arms of the Black Black Spotted Beast with quick eyes and quick hands.

Now that he has caught the roe deer, the black black spotted beast is too lazy to pay attention to the mane horse leader who is blocking the way. He carries the roe deer back to the little sand fox and continues to help the little sand fox apply herbs.

In the distance, a group of sand foxes followed the little sand fox. There were more than thirty sand foxes, large and small. Including the old sand fox clan leader, all the remaining sand foxes in the entire fox hill came over.

During the process of digging the tunnel, Chu Yuanwu found traces of digging by other alien beasts. However, Chu Yuanwu, who wanted to return to the animal pen, did not think too much and continued to follow the tunnel dug by the unknown alien beast. excavation.

Every kilometer, Chu Yuanwu would drill out of the ground to check whether there were any errors in the direction of his digging.

One day and one night later, Chu Yuanwu returned to his territory with seven bird eggs.

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