As the Qing Yuan Bird flew high, Chu Yuanwu was soon at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. At this time, Chu Yuanwu could no longer continue struggling, but hoped that the Qing Yuan Bird could hold on to him firmly.

After being caught by the Qingyuan Bird and flying for about half an hour, an isolated peak appeared in front of Chu Yuanwu. On the isolated peak, Chu Yuanwu could clearly see a huge bird's nest with a diameter of five meters, and the contents of it. Two young bluebirds.

"Young Qingyuan Bird, Level: 8"

"Combat strength: 345"

The Qingyuan Bird took Chu Yuanwu to the nest. The Qingyuan Bird, which was about to lower its head and peck Chu Yuanwu's head, tilted its head, looked at Chu Yuanwu who was motionless and seemed to be dead, and pecked tentatively. One mouthful.

The bird's beak fell heavily on Chu Yuanwu's head like a hammer, directly pecking out a large hole in Chu Yuanwu's head. Blood dripped from the wound into the bird's nest, but Chu Yuanwu remained motionless.

The relieved Qing Yuan Bird began to tear at Chu Yuan Wu's body. The bird's beak bit Chu Yuan Wu's side, and with a forceful tear, it tore off a piece of flesh and blood and fed it to the little Qing Yuan Bird waiting for food.

"The current wound is too large. Do you want to repair the body?"

Chu Yuanwu ignored the inquiries coming from the system and pretended to be dead with his eyes closed.

The Qingyuan Bird tore off piece after piece of flesh and blood from Chu Yuanwu's body, and soon nearly a quarter of Chu Yuanwu's body was fed to the little Qingyuan Bird.

When it tore the flesh and blood on Chu Yuanwu's back, the Qingyuan Bird lowered its head several times, but its beak could never reach Chu Yuanwu. Finally, the Qingyuan Bird released its claws holding Chu Yuanwu's body.

The moment the Qingyuan Bird released its claws, Chu Yuanwu, who had been holding back the severe pain, shouted in his heart to repair his body, and then rushed forward. When the level dropped to level nine, he bit one Little blue dollar bird. However, Chu Yuanwu did not kill the little Qing Yuan bird directly. Instead, he dragged the little Qing Yuan bird's body and dropped the little Qing Yuan bird that could not fly yet from the nest.

When the Qingyuan Bird saw Chu Yuanwu who suddenly resurrected and bit the little Qingyuan Bird, it made a piercing cry, flapped its wings, and was about to go up and tear Chu Yuanwu to pieces.

Chu Yuanwu, whose body had been repaired by the system, had already thrown the little Qingyuan bird out of the nest.


The little Qingyuan bird flapped its wings desperately. The little Qingyuan bird, which had not yet fully fledged its wings, could not fly at all and fell straight down from the solitary peak.

Qingyuanniao ignored Chu Yuanwu and turned around to save the little Qingyuanniao.

The little Qingyuan bird that was still in the nest was jumping around in the nest, constantly attacking Chu Yuanwu with its still immature beak.

Although it has not grown up yet, the attack of the little Qingyuan Bird is still very strong. Chu Yuanwu, who had crawled to the edge of the nest, was dragged back by the little Qingyuan Bird biting his tail.

Chu Yuanwu's tail was in pain, and he opened his big mouth to bite the little Qingyuan bird, but the quick-moving little Qingyuan bird dodged it.

Chu Yuanwu, who had no intention of getting entangled with the little Qingyuan bird, crawled out of the nest.

What supports the bird's nest is an old pine. Even though it has grown at a high altitude for tens of thousands of years, it is still tall and strong.

Chu Yuanwu landed steadily on the thick branch and climbed down the old pine to the solitary peak.

Because he was worried that the Qingyuan Bird would return to its nest and catch him, Chu Yuanwu was a little anxious when he went down the mountain. He almost missed his step and fell from the solitary peak.

Four claws clasped the mountain body of the solitary peak and slid down for dozens of feet. Chu Yuanwu was able to stabilize his body.

Chu Yuanwu glanced down with lingering fear, not daring to run around.

After crawling down for more than two thousand feet, Chu Yuanwu found a mountain path. Walking down the mountain path, the road became much easier.

Six hours had passed since Chu Yuanwu escaped from the nest, and there was still no sign of the Qingyuan Bird, which made Chu Yuanwu breathe a sigh of relief.

But without complete safety, Chu Yuanwu did not dare to relax.

I was usually careful enough, but I still encountered this danger of almost losing my life.

Chu Yuanwu sighed and suddenly noticed something. He stopped and looked around.

The upper half of such a large solitary peak is the territory of the Qingyuan Bird. It doesn't matter if there are no other strange animals living there. Now that Chu Yuanwu has reached the mountainside, why is it still so desolate?

The surrounding area was dry and yellow, with only a few trees growing. The ground was mostly covered with dead grass, and there were no traces of the life of alien animals.

Chu Yuanwu raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sun had begun to slowly set.

After walking down for a while, Chu Yuanwu still didn't find any signs of strange beasts. In addition, the sky was completely dark, so Chu Yuanwu hid on the ground of a big tree all night.

Early the next morning, Chu Yuanwu continued on the road.

When he was about four to five thousand feet above the ground, Chu Yuanwu discovered several ivy branches.

The further you go down, the more ivy grows. Eventually, the entire mountain is densely covered with ivy.

Many thick green vines are thicker than Chu Yuanwu's body. A leaf on the green vine is only three or four meters in size.

Chu Yuanwu stepped on the ivy carefully and walked down the mountain.

From the looks of it, the reason why this solitary peak looks like this is because of this ivy.

Why are there no strange animals on the mountain?

Chu Yuanwu looked at the dead bones wrapped in ivy, and he had the answer at this time.

Suddenly, a floral fragrance floated into Chu Yuanwu's nose. Chu Yuanwu smelled the floral fragrance and discovered a bright red flower blooming on the ivy in the distance.

The flowers are as big as pots and are fragrant.

Chu Yuanwu was unconsciously attracted by the fragrance of flowers. He walked step by step to the big red flowers and sniffed the fragrance greedily.

The big red flower has no flower core, only a pool of nectar that looks like broken amber, like honey and syrup.

Chu Yuanwu couldn't help but stretched out his claws, dug out the nectar and stuffed it into his mouth.

Energy points +6750

Just one bite gave Chu Yuanwu so much energy. If he ate them all, how many levels could he reach?

Chu Yuanwu licked his lips, and when he was about to take a bite, the green vine suddenly started to squirm.

The petals of the big red flower began to close. Chu Yuanwu was startled and hurriedly pulled out his claws from the big red flower. If Chu Yuanwu's movements were slower, his claws would be caught by the big red flower.

The ivy trembled slightly at first, then turned into violent twisting, as if it was alive, and it was wrapping around Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu glanced at the closed big red flower reluctantly, and avoided a piece of ivy that was pulling towards him.

Gritting his teeth, Chu Yuanwu did not choose to flee down the mountain directly, but rushed towards the big red flower.

Arriving in front of the big red flower, Chu Yuanwu opened his big mouth, revealing his fangs, and took a bite at the big red flower.

The petals, which were as hard as golden rocks, were bitten by Chu Yuanwu several times and swallowed into his belly.

Energy points +557

Before the ivy wrapped around his body, Chu Yuanwu followed the gap opened and got into the big red flower.

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