Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 254 Killing the Guardian Spider

After the guardian spider spit out a spider web, it began to land towards the ground. The spider silk on its tail continued to lengthen until the guardian spider was placed on the ground.

The electric current balls were all swallowed up by the spider web, and the entire spider web flew towards Chu Yuanwu without slowing down.

Chu Yuanwu spit out a water ball and scattered the entire spider web. He looked down at the guardian spider that was about to fall to the ground. Suddenly Chu Yuanwu took a sharp breath.

The bulge in his throat bulged, and Chu Yuanwu aimed at the guardian spider and roared wildly.

The sound waves surged toward the Guardian Spider like ocean waves, and the impact of the sound wave attack shook the spider silk hanging on the Guardian Spider.

The guardian spider fixed its body with its hind legs, and struggled to escape towards the ground amid layer after layer of sonic attacks.

At the same time that Chu Yuanwu launched the sonic attack, a ball of electricity condensed on the surface of his body. After condensing into shape, it flew quietly towards the guardian spider.

Without the guardian spider noticing, it landed directly on the guardian spider.

Suddenly, the electric current burst out and turned into a ball of electricity, directly covering the Guardian Spider's body for more than ten meters.

As the electric current flashed, there were not many wounds on the guardian spider's body. How serious the injuries were. It just looked a little charred on the outside and white smoke was emitting from the body. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

But Chu Yuanwu tilted his head, as if he could vaguely smell the smell of barbecue.

The guardian spider did not suffer much damage, which seemed to Chu Yuanwu to be a normal thing. From the beginning, Chu Yuanwu did not think that he could kill the guardian spider with a casual blow.

Guardian spiders of rare quality are far stronger than similar insects and beasts, ten times or a hundred times stronger.

As expected, the current ball, which could easily severely damage a level 200-plus alien beast, only made the Guardian Spider's body become scorched black.

Apart from that, there is no greater effect.

The guardian spider that had been taken care of by the electric ball fell into a state of paralysis. For a moment, the body hung in mid-air, with its eight legs hanging down weakly.

It doesn't take long, so the guardian spider only falls into a coma for only one second, which is enough.

Chu Yuanwu's huge body fell downwards and hit the guardian spider's head.

The Guardian Spider, whose body was paralyzed and unable to move while hovering in mid-air, had no way to avoid Chu Yuanwu's pursuit.

Chu Yuanwu fell to the ground, and a water ball spit out, hitting the spider silk holding the guardian spider.

Under the action of water polo, the spider silk is decomposed into sticky threads and then spreads out.

The scattered spider silk could no longer support the weight of the guardian spider. With a snap, the spider silk broke and the guardian spider fell towards the ground.

Chu Yuanwu raised his head and looked at the fallen guardian spider.

He has been waiting for this moment for too long. This time, the Guardian Spider is doomed!

Chu Yuanwu raised his claws and lowered his body, ready to strike with a blow to severely damage the guardian beast's body.

Just when the Guardian Spider was about to fall into Chu Yuanwu's attack range, the Guardian Spider suddenly woke up and struggled in the air.

At the same time, the guardian spider noticed Chu Yuanwu waiting for him to fall below his body, opened his mouth and spit out a spider web, covering Chu Yuanwu's head.

Chu Yuanwu was slightly disappointed when he saw that the Guardian Spider had awakened, but Chu Yuanwu had expected the Guardian Spider to wake up.

Chu Yuanwu also opened his mouth, spit out a water ball, and faced the guardian spider spitting out a spider web.

If the two meet, the water polo will definitely win. There is not much suspense. The spider web will be defeated by the water polo and turn into countless spider silk, floating in the air.

The Guardian Spider falling from the sky had no room to dodge. It stretched out into the air and it was difficult to control the direction of its fall, let alone escape from the air.

After Chu Yuanwu spit out a water ball, he opened his mouth to condense a black ball, and one million energy points were poured into it instantly.

The black ball swelled to the size of an eyeball, and this powerful eyeball was enough to penetrate the guardian spider's head.

With a hiss, the black ball's figure blurred and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, a hole appeared in the head of the guardian spider, which was open from front to back. After the black ball penetrated the guardian spider's head, it continued to fly towards the back without losing any strength.

After flying for several hundred meters, it exploded, and a mushroom cloud with a diameter of several meters rose in the sky. Gorgeous and spectacular.

Most of the power contained in the black ball was consumed when it penetrated the guardian spider's head. The remaining explosion power was less than a tenth and did not cause much damage to the surroundings.

The Guardian Spider, whose head was pierced and whose body had lost its upgrades, fell towards the ground like a hill with a huge body of nearly fifty meters.

Chu Yuanwu took a few steps back and left the place where the guardian spider fell.

The guardian spider's huge body fell in front of Chu Yuanwu's eyes, hitting the ground hard and throwing up a large amount of dust.

A ray of light floated from the guardian spider's body, floating quietly in the air. This was the mark of the third-level guardian of the forbidden area.

Chu Yuanwu had met him when he killed the second-level guardian of the forbidden area, the Amethyst Bee Queen.

As long as you eat this ball of light, you will inherit the position of guardian of the third level of the forbidden area and gain a magical power from it.

At the same time, this guardian mark can also feed back the guardian's body, accelerating the increase in the guardian's strength, making the body stronger, and even extending the lifespan.

Unfortunately, the price is also huge, that is, you have to pay the price of losing your freedom in order to become the guardian of the third level of the forbidden area.

In other words, once you become the guardian of a forbidden area, you lose the ability to move around freely. You can only stay within the forbidden area you guard throughout your life, and cannot go to other levels of forbidden areas.

But this is not a serious matter to these forbidden land guardians.

In fact, many strange beasts, from birth to death, have no chance to go to the lower forbidden area or the upper forbidden area, so whether they can get out of the forbidden area where they were born is not actually a problem.

Chu Yuanwu raised his head and looked above his head. The giant centipede was swimming in the air and headed towards the crown of the tree. From the looks of it, the giant centipede wanted to eat the remaining small spiders at the crown of the tree.

The crown of this big tree is located at an altitude of more than 700 meters. The crown there is surrounded by a large amount of spider silk. It is the old nest of the guardian spider and the place where it gives birth to the next generation.

Chu Yuanwu's original intention was to let the giant centipede serve as the guardian of the third level of the forbidden area.

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