With the amethyst swarm taking care of it, there must be no major problems with the water blackbird, so Chu Yuanwu stopped caring about the water blackbird and began to concentrate on dealing with the deep pool in front of him.

A few hours later, the entire deep pool had bottomed out, and at least hundreds of tons of water was drunk into Chu Yuanwu's stomach.

Chu Yuanwu drank more than 99% of the deep pool water, but his absorption capacity was still not full.

Chu Yuanwu took a look at the progress of absorbing the ability.

"Ability: Water absorption, unlocking, current progress (24/100)"

It's only about a quarter full.

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head and stared at the thin layer of water remaining in the deep pool.

There was just such a thin layer of water, filled with hundreds of strange beasts with almost completely transparent bodies, and dozens of strange beasts similar to shrimps.

Apart from palm-sized and colorful prawns, there is nothing else in the deep pool.

Apart from the exotic beasts whose bodies are almost completely transparent, there are only these colorful shrimps.

What makes people laugh is that in addition to Chu Yuanwu drinking the pond water, these strange beasts with almost completely transparent bodies are also drinking the pond water.

These strange beasts with almost completely transparent bodies began to absorb a large amount of the remaining pool water, preparing to turn into water arrows and spit them out at Chu Yuanwu.

A burst of electric current emerged from the surface of Chu Yuanwu's body. The electric current was controlled by Chu Yuanwu to be extremely weak. It was on the verge of being able to paralyze these almost completely transparent alien beasts without electrocuting these almost completely transparent alien beasts. .

Then a burst of white electric current flowed towards the thin pool water, and the white light lit up for an instant, and then returned to silence after a few seconds.

These strange beasts, whose bodies were almost completely transparent, suddenly stopped moving, lying in the water unable to move.

Chu Yuanwu walked over, picked up these strange beasts with almost completely transparent bodies, and ate them.

"Ability: Water absorption, unlocking, current progress (99/100)"

"Ability: Water absorption, unlocked successfully!"

As the sound of the system sounded, Chu Yuanwu felt something strange inside his body, a newly grown thing that could store a large amount of water.

Then after the pressure from Chu Yuanwu's body, it turned into a water column and spurted out.

The power of the water column is very weak, probably enough to stun alien beasts around level 100.

You must know that if Chu Yuanwu roars now, all alien beasts below level 200 will be killed. If he roars at an alien beast with all his strength, he can easily kill alien beasts around level 250.

Except for some strange beasts with special physiques. For example, the guardian spider in the third city of the forbidden area is different. It cannot roar to death.

Don't ask why, Chu Yuanwu tried, but he didn't die.

There is still a slight impact, but the impact is not big. It is probably due to the distance. It is too far, so the sound waves are weakened too much when they pass through.

If Chu Yuanwu roars at the guardian spider on the third floor of the forbidden area at close range, he cannot kill the guardian spider 100%, but he can still damage the guardian spider with the roar. of.

Chu Yuanwu sighed, but it seemed that there was no such chance.

After all, although the Guardian Spider is not smart, it is not that stupid either. It is impossible for him to get too close to Chu Yuanwu without any precautions.

Chu Yuanwu once thought about pretending to be caught in the guardian spider's web, and then roaring into the guardian spider's ears.

Even if you can't kill it, scare it to death!

Chu Yuanwu thought angrily, but now, it is probably easy to deal with this guardian spider that has annoyed him for a long time.

These strange beasts with almost completely transparent bodies were swept away by Chu Yuanwu. Another strange beast in the deep pool, the colorful prawn, was not knocked unconscious by the previous electric current.

Now Chu Yuanwu came over to eat these strange beasts with almost completely transparent bodies, and the disturbed colorful prawns began to jump around.

Chu Yuanwu ignored these colorful prawns, which were in their thirties, and turned around to leave.

The water from the deep pool that he drank earlier was directly decomposed by Chu Yuanwu's body. If he wants to store enough water in the water bag to deal with the guardian spider, Chu Yuanwu still needs to find a river to put it in his body. The water bladder is filled.

But Chu Yuanwu, who had not yet walked out of the two movies, suddenly stopped, patted his head, shook his head, and realized that he was really stupid.

Isn't there water here? Where else to look?

Chu Yuanwu looked at the bottom of the deep water pool that had dried up. There was a connection here before, and there was an underground river connected to the deep water pool.

As long as the stones blocking the entrance of the pool are removed, water will flow out again and fill the deep pool.

Electricity surged from Chu Yuanwu's body, instantly condensing into a huge electric ball. Under the illumination of the electric ball, the colorful prawn ran for his life.

With a loud roar, the stone blocking the entrance of the pool was completely blown away by the electric ball, the gap was opened, and a large amount of water suddenly emerged from underneath.

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head and sucked nearly half a meter of water into the water sac in his belly with just one sip.

The water bladder is something that Chu Yuanwu's body evolved after eating those alien beasts with almost completely transparent bodies. It can store a large amount of water and then transform it into water arrows.

Chu Yuanwu felt that if there was a drought somewhere, he could go there and be a savior.

Just relying on my ability to store water, I could carry it in the desert for more than ten or twenty years without causing any trouble.

The water flowed out very quickly at first, then gradually slowed down, and finally became slower and slower.

Chu Yuanwu had only drank more than ten tons of water until now, and even one-tenth of the water bag was not filled.

Looking at the slowly seeping water, Chu Yuanwu raised his paw and patted it down.

There was a loud bang, gravel splashed everywhere, dust mixed with water droplets flying, Chu Yuanwu's claw penetrated the ground at least several meters deep.

A fountain-like water flow suddenly emerged from the bottom of the deep pool. Chu Yuanwu opened his mouth and began to absorb the water that emerged from the underground river.

An hour later, Chu Yuanwu's water bag was finally almost full.

There are about two hundred stew-weights of water compressed in a water bladder less than one meter in size.

As long as Chu Yuanwu is willing, in just one minute, these water flows, weighing more than two hundred tons, will flow out instantly and fill a large pool.

After collecting enough water, Chu Yuanwu climbed back to the deep pool and walked towards the third level of the forbidden area.

He's going to fight the guardian spider and give it a good beating!

In fact, when dealing with only one guardian spider, there is no need to drink so much water and store it, but Chu Yuanwu still feels that there is nothing wrong with being more prepared just in case.

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