Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 15 Rock Bone Golden Frog

"Adult Golden Golden Frog, Level: 30"

"Combat strength: 162800"

If this air bomb falls on a strange beast, even a strong horned ox will not be able to withstand it.

Chu Yuanwu looked at the rock-bone golden frog that jumped in front of him. It was twice the size of an ordinary rock-bone frog. It was golden in color and had three white lines on its back. It was two levels lower than Chu Yuanwu, but its combat power was the same. Ten thousand higher than Chu Yuanwu.

This is the third strange beast with magical powers that Chu Yuanwu has encountered.

The first was the Iron-spine Thunder Bear knocked unconscious by two giant sticks, and the second was Kuiyou Wolf King.

Chu Yuanwu took two steps back and spit out the frog eggs in his mouth into the water plants.

"Child! Child! Die!"

When the Rock Bone Golden Frog saw the frog eggs spit out by Chu Yuanwu, he immediately went crazy, opened his mouth and roared an air bomb at Chu Yuanwu.

How dare you spit out air bombs when your own child is next to you? !

Chu Yuanwu tensed up and subconsciously wanted to avoid the air bomb. But Chu Yuanwu did not dodge, but gritted his teeth and used his thick tail to hit the air bullet.


The air bomb collided with Chu Yuanwu's tail, making a huge sound.

Chu Yuanwu's tail was suddenly torn apart, and a small section of the tail tip was blown away by an air bomb.

After receiving the next air bomb, Chu Yuanwu immediately jumped away to prevent the next battle from affecting the frog eggs.

"Bad bug! Die!"

The rock-bone golden frog croaked and followed. Opening his mouth wide, his long tongue flew out like a rope, trying to reel up Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu, who had been observing the movements of the Rock-bone Golden Frog, saw a long pink tongue flying towards him. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to bite the tongue of the Rock-bone Golden Frog.

It's just that the rock-bone golden frog hid quickly, otherwise if his tongue was bitten by Chu Yuanwu, he would definitely not be able to escape the end of having his tongue broken off.

The rock-bone golden frog, which almost suffered a big loss, did not dare to attack Chu Yuanwu with its long tongue.

The rock-bone golden frog can jump more than ten meters in one leap. Even so, he still couldn't catch up with Chu Yuanwu.


The wind roared loudly behind him, and without even thinking, Chu Yuanwu immediately turned sideways to avoid the air bullets flying from behind.

The air bomb flew past Chu Yuanwu's body and landed in a puddle in the distance, blowing up several innocent big black fish.

Chu Yuanwu was not polite. When he passed by the big black fish that was blown up, he stuck his head in and ate the big black fish that was blown into the air.

Energy points +1420

Chu Yuanwu continued to run away, and air bullets flew behind him from time to time, but Chu Yuanwu dodged them one by one with flexible movements, as if there were eyes behind his back.

Chu Yuanwu could judge the location of the air bullets by relying on his ears alone and the sound of the wind, and easily dodge them.

The Rock Bone Golden Frog chased after Chu Yuanwu and threw air bombs relentlessly.

Chu Yuanwu turned his head and glanced sideways at the Rock Bone Golden Frog. Kuiyou Wolf King waved his claws more than 180 times and threw more than 500 wind blades. He couldn't use his magical power. I want to see if you can. How many times to cast air bomb.

Chu Yuanwu and the rock-bone golden frog chased each other and ran around in the wetland. The animals living in the wetland were damaged. Many big fish were killed by air bombs and floated on the water with their bellies swollen.

There were also a few unlucky rock-bone frogs that were blown to death by the air bombs spit out by the rock-bone golden frogs and turned into pieces of meat on the ground.


Chu Yuanwu suddenly lowered his body, and an air bullet appeared behind him and flew over Chu Yuanwu's head.

After the air bombs flew past, Chu Yuanwu continued to run away, while silently counting how many air bombs the Rock Bone Golden Frog spit out.

The chase and escape lasted for half an hour. The two strange beasts unknowingly ran to the edge of the wetland. The Rock Bone Golden Frog hesitated for a moment, then began to slow down in pursuit of Chu Yuanwu, and finally stopped.

Chu Yuanwu seemed to have noticed the movement of the Rock Bone Golden Frog, and he also stopped.

The rock-bone golden frog turned and left, abandoning Chu Yuanwu who was about to escape from the wetland.

Chu Yuanwu looked at the leaving figure of the Rock Bone Golden Frog and felt displeased. He had been chasing him for half an hour and he could just leave if he wanted to?

Seeing that the figure of the Rock Bone Golden Frog was about to disappear into the wetland grass, Chu Yuanwu chased after it.

Chu Yuanwu's straight-line speed was twice that of the Rock-Bone Golden Frog, and he quickly caught up with the Rock-Bone Golden Frog that immediately entered the wetland.

The Rock Bone Golden Frog did not expect that Chu Yuanwu would chase after him. He was caught off guard and his hind leg was bitten by Chu Yuanwu.


A large piece of flesh and blood on the hind leg of the rock-bone golden frog was bitten off by Chu Yuanwu, and the miserable cry of the frog suddenly sounded in the wetland.

Chu Yuanwu saw the opportunity and took another bite on the hind leg of the rock-bone golden frog, biting off a piece of flesh.

The Rock Bone Golden Frog was in pain and kicked out, hitting Chu Yuanwu in the head and sending Chu Yuanwu flying several meters away.


The Rock Bone Golden Frog roared out an air bomb and hit Chu Yuanwu who was still rolling on the ground.

Chu Yuanwu stood up in embarrassment and tried to dodge the air bullet, but it was already too late.

The air bomb exploded beside Chu Yuanwu, and Chu Yuanwu was immediately thrown away. The flesh and blood in his abdomen were turned out and dripping with blood.

After landing, Chu Yuanwu endured the pain and dodged the air bullets flying behind him one after another.

The abdominal wounds looked scary, but they were all skin injuries. In just a few minutes, the wounds stopped bleeding and showed signs of healing.

The rock-bone golden frog, whose hind legs were injured, had difficulty moving. He squatted on the spot and blew out air bombs at Chu Yuanwu. Even if Chu Yuanwu fled far away, he had no intention of continuing to pursue him.

When Chu Yuanwu escaped to a certain distance, the rock-bone golden frog jumped back into the wetland with trembling movements, wanting to return to a safe place and recuperate.

Naturally, Chu Yuanwu would not let the Rock-Bone Golden Frog escape like this. He would follow behind the Rock-Bone Golden Frog and sneak attack on the Rock-Bone Golden Frog from time to time.

Not long after, the Rock Bone Golden Frog had five or six more wounds on its body.

The situation of chasing and escaping was reversed. The rock-bone golden frog, which had lost its fighting spirit, was chased everywhere by Chu Yuanwu.

It's just that the rock-bone golden frog, which was originally not as fast as Chu Yuanwu, was bitten on its hind leg by Chu Yuanwu, and its speed was even worse than Chu Yuanwu's.

The frequency of the Rock Bone Golden Frog spitting out air bombs has also begun to decrease. Each time it spits out air bombs, it has to accumulate energy for a long time.

After Chu Yuanwu dodged an air bullet, he pounced on the back of the Rock Bone Golden Frog, lay on the Rock Bone Golden Frog's back, and took a bite.

Energy points +8710

Energy points +6650

The smaller half of the body of the rock-bone golden frog, which was still alive, was inserted into Chu Yuanwu's stomach. He was seriously injured and lost too much blood. The rock-bone golden frog finally let out a cry and fell to the ground.

After killing the Rock Bone Golden Frog, Chu Yuanwu ate the entire Rock Bone Golden Frog and obtained a total of 210,000 energy points. Including the energy points obtained by devouring the frog eggs, as long as he obtained 70,000 energy points , you can upgrade to a level.

Later, Chu Yuanwu found the eggs of the rock-bone golden frog in the wetland and brought them back to the territory.

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