After sending away the two mastodon moles, Chu Yuanwu asked the hyena group to capture the strange beasts and bring them back.

Sixty thousand kilograms sounds like a lot. An adult red-toothed crocodile weighs more than six thousand kilograms. Strange beasts like Mazu elephants weigh tens of thousands of pounds each.

If Chu Yuanwu wanted to capture exotic beasts, he would be able to collect 60,000 kilograms of exotic beast meat in just one day.

"You can safely hand over several tons of energy stones to me without fear of me running away." Chu Yuanwu shook his head first, then looked at the energy stones stacked in front of him, jumped in directly, and began to devour them.

Countless energy stones were swallowed by Chu Yuanwu, and his energy points increased crazily.

It took half an hour to swallow all the energy stones.

One pound of low-grade energy stones can add more than 20,000 energy points to Chu Yuanwu, and one pound of medium-grade energy stones can add 120,000 energy points to Chu Yuanwu. All the energy stones can increase Chu Yuanwu's energy points by 30,000 points. More than 100 million energy points!

Chu Yuanwu, who had been upgraded five levels in a row, was in a good mood and used his mind to contact the little shadow mouse underground.

Soon, news came from the little shadow mouse.

In the past few days, the little shadow mouse discovered a total of two shadow mouse nests, but no shadow of the gilt stone was found in them.

In order not to alert the snake, the little shadow mouse just left a mark near the found nest and walked away without entering the nest.

According to the report of the little shadow mouse, there seem to be a lot of good things in the lairs of these two shadow mice.

Chu Yuanwu followed the cave to the underground world and found the little shadow mouse. Under the leadership of the little shadow mouse, he took away all the things stored in the two nests.

All the gains were turned into energy points, increasing Chu Yuanwu's energy points by more than 30 million.

"Shadow rats don't communicate with each other. Even we don't know how many shadow rats there are. And we don't have just one nest, there are as few as seven or eight, and as many as dozens. Sometimes we can find The nests have been abandoned for a long time." Little Shadow Mouse said.

"Will you cooperate? For example, if you encounter ore that you can't eat, will you find other shadow rats to help?" Chu Yuanwu asked.

There were five or six stone slave corpses found deep in the cracks. Obviously, it was not just a shadow rat who stole the gilded sacred stone.

"Yes, we are very capable of digging holes, but there is nothing we can do when encountering hard ores. If we can't handle it ourselves, we will call in a group of shadow rats to help. After the work is done, the spoils will be divided equally." The little shadow rat nodded.

"How did you find other shadow rats for help if you don't know how to contact each other?" Chu Yuanwu just asked, as if he knew the answer.

The reason why he was able to find the chatty mastodon mole was because the chatty mastodon mole once gave Chu Yuanwu a piece of jade bone. When the jade bone shines, the two strange beasts will know that the other is calling him.

Ever since Chu Yuanwu got it, the jade bone had been thrown into the corner of the cave. It took a long time to dig it out some time ago.

Now think about it, this is probably why the shadow rats can communicate with each other, right?

"When we want other shadow rats to help us, we will emit sound waves of different lengths. The penetrating power is very strong and can easily spread to places four to five kilometers away, even if there are rocks blocking the way. It cannot stop the spread of sound waves." The little shadow mouse explained: "Each situation has a corresponding sound wavelength that is short and easy to identify."

Chu Yuanwu suddenly turned his ears and asked, "Is it this kind of sound?"

A strange sound echoed around, harsh and sharp, like someone tearing paper into pieces.

"This is the cry for help from our shadow mouse. It is more than four thousand meters away from here." The little shadow mouse listened carefully for a while and then looked up at Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu suddenly became curious and asked: "Are you asking for help? The rules here are that you are not allowed to fight each other? How can your life be in danger?"

"Most of the places where Shadow Rats live are on the edge of the underground world. Many places have not been explored and there are many unknown factors. Maybe a road that has been traveled thousands of times suddenly becomes dangerous." Shadow Rats explained.

"Go and have a look." Chu Yuanwu's curiosity was aroused, and he asked the little shadow mouse to lead the way to the shadow mouse that sent out a cry for help.

Countless little green people with translucent bodies were flying randomly in the air, and from time to time they let out a spooky scream of laughter.

Dozens of alien beasts were scurrying around below, including a shadow rat, mixed in the middle of the alien beasts, and fleeing into the distance together.

The little green man was only half a meter tall and looked like a naughty boy less than ten years old. He swooped down from time to time and passed straight through the body of the alien beast.

The alien beast whose body had been penetrated by the green villain fell to its knees, lifeless.

In just a few moments, many strange beasts died.

The Shadow Rat, who witnessed this tragic situation with his own eyes, sent out a cry for help uncontrollably.

A little green man flew over the shadow mouse's head. The shadow mouse was so frightened that it quickly lay down on the ground and was extremely lucky to avoid the green man. But a strange beast next to it was not so lucky. It died on the spot after being penetrated by the green villain.

Shadow Mouse stood up from the ground again with trembling limbs, desperately sending out calls for help to relieve his fear.

In the distance, gravel rolled down, dust scattered, and a stone prison was exposed.

There was a person with white bones in the stone prison, and his hands and feet were tightly bound with iron chains. It was from this white bones that the little green man flew out.

The moment the little green man chased the herd of alien beasts for more than two thousand meters, they all turned into blue smoke and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

The frightened beasts were still running as fast as they could, not daring to look back and rushing forward.

Only the strange beast at the end of the team would keep looking back while running to see how many meters the green man had before he could catch up with him.

But the little green man failed to catch up with him after all.

This slightly obese beast stopped and turned back blankly to look ahead. There was no green man around.

The face of the fat alien showed struggle and greed, and finally the greed that could not be restrained by reason broke out, and the fat alien actually started to run back.

I saw the fat alien beast quickly rushing to a body of an alien beast, lowering his head and biting it, lying on it and chewing wildly for a few times before running away with the body of the alien beast in his mouth.

A few of the slightly exhausted alien beasts slowed down, and suddenly noticed that there was no more scary laughter above their heads. When they looked back, they saw that the scary-looking green little men had all disappeared at some point.

However, there was a fat alien beast that was eating the corpse of a dead alien beast. After being discovered by other alien beasts. The fat beast picked up the body of the beast that had only taken a few bites and ran away.

The alien beasts who saw this scene looked at each other, and they all had a tacit understanding without saying anything. They turned back and picked up the corpse of an alien beast in their mouths, and quickly fled from here like a fat alien beast.

Chu Yuanwu, who saw everything in his eyes, raised his head and looked at the stone prison. The bones that had been dead for who knows how many thousands of years were lying there quietly.

"The little green man is made up of the resentment and hatred of the bones before they die. It can steal people's souls and kill people invisible." The little man pointed at the stone prison and said: "Those who can be locked up in the stone prison alone are peerless during their lifetimes." For a strong person, even a wisp of soul transformation after death can kill someone."

Chu Yuanwu sighed, and when he was about to leave, he was stopped by the villain: "Why don't you go over and have a look? What if there is any treasure?"

"It's just a prisoner who was imprisoned in a stone prison. What else is left on him?" Chu Yuanwu shook his head.

"You're so stupid. You can't even see the iron chain that can bind an extremely strong man? Could it be an ordinary thing?" The villain shook his head and sighed.

Only then did Chu Yuanwu realize that an iron chain that could lock an extremely powerful man and had endured tens of thousands of years without breaking, could it be a mortal thing?

"But what if that little green man appears again?" Chu Yuanwu was a little worried. He didn't want his soul to be torn apart by strange things.

"Forget it if others are afraid, what are you afraid of?" The villain stood up, patted his belly exaggeratedly, and said: "You can even eat the golden jade snake, which is the energy body of the virtual body, and the resentful spirit who is also the virtual body. Don’t you dare to eat it?”

Chu Yuanwu just wanted to roll his eyes and said, "Then I'm really awesome."

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