Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 133 Xi Lai Insect Beast

Chu Yuanwu shook his head: "No, it's just a few little rabbits. But I am very interested in the trading square you mentioned. If possible, can you take me to see it?"

"Ah?" The chatty Mastodon Mole was startled and said subconsciously: "But the Exchange Square is underground."

The resentment in the ruins of the underground world corrodes, and the alien beasts that enter the underground world cannot return to the surface again.

"It's okay." Chu Yuanwu pointed to the rabbit carcass on the ground and said, "There are a lot of these strange beasts on the ground. I want to exchange them for ore at the grabbing point."

"If it's a corpse, be careful and I can help you trade it." The chatty mastodon walked around the rabbit corpse a few times and said, "This way you don't have to go down in person."

"Okay! I'll catch some and exchange them with you." The better the two beasts are, the better they will meet next time and they will go back.

Chu Yuanwu watched the Chatty Mastodon Mole throw the rabbit carcasses into the hole one after another. Finally, the Chatty Mastodon Mole also jumped into the hole and disappeared.

In fact, Chu Yuanwu is not afraid of the curse of the underground world. This kind of ethereal thing is like poison and has no effect on Chu Yuanwu.

The time agreed upon with the chatty mastodon was half a month later. This time was not short, enough for Chu Yuanwu to go to the Shadow Mouse to get his things back.

Chu Yuanwu waited for a while, until the chatty mastodon mole walked away, and then followed the hole dug by the chatty mastodon mole into the underground world.

In the mastodon mole's chatter, Chu Yuanwu roughly understood the distribution of the underground world.

The ruins that Chu Yuanwu entered by chance were in the corner of the underground world and were a quite remote place.

The shadow rat's residence is hidden very deep, and no strange beast can find it. These rats, who steal other animals' things every day, are also afraid that their stored things will be stolen.

Shadow rats are stealthy and like to stay in places with few strange animals. This is also one of the effective ways to reduce the risk of exposing their nests. The level of shadow rats is generally around level 30 or 40. Apart from stealing things, they have no other abilities.

There are traces of shadow rats in every corner of the underground world. Chu Yuanwu didn't know exactly where the shadow rat stole his gilded sacred stone.

We can only use the stupidest method and check them one by one.

Chu Yuanwu guarded a place frequented by shadow rats for six full days.

During this period, he concealed his aura and body, without eating or drinking, and finally waited until a small shadow mouse walked past him.

In fact, in the past few days, many shadow rats walked in front of Chu Yuanwu. Chu Yuanwu held back and did not make a move until the little shadow rats were taken away from him.

Chu Yuanwu rushed out from his hiding place and caught the little shadow mouse in his paws before the little shadow mouse could react.

The fierce Chu Yuanwu stared at the little shadow mouse, but this little shadow mouse, who was only over 20 levels, was not afraid of Chu Yuanwu at all. With a calm expression on his face, he stretched out a small hand and patted Chu Yuanwu's paw, signaling Chu Yuanwu to stop joking and put him down.

Obviously, this was not the first time that the little shadow mouse was caught by other strange beasts.

The little shadow mouse, who is well aware of the rules of the underground world, knows that his life will not be safe here.

It's just a pity that it met Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu used his tail to poke a hole in the little shadow mouse's body and injected poison into it, causing the little shadow mouse to go into shock.

Afterwards, Chu Yuanwu returned to the ground with the little shadow mouse.

After finding the system and spending 50,000 energy points to help the little shadow mouse remove the curse, the little shadow mouse was thrown into the animal pen by Chu Yuanwu and tamed.

Half an hour later, the little shadow mouse stood in front of Chu Yuanwu again.

Chu Yuanwu took the little shadow mouse back to the underground world, and asked the little shadow mouse many questions during the process. The shadow rat's habits and life patterns are things that the chatty mastodon mole doesn't understand.

After being tamed, the little shadow mouse was completely loyal to Chu Yuanwu and told everything he knew.

Chu Yuanwu put the little shadow mouse back to the place where it was originally captured and let the little shadow mouse return to its own nest. Chu Yuanwu followed the little shadow mouse.

In the vast underground space, the little shadow mouse led Chu Yuanwu to turn left and right, going around in a circle for a long distance, and then came to the little shadow mouse's nest.

A crevice very close to the gray area.

Behind the crack in the stone is the nest of the little shadow mouse.

Chu Yuanwu looked into the distance. This place was very close to the ground. No one would have thought that the shadow rat, who was timid and fearful by nature, would actually build his nest in such a place.

The gray zone is the only place where killing is allowed. Alien animals such as earth rabbits and cat-baked snails that usually serve as meat will be brought to the gray zone and killed.

It's just that there are very few gray areas, and the area is not large. It's okay to deal with rabbits and other strange beasts that have lost the ability to struggle. If they fight each other here, it's easy to break out of the gray area.

The alien beasts living underground here seem to firmly believe that if they violate the rules, they will die. No alien beast dares to risk their own lives.

The cave where Chu Yuanwu and the chatty mastodon met before was also considered a gray area.

The little shadow mouse removed the stones blocking the nest and got in. The entrance is long and narrow, only large enough for a small shadow mouse to pass through.

Then the little shadow mouse started to dig out things, dried meat of alien beasts, broken bones, poisonous mushrooms, a bunch of carapace of unknown alien beasts, and finally ore.

Several tons of ore.

The ores vary in size, are fragmented, come in various colors, and contain varying amounts of energy.

The ore with the richest energy is still a level worse than gilded stone, but it is better because of its large quantity.

It took the little shadow mouse more than half an hour just to move the ore back and forth.

The ore was piled together, and Chu Yuanwu was picking through it.

For ordinary alien beasts, some of the ores here are inedible, while others can be swallowed directly to absorb the energy contained in them.

"These blue ores are called tears, and they are the cornerstones needed for the spiritual formation. There is also a pile of red ores over there, called thunder kiss stones. There are subtle thunder and lightning inside the stones, which are the forging materials. The main material of thunder attribute weapons. For ordinary beasts, these can only be used as luminous stones for illumination. For you, eating them into your stomach is energy points." The villain sat on Chu Yuanwu's head. , pointing at a pile of ores in front of him.

The ores are divided into two types, one is the refining material that has no effect on the alien beasts, and the other is the ore that can improve the level of the alien beasts.

The proportion of ores that can enhance the level of alien beasts is pitifully small, less than 10%.

The strange beasts in the underground world call the inedible ores luminous stones, and the edible ores they call energy stones.

Chu Yuanwu devoured the glowing stones that the beasts could not eat, and took the remaining ores back to the cave for storage.

The energy points have increased by more than three million, which means that the energy points used to purify the curse of the little shadow mouse have been earned back.

The little shadow rats were left in the underground world, specifically to find the nests of other shadow rats.

The purpose also changed from finding the thief who stole the gilded stone to ransacking the house.

In addition to being called thief rats, shadow rats are also called garbage rats. They like to pick up various objects of little significance and have almost no actual value and put them in their nests.

After most of the alien beasts obtain the luminous stone, they will either decorate it near their lair for lighting, or hand it over to the king in exchange for the energy stone at a ratio of thirty to one.

According to the understanding of the alien beasts in the underground world, their king cannot eat luminous stones either, and the luminous stones piled high filled the king's warehouse. Many luminous stones were brought by the king to embellish every corner of the underground world.

These luminous stones, which are used as lighting and have decorative significance, are often stolen, and the only ones who steal luminous stones are shadow rats.

While Chu Yuanwu asked his men to capture the strange beasts, he also lurked throughout the underground world to capture young shadow rats.

Exchange Square.

The platform paved with white jade is equal in length on all four sides, each one thousand meters long.

Many alien beasts were walking around on the white jade platform. Some were carrying dried meat on their backs to buy energy stones, looking for suitable energy stones everywhere. There are also alien beasts who put sundries and energy stones together and pile them in front of themselves, waiting for the alien beasts to exchange them for things of similar value.

A group of alien beasts make the most primitive exchange.

"This is a martial arts training ground. The tables used by slaves to practice in the past are made of the strongest stones. Thousands of years of attack will leave no trace on this place." The villain said.

Chu Yuanwu walked on the trading square, observing the strange beasts in exchange for the proportion of items they needed.

For example, one pound of dried meat can be exchanged for half a pound of energy stones and five pounds of luminous stones.

This made Chu Yuanwu lament the king's methods.

The trading square strictly prohibits fighting, let alone fighting and snatching supplies from other beasts. Violators will only receive death.

The corners were filled with wooden piles, with the corpses of illegal animals stuck on them.

Even if the bad-tempered Six-Armed Demon Nose comes here, he must calm down his temper and calmly exchange items with other heterosexuals.

Here, even the infamous Shadow Rat dares to strut across the entire trading square.

Chu Yuanwu stopped in front of a worm-like beast and looked through the items placed in front of it.

There are all kinds of energy stones, many of which are of excellent quality.

"Adult Xi Lai Insect Beast, Level: 114"

"Combat strength: 848400"

The Xi Lai Insect Beast is one of the seven major races in the underground world. Their unique racial talents make them very popular in the current underground world, ranking fifth, two places behind the Mastodon Clan.

The original Xilai insect beast was only at level 40 when it reached adulthood, and had the ability to convert luminous stones into energy stones.

In the early days, the powerful alien beasts in the underground world would capture Xi Lai insect beasts and raise them to transform the useless luminous stones they mined.

Therefore, at that time, the status of Xilai insect beasts was extremely low, similar to that of slaves.

Until later a king appeared in the underground world.

The king made the rules, and the biggest beneficiary was the Xi Lai Chong Beast, which had little fighting ability. From the humblest animal, it suddenly became one of the seven major races.

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