Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 123 The Last Queen Bee

The mental shock issued by the Amethyst Bee Queen is very similar to the attack method of the One-Eyed Demonic Eye, but the power and range are obviously superior.

The group of alien beasts was crumbling under the mental impact. The alien beasts that had some resistance before could only be slaughtered by the queen bee.

Not long after, almost all the alien beasts on the field were destroyed, leaving only the two strongest level 90 alien beasts still struggling to hold on. It just looks like it won't last long.

There were only six or seven strange beasts that escaped, or could run away, and they gathered together and fled like crazy.

The wolves led Kuiyou Wolf King in the other direction and retreated in an orderly manner.

The two teams of strange beasts passed by each other, and Lang Guan suddenly broke away from the team and pounced on the sleeping Wolf King Kuiyou.

The wolves were shocked, and immediately more than a dozen male wolves rushed out and stood in front of Lang Guan, preventing Lang Guan from getting close to the Wolf King Kuiyou.

Kui Youlang, who was in his forties, was no match for Lang Guan, who was at level seventy. Kui Youlang, who was blocking Lang Guan, was easily knocked away and was not even able to make Lang Guan pause for a moment.

Langguan, who rushed in front of Kuiyou Wolf King, had a fierce look in his eyes and cursed: "I regard you as a friend, but you tricked us into coming to the hive to die and harmed us?!"

After saying that, Langguan opened his mouth and bit the head of Kuiyou Wolf King. As long as Kuiyou Wolf King was bitten, there would be no chance of survival.

Kuiyoulang seemed to be going crazy, rushing towards Langguan, trying to stop it, but in vain. He could only watch helplessly as Langguan rushed towards Kuiyou Wolf King.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind above the head, and a pair of bird claws capable of breaking gold and cracking rocks grabbed Lang Guan's body and flew high into the sky with Lang Guan.

Langguan struggled hard under Shuixuanniao's paws. His strength was so strong that Shuixuanniao almost let go several times.

After Shuixuanniao grabbed Lang Guan and flew into the air dozens of meters high, Langguan broke free from Shuixuanniao's claws and fell towards the ground.

While falling downwards, Langguan turned over, face up, and roared at the water black bird hovering above, showing his ferocious look.

Several more water blackbirds flew in from a distance, with graceful bodies, flying freely in the sky.

Lang Guan's falling body stopped. He was prepared for a heavy fall, but found that he didn't seem to fall directly to the ground.

The short-tailed bear held the wolf bowl in his hands and tried his best to hide his head back, with a look of disgust on his face.

For some reason, Langguan's body smelled very bad, as if he had a layer of rotten eggs smeared on himself.

Jiao Wenmang led the remaining Guhou beasts to the front of the alien beasts and blocked their way with his huge body.

"What do you want to do? Get out of the way!" A strange beast roared at Jiao Wenmang.

More alien beasts charged forward unabated, rushing straight towards Jiao Wenmang, grinning as if they were about to tear Jiao Wenmang into pieces in the next second.

After all, there are tens of thousands of Amethyst Wasps following them, hunting them down. If you stop here, you will get into a fierce battle with the Amethyst Swarm.

"Just throw it towards the swarm of bees. The king's order is to kill all these strange beasts." Jiao Wenmang said to the short-tailed bear.

The short-tailed bear smiled innocently, grabbed Langguan's body, and smashed it hard at the pursuing amethyst swarm.

Langguan flew towards the bee swarm like a cannonball. The bee swarm retreated and made way for Langguan to fly through the air. At the same time, the bee swarm separated a group of Amethyst Bees and chased after Langguan who was about to land.

The wolf has rough skin and thick flesh. Even if it was hit so hard by the short-tailed bear, it did not suffer any injuries.

The disgraced Wolf Guan got up from the ground, and what greeted him was a dense swarm of amethyst bees.

The moment the alien beasts were about to hit Jiao Wenmang, Jiao Wenmang dodged away, revealing the one-eyed magic eye hidden behind him.

More than sixty odd-looking one-eyed demonic eyes simultaneously launched invisible spiritual attacks, sweeping towards the alien beasts.

The mental attack of the One-Eyed Demonic Eye was very similar to the mental attack of the Amethyst Bee Queen. It shocked the minds of the alien beasts for a moment and briefly lost consciousness for a second.

But in just this second, the Amethyst Bee, which was chasing after them, caught up with the group of alien beasts.

The group of alien beasts that came back to their senses had no choice but to fight with the Amethyst Bee Swarm.

Although there were amethyst bees flying in the direction of the One-Eyed Demonic Eye, they were all stopped by Jiao Wenmang.

Six alien beasts killed most of the Amethyst Bees, and the remaining Amethyst Bee Swarm was less than 5,000, which were easily killed by the Guhou Beast Group.

Jiao Wenmang's huge body swam forward, squeezing away the corpses of strange beasts on the road. Langguan was still alive, huddled up, holding his head with both hands, like a ball. Around it, there were hundreds of Amethyst Wasps that were stinked to death.

The short-tailed bear followed Jiao Wenmang towards Langguan. Langguan, who was surrounded by the swarm but was not injured, seemed to feel something. His body trembled, and he raised his head to look at the two strange beasts walking towards him.

Several water blackbirds also landed at this time, blocking Langguan's retreat.

Lang Guan wanted to escape, but there was no way to escape.

After a while, Jiao Wenmang led a group of strange beasts to support Chu Yuanwu.

More than an hour had passed. Chu Yuanwu emerged from the soil, and his injuries had almost recovered.

The Amethyst Bee Queen had stopped her mental assault a long time ago, and the surroundings were in a mess. The corpses of alien beasts and the Amethyst Bee Queen were piled on top of each other. As far as the eye could see, there was no living thing around.

All the alien beasts died, and the queen bee also disappeared.

The vegetation and elixirs that were originally everywhere had been shattered into pieces by Kuiyou Wolf King's tornado, and only a few plants were left intact.

Chu Yuanwu was certain that the queen bee was not dead, but Qi was most likely hiding in the hive.

A black dot condensed in front of Chu Yuanwu's mouth. Chu Yuanwu planned to use his magical power to destroy the hive!

In the process of accumulating magical powers, invisible energy fluctuations were emitted, which immediately exposed Chu Yuanwu's position.

The queen bee rushed out of the hive and flew towards Chu Yuanwu.

The originally large amethyst bee colony now only has a solitary queen bee left.


Extremely penetrating mental fluctuations hit him, instantly interrupting Chu Yuanwu's process of condensing his magical powers.

The black ball dissipated between heaven and earth with a 'pop' sound, and the hundreds of thousands of energy points previously absorbed by the black ball also dissipated with it.

Chu Yuanwu's head was buzzing, and he could only use 70% of his strength, which was greatly affected.

Under the impact of this mental fluctuation, the most miserable thing may be the young bees in the hive that have not yet grown up.

It is a mental attack that even the adult Amethyst Wasp has difficulty resisting, let alone the immature young wasps.

The moment the mental shock spread, all the young bees in the hive died.

I don't know if it was Chu Yuanwu's misunderstanding, but not only was the queen bee not affected by the mental fluctuations, but it was even faster. In just a few breaths, it covered a distance of several thousand meters and flew to the top of Chu Yuanwu's head.

Chu Yuanwu wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all, so he could only let the queen bee fall on his back.

The queen bee aimed her upper jaw at Chu Yuanwu's neck and bit down.

Chu Yuanwu shook his body, trying to shake the queen bee away from him, but the queen bee allowed Chu Yuanwu to sway left and right, and stopped motionless on Chu Yuanwu's back.


Chu Yuanwu roared, his body quickly grew in size, the bulge under his neck swelled, and his roar shook the forest.

Originally, the queen bee wanted to bite Chu Yuanwu on the neck, but now she only bit Chu Yuanwu on the shoulder.

The sound waves spread in circles, but they did not affect the mental impact at all.

Seeing that the sound waves were useless, Chu Yuanwu closed his mouth again. At this moment, dozens of superimposed mental shock waves collided with the mental shock waves erupted by the Amethyst Bee Queen, and they struggled with each other.

Chu Yuanwu's body relaxed, and most of the buzzing in his brain subsided. Although it was still somewhat affected, it was not as serious as before.

Originally, Chu Yuanwu's purpose of bringing the One-Eyed Demonic Eye here was just to use the mental impact of the One-Eyed Demonic Eye to kill some bee swarms, but he didn't expect that it would come in handy now.

The queen bee bit into Chu Yuanwu's back frantically, and soon opened a wound half a meter deep.

The bone armor was blown away in the previous battle and has never grown back. Coupled with the size of the body, the defense is much weaker?

Chu Yuanwu endured the severe pain, propped himself on the ground, and jumped up high. He turned his body over in the air, turned his back to the ground, and smashed it down hard.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the queen bee flew out from under Chu Yuanwu. The body stopped in mid-air, looking indifferently at Chu Yuanwu who fell downwards.

In the fight between the One-Eyed Demonic Eye and the Amethyst Bee Queen, the One-Eyed Demonic Eye is clearly at a disadvantage, and defeat is only a matter of time.

Chu Yuanwu shrank his body and turned around again in the air. He landed on all fours and removed most of his body weight, so that he would not be injured if he fell from a high altitude, just like a cat.

Bee Dynasty dived towards Chu Yuanwu, six legs covered with barbs lifted up Chu Yuanwu's body, grabbed Chu Yuanwu and flew into the sky again, trying to bring Chu Yuanwu to a higher place and fall down.

Several water blackbirds rushed towards the queen bee, surrounded the queen bee and attacked continuously. It's just that the water black bird is too weak and can't hurt the queen bee at all.

Scratching it with its claws or pecking it with its beak cannot harm the queen bee. On the contrary, the queen bee can easily kill the water blackbird.

Seeing that Shuixuanniao's attack was ineffective, Chu Yuanwu asked Shuixuanniao to leave.

The queen bee that invaded the prairie was only over 60 levels, and she could carry a water black bird on her back, let alone the current level 105 queen bee. I'm afraid that with a little more concentration, these water black birds can be killed instantly.

Chu Yuanwu had to make his body bigger again and rely on his weight to break free from the shackles of the queen bee.

The moment Chu Yuanwu broke away, six bleeding wounds appeared on his body. When looking at the queen bee, one can clearly see that the barbs on the six feet of the queen bee are all covered with meat strips.

The queen bee's body lightened up and flew upwards some distance according to the inertia.

The queen bee quickly adjusted her body shape, showed her tail stinger, and rushed towards Chu Yuanwu. In the air, the huge Chu Yuanwu could not avoid the Queen Bee's attack.

Roar! ! !

The sound waves spread upward in circles, knocking the queen bee away nearly a hundred meters!

The queen bee flapped its wings desperately, roaring the terrifying sound waves that could easily break the rocks, but it failed to cause much harm to the queen bee.

The queen bee, who was only slightly embarrassed, adapted to the pattern of sonic attacks at an extremely fast speed, seized the gap where the sound waves paused, and swooped towards Chu Yuanwu.

Less than fifty meters away from Chu Yuanwu, a black ball that was so small that it was almost invisible appeared in front of the queen bee. It was obviously just a black ball with a diameter of only ten centimeters, but it made the queen bee want to turn around and run away. idea.

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