Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 113 Devouring, Evolution

Chu Yuanwu's claws were like hooks, inserted into the stone wall, like a climbing gecko, crawling out from the depths of the crack.

The remaining gilt stone ore was placed deep in the crack, and Chu Yuanwu was not in a hurry to swallow it all.

He wanted to stop the new guardian before he went to the temple.

Somewhere in the prairie, in a place that has not been invaded by the Amethyst Bees, a young and somewhat ignorant beast looked at the sky in a daze.

Just now, three extremely powerful spiritual thoughts crossed the entire forest, came to the alien beast, and left a mark in the mind of the alien beast.

It took the alien beast half a day to receive the information contained in the mark.

From the moment he was appointed as the new guardian, the alien beast's brain was activated. Under the infusion of imprinted information, it was like a person who originally only had an infant's IQ suddenly gained an adult's IQ.

When the alien beast Zaidu opened his eyes, the confusion in his eyes had completely faded away, and was replaced by unconcealable joy.

Following the guidance of the mark, the alien beast embarked on the road to the temple.

In the center of the prairie, Chu Yuanwu stood guard in front of the ancient tree carrying the temple. When the new guardian arrived, it was already sunset.

"Spotfire Cat, Level: 40"

"Combat strength: 215,000"

A big orange cat ran from a distance. After seeing the temple, the big cat's eyes revealed a look of joy.

But before it could be happy for a while, Chu Yuanwu's huge body was already lying in front of it.

Chu Yuanwu's level broke through to level 100, and his size also increased to 10 meters. At this time, blocking the spot flame cat was like a black wall.

The spotted flame cat's steps slowed down, and the joy in his eyes gradually subsided, turning into vigilance.

Chu Yuanwu looked at the Spotted Flame Cat coldly, and did not take action immediately, but was waiting for something.

At the same time, the little sand fox lay on the back of a red-bearded horse and rushed here quickly.

Seeing that he was about to reach the temple, but was stopped, one can imagine the mood of the Spotted Flame Cat. If Chu Yuanwu hadn't put too much pressure on the Spotted Flame Cat, I'm afraid the Spotted Flame Cat would have started to attack Chu Yuanwu.

"Why are you standing in front of me?" the Spotted Flame Cat roared at Chu Yuanwu.

"You got something you shouldn't get. If you want to blame it, it's your fate." Chu Yuanwu said indifferently.

The spotted flame cat purred from its throat, and its claws popped out of its flesh pads, as if it was about to pounce on Chu Yuanwu the next moment. It's just that reason has been dissuading the Spotted Flame Cat from being impulsive.

Just when the two strange beasts were confronting each other, a familiar spiritual thought from Chu Yuanwu came from the forest and appeared in front of him, clearly conveying its meaning.

"You are not allowed to attack the new guardian for ten years."

The divine thought left only one sentence and then disappeared without warning or explaining the consequences. But the owner of this divine thought was the biggest reason why Chu Yuanwu did not dare to disobey.

"You are really lucky." Chu Yuanwu opened his mouth, revealing his white and fine teeth, and finally started to leave.

The Spotted Flame Cat made way for Chu Yuanwu to leave, and just stared at Chu Yuanwu's back. It wasn't until Chu Yuanwu completely disappeared from sight that the Spotted Flame Cat walked towards the temple again.

On the way, Chu Yuanwu met the little Shahu and continued walking forward without saying anything.

The little sand fox hesitated to speak, and finally just rode the red-bearded horse and followed Chu Yuanwu quietly.

In the deserted night, only the sound of horse hooves could be heard.

Along the way, swarms of bees flew by from time to time, trying to attack Chu Yuanwu, but Chu Yuanwu easily dealt with them.

Many strange beasts are no match for the Amethyst Bees, so they can only keep running away to a place where the bees are no longer present.

As a result, the current prairie becomes more dead the closer it is to the forest.

After Chu Yuanwu returned to his territory, the first thing he did was to go to the place where the corpses of strange beasts were piled up and devour them.

Among these corpses, the number of amethyst bees accounts for the majority, as many as hundreds of thousands. Each amethyst bee corpse can provide Chu Yuanwu with more than a thousand energy points.

The corpses of other strange beasts can provide Chu Yuanwu with more than 4,000 energy points on average, and the number is tens of thousands.

When Chu Yuanwu devours all the corpses of these strange beasts, he will get at least hundreds of millions of energy points.

There were still countless bee swarms in the sky. Chu Yuanwu killed a few waves of bee swarms, then lost interest and buried himself in devouring the corpses of strange beasts on the ground, letting the bee swarms swarm on him.

The amethyst bees raised their stingers and tried to pierce Chu Yuanwu's body, but they couldn't even penetrate Chu Yuanwu's skin. The amethyst bees turned around in panic.

Energy points +64872

Energy points +54851

Energy points +97451

After devouring a large number of alien beast corpses, Chu Yuanwu suddenly paused and felt a little itchy. The smooth skin began to wrinkle, and tiny hairs emerged from it.

"What's going on?" Chu Yuanwu looked at his body in surprise.

The color of the newly grown body hair is black, the same as the color of the skin. It is difficult to see it without looking carefully.

"After your level reaches level 100, if you devour other alien beasts, in addition to gaining energy points to increase your level, your body will begin to evolve. Just like you just swallowed a large number of bristle-maned beasts, the characteristic of these alien beasts is their thick body hair. It is highly defensive. So you have also evolved hair similar to that of a mane beast. If you swallow a beast with stronger defense, you will continue to evolve." The villain explained.

Chu Yuanwu tilted his head and looked at his body, then bit into it, his defense seemed to be stronger than before.

Devour, evolve.

It is hard to imagine that after the Chu Yuan generals devoured hundreds of thousands of corpses of strange beasts, their bodies would become strange.

It took Chu Yuanwu a day and a night just to devour the corpses of these strange beasts, and his level also increased from level 100 to level 103.

Chu Yuanwu's body is now covered with a layer of bone armor, his claws are thicker, and the tip of his tail has become slender, which contains poison.

The most intuitive manifestation of Chu Yuanwu's physical changes was the improvement in combat power.

Chu Yuanwu moved his body and rushed forward.

In just a few seconds, Chu Yuanwu rushed over a distance of more than 6,000 meters.

The explosion speed is obviously several times faster than before, the body becomes lighter, the skull becomes harder, and the body becomes softer. The body shape remains unchanged, still 10 meters long.

Chu Yuanwu's body expanded and became twenty meters long in the blink of an eye. The bone armor covering his body also expanded, but the density became smaller and the defense was not as good as when it was ten meters in size. After shrinking to five meters, the bone armor squeezed against each other with an astonishing density. Chu Yuanwu initially estimated that even alien beasts at level 120 or 30 would not be able to break the bone armor.

"By the way, what is the eighth level you mentioned before?" Chu Yuanwu suddenly asked.

"Level 100 to level 149 is considered the seventh level, and level 150 is considered the eighth level." The villain replied.

Chu Yuanwu groaned and looked up at the swarm of bees flying in the sky. Their wings were flapping and buzzing, just like a large swarm of flies surrounding them, which was annoying.

After devouring a large number of amethyst bee corpses, Chu Yuanwu's tail evolved and grew, becoming like the poisonous sting of an amethyst bee, sharp and containing highly venom.

Chu Yuanwu ignored these amethyst bees and went to the forest, intending to take away the hive directly.

After sensing that the mother bee's life is in danger, the worker bees will desperately return to the mother bee to protect her.

Chu Yuanwu took advantage of this to force the bee swarm to return to the hive, and then killed them all.

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