Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 89 There are underground caves within underground caves

As soon as the female warrior jumped out of the car, the infantry fighting vehicle on the opposite side, which had been unable to do anything about the Luger, immediately found a soft persimmon to squeeze.

Two 37mm anti-aircraft guns immediately chased her.

The female warrior was not annoyed when she saw this, and yelled at Luger, "Come on, I've helped you attract firepower, don't waste the opportunity!"

After saying that, he led the two cannons and ran in the opposite direction of Luger.

Seeing her like this, Luge couldn't help but laugh.

Shaking his head half in amusement and half in admiration, he quickly seized this opportunity and fired a second shot at an infantry fighting vehicle that accidentally exposed a flaw.

His current 88mm mortar howitzer, if no adjustments are made, will aim at the center of the small tank 100 meters away and at a height of two meters.

It feels a bit like the zero point of a rifle.

The so-called zero point, for example, if it is set at 100 meters, then when using this rifle to design a 100-meter target, the bullet should hit the target.

Of course, this is based on eliminating interference from factors such as instability and ignoring mechanical errors in firearm components.

The bullet trajectory actually flies in a parabola, so when aiming at a target before or after the zero point, the bullet's impact point will always be slightly different on the vertical axis compared to the aiming position.

Bullets are like this, and so are cannonballs.

Ruger's artillery itself also has an observation and sighting system, and the system itself also has a zero point setting.

However, in order to simplify the operation, he now relies on remote control to control the artillery, so he might as well combine the two into one and simplify the new zero point.

The final result is like this. When he attacks an enemy 100 meters away from him, the cannonball should land exactly two meters high on that guy.

The Puma infantry fighting vehicle is about three meters tall including the turret. If Ruger sets the zero point like this, the shells can hit the opponent within about 60 meters to 200 meters.

If the distance was any closer, the shells he fired would probably fly out against the chariot's scalp.

No matter how far the distance is, those shells can only hit the opponent's tracks.

This is why Luger had been following three infantry fighting vehicles, Zhou Xuan, but had not fired yet.

If the distance is wrong, even if the gun is fired, it will not hit.

However, with the help of the female warrior who suddenly flew out, Luger immediately felt relaxed.

The two infantry fighting vehicles with still working turrets turned their guns around to attack the female warriors, completely ignoring Ruger.

Naturally, Luger would not be polite here and threw out the shells like water for free.

Boom boom boom~

With one round of rapid fire, the engine of an infantry fighting vehicle, the driver and the turret commander were all killed.

Without the command of the turret commander, the actual body of the turret, the surgically modified machine gun crab, could only rely on instinct to continue spitting out tongues of fire straight ahead.

Its eyes were still chasing the figure of the female warrior, and it acted according to the last order issued by the commander, and its artillery kept firing at Minerva.

Seeing that one of his teammates was easily killed again, the last intact infantry fighting vehicle immediately turned its muzzle and pointed it at Luger.

However, their previous two cannon salvos failed to catch the Luger tank tank, and now that there was only one gun left, it was naturally even more impossible.

Ruger drew an arc around the central square, then passed the range of the 37mm rapid-fire cannon, and turned behind the body of the Crip Fighter that was still chasing the female soldier and firing.

After slightly correcting the muzzle, Ruger this time sent an armor-piercing round directly towards the still-firing turret.

This bullet penetrated the soul as soon as it was fired, and finally sent the modified machine gun crab, which was still working mechanically, to sleep forever.


The female warrior over there was out of danger and couldn't help but shout hello to Luger.

Two of the opponent's three cannons have been eliminated by Luger, and there is only one rapid-fire cannon left, which is even less worrying.

In addition, the female warrior who had been suppressed and beaten now had the support of her teammates. The weak energy she had been beaten before immediately turned into full of fighting spirit, and she pressed forward desperately.

The last 37mm rapid-fire cannon was just chasing the female soldier and fighting back. If it dared to turn around and hit the Luger, the female soldier would immediately rush over and chop it with a knife.

Seeing this situation, it had to turn back to deal with the female warrior, and then let Ruger seize the opportunity to adjust the muzzle and fire more deadly armor-piercing bullets at it.

Just like that, his two fists were hard to defeat in four hands. The guy's muzzle swung back and forth. Finally, he accidentally chopped the barrel into several pieces before he could do it in time.

The barrel was cut off completely, and the artillery itself was still firing, but the shells it fired had no idea where to fly.

There was even one shot that flew directly diagonally downward, penetrated his own front armor, and almost hit the front driver's seat or the deputy command position.

Realizing that he had almost killed himself, the forward turret commander quickly asked the machine gun crab turret to stop firing.

It's just that as soon as the previous crisis was resolved, the next crisis followed.

Taking advantage of this time, Luger had already floated to their side. Seeing that it relaxed, he immediately fired another armor-piercing round, sending this group of ghosts to the west to reunite.

The two infantry fighting vehicles with guns were both eliminated, leaving only the earliest one whose turret was killed.

Luger was about to turn around to find it, but saw that the female soldier over there had already caught up and stuffed a remote-controlled bomb along the narrow slit in the cockpit.

Then, he heard the female warrior yell "Save your mother", his left hand twitched subconsciously, and the cockpit of the last remaining operational tank was blown away.

At this point, the two finally eliminated all enemy units in the underground arsenal camp.

As a result, even Ruger could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The battle took no more than 10 minutes, but the battle was fierce and the situation was tragic. It was no exaggeration to say that it was like a year.

The patrol bees that had flown from afar before were about to fly over the camp during this time.

Looking up, Ruger shook his head helplessly and disdainfully, and decided to ignore them for the time being.

After calming down, he hurriedly asked Lao Gua Zao, "How is Tia doing? Have you found that Sarah?"

Seeing Lao Gua Zao shaking his head, he sighed helplessly and continued, "Okay, then where is she now? Let's go and help her find her."

Hearing what he said, Lao Gua Zao quickly narrowed his eyes, as if searching and thinking for a while, and then turned his head to a barracks not far ahead.

"Go there, there is a passage leading to the underground secret room. Go in from there and you will catch up with the master soon."

Ruger was a little helpless about the fact that there was another underground secret room under the camp when this place was already an underground cave.

No way, it's strange, it's strange that you don't like to dig holes.

He just shook his head and called the female warrior to go there together.

"Hey, what should we do with those flying insects that suddenly appeared in the sky?"

Seeing that he didn't even look at the patrol bees that just flew over, the female warrior couldn't help shouting.

However, the next moment, she looked back at the patrol bees, but unexpectedly found that they unexpectedly stopped outside before flying into the sky above the camp.

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